
  • 网络timber trade
  1. 浅析WTO木材贸易争端及其借鉴意义

    Analysis of WTO 's Disputes on Timber Trade and Their Implications

  2. 中国近现代木材贸易及其影响因素分析

    The Analysis about Timber Trade and Influencing Factors of Modern China

  3. 中俄木材贸易与中俄林业经济合作研究南亚地区的经济合作

    Research on Timber Trade and Forestry Economic Cooperation between China and Russia

  4. 中俄木材贸易的有益探讨

    Meaningful Discussion of the Wood Trade Between China and Russia

  5. 热带林木材贸易政策与毁林模型

    Model of tropical forest wood trade policy and deforestation

  6. 徽商与明清时期的木材贸易

    Huizhou Merchants and the Timber Trading in Ming-Qing Period

  7. 关于中国木材贸易资源基础的思考

    Meditations on the Resource Base of Chinese Timber Trade

  8. 从国际纺织品和木材贸易中学习经验

    Learning from international textile and lumber trade examples

  9. 热带林木材贸易分析研究

    An analysis of international trade in tropical timber

  10. 非洲森林经济和木材贸易组织

    Inter-African Organization of Forestry Economy and Timber Trade

  11. 基于资源配置的中俄木材贸易关系探讨

    Discussion of Timber Trade Relationship between China and Russia Based on Resource Allocation Theory

  12. 世界木材贸易概述

    The Survey of World Timber Trade

  13. 中俄木材贸易的新契机

    New Opportunity for Sino-Russia Timber Trade

  14. 世纪之交的日俄木材贸易研究

    A Case Studying to the Chinese Factor in the Timber Trade of the Japan and Russia

  15. 认为中国在21世纪的日俄木材贸易中将发挥重要的作用。

    The author thinks that China can play an important role in the timber trade of Japan and Russia .

  16. 本研究就是将博弈论分析应用到我国在木材贸易中所遭受的技术性贸易壁垒。

    The paper studies on how to apply the game analysis in the TBT threatening China in her wood trade .

  17. 通过分析人工林的发展趋势,展望未来世界木材贸易格局的改变。

    The author looksahead the change of the patterns in world timber trade in the future byanalysing the prospects of plantation .

  18. 就是因为技术性贸易壁垒的双重性影响,应用博弈论的分析方法对木材贸易中的技术性壁垒进行研究具有合理性。

    Because of the dualism , it is rational to apply the game analysis to study on the TBT in wood trade .

  19. 黔中地区的垦殖农业、黔西北地区的工矿业、黔东南地区的木材贸易、以及各地人口的生活消耗,是造成清代贵州地区森林分布发生变化的主要驱动力。

    Farming , mining , timber trade and living consumption were main driving forces of the change of forest in Guizhou in the Qing dynasty .

  20. 非法野生动物贸易是世界上规模最大的违禁贸易之一,每年的规模约为190亿美元,这还不包括非法的渔业和木材贸易。

    Illegal wildlife is one of the world 's largest contraband trades , netting an estimated $ 19 billion a year , not including illegal fisheries and timber .

  21. 实施跨国森林资源合作,分散进口市场,同时提高中国木材贸易竞争力,实施木材贸易可持续发展战略,已成为保障中国木材进口安全,缓解供需矛盾的有效途径。

    It has been an effective solution for ensuring China 's wood import security that we carry out forest resource cooperation , disperse the import markets , and improve China 's wood competitiveness , implement lasting development tactics on China 's wood trade .

  22. 美国、欧盟等国家打着保护森林资源、打击非法采伐的名义对我国日益强大的木材贸易,尤其是家具行业设置了技术性贸易壁垒,使我国家具企业遭受重大的损失。

    USA , EU and some other countries have set TBT against the increasingly developed wood trade of China , especially the furnishing industry , in the name of forest resource conservation and combating illegal logging , which has caused heavy losses for Chinese furnishing businesses .

  23. 为了应对木材贸易的需求,该机构的报告呼吁中国暂停所有从湄公河区域进口红木的活动,直到来源国家拿出证据,证明未来的出口不会威胁到该国交趾黄檀的数量,因而是可持续的。

    Addressing the demand side of the trade , the agency 's report calls on China to halt imports of all rosewood from the Mekong region until the source countries produce evidence that any future exports will not threaten their Siamese rosewood populations and therefore are sustainable .

  24. 随着林业可持续发展得到国际社会和各国政府的高度重视,木材贸易可持续发展也受到广泛关注,并成为行业共识,既是可持续发展战略的重要组成部分,也是可持续发展由理论走向实践的具体体现。

    With international community and governments attaching great importance to sustainable development of forestry , sustainable development of timber trade has also been widespread concern and industry consensus . Not only an important part of sustainable development strategy , but also materialize sustainable development from theory to practice .

  25. 浅议我国木材国际贸易的比较优势

    An Elementary Research on the Comparative Advantages of China 's International Timber Trade

  26. 黑龙江省木材进口贸易发展现状、问题及对策

    Current Status , Problems and Countermeasures of Timber Import Trade of Heilongjiang Province

  27. 2005年中国经济的高速增长带动了木材进口贸易的快速发展。

    China 's rapidly growing economy in 2005 drove fast development of timber import trade .

  28. 国际木材和贸易组织

    International Timber and Trade Organization

  29. 木材国际贸易对缓解我国森林资源紧张矛盾,促进木材产业适应国际竞争要求,提高产业竞争力具有重要意义。

    International timber trade plays an important role in relieving forest resources shortage and promoting industry competition power .

  30. 在世贸组织体制下,我国木材国际贸易的环境将发生重大变化。

    Great changes will take place in international timber trade environment in China under the World Trade Organization system .