
  • 网络wood pulping
  1. 闽南引种4个相思树种木材制浆性能的研究

    Study on wood pulping performances of four introduced Acacia species in southern Fujian

  2. 本文对其发展趋势进行了探讨,并认为:1-木材制浆造纸工业将逐步成为我国林产化学工业的支柱产业;

    This paper deals with the trends of its development and main points of view are : 1 . wood pulping and papermaking industry will gradually develop to be the mainstay of the forest chemical industry .

  3. 中国木材制浆造纸产业发展现状及对策

    Situation and strategy on China wood pulp and paper industry

  4. 蔗渣是一种重要的非木材制浆造纸原料。

    Bagasse is an important kind of non-timber fiber material for pulping and paper making .

  5. 试验发现20年生伐龄木材制浆性能有一定优越性。

    It is of advantage to use P. massoniana wood at 20 years age for pulping .

  6. 中国造纸工业非木材制浆污染防治的评价与展望

    Prevention and Solution of the Pollution Causing by Non-Wood Fiber Pulping in China : Evaluation and Prospect

  7. 草类纤维木质素结构的特性,造成草类纤维的制浆过程与木材制浆的差异;

    The structural characteristics of lignin of straw fiber resulting in the difference between the pulping process of straw fiber and that of timber ;

  8. 主要包括木材制浆造纸、木质活性炭、松脂化学加工、植物单宁、林产精油、植物提取物等。

    The main products are : wood pulp and paperboard , wood-based active carbon , oleoresin chemicals , vegetable ( tannins ,) essential oils , plant extracts , etc.

  9. 指出近年非木材制浆黑液治理已取得突破性进展,成绩显著,中国造纸工业对水环境的污染已经得到较大程度的缓解。

    Although water pollution caused by pulp and paper industry has been decreased in recent years mainly due to the breakthrough progress of black liquor recovery technology of non-wood pulping .

  10. 介绍了我国造纸工业发展木材制浆造纸、走林纸结合发展道路的概况以及非木材纤维原料资源利用情况和二次纤维利用的发展前景。

    The status of China ′ s industry including the development of pulp and paper industry based on wood raw material through the integration of forest and paper industries , non - wood raw materials and secondary fibers are introduced .

  11. 木材硫酸盐制浆工厂使用蒸煮添加剂技术

    Digester Additive Technology for Wood Kraft Pulping Mill

  12. 非木材纤维制浆技术

    Pulping Technology of Non-wood Fibres

  13. 同时,研究了在非木材纤维制浆中添加助剂对制浆废液粘度和纸浆滤水性能及物理强度性能的影响。

    In non-wood fiber cooking , the cooking aids had no obvious effects on the viscosity of black liquor , as well as drainability and strengths of the pulps .

  14. 几种非木材原料APMP制浆性能研究

    APMP Pulping Performance of Four Kinds of Non-Wood Resource

  15. 非木材纤维原料制浆技术研究进展

    Study on Pulping Technology of Non - wood Fiber Materials

  16. 刚果12号桉的木材性质及制浆试验

    Wood properties and pulping experiment of Eucalyptus ABL No.12

  17. 利用非木材长纤维制浆造纸

    Long fibred non-wood species for pulping and papermaking

  18. 木质素的分布及其局部化学影响着木材竹材在制浆造纸及纤维板材工业中的使用。

    The distribution of lignin and its local chemical impacted the use of wood and bamboo in fiber board industry .

  19. 两种进口阔叶木材纤维质量及制浆性能

    Investigation of Pulping Performance and Fiber Quality of the Imported Hardwood

  20. 针对我国制浆行业的中小型企业多、木材短缺、麦草为主的非木材纤维原料制浆比重大等特点。

    In our country , wood material is short and wheat straw is the main material for pulping .