
  • 网络resources trade
  1. 自然资源是人社会赖以生存和发展的基础,当今世界贸易中自然资源贸易构成了国际贸易的重要组成部分。

    Natural resources are fundamental for human life . The volume of natural resources trade plays an important part in international trades .

  2. 英国皇家国际事务研究所警示:不断升级的资源贸易战可能让世界贸易组织(WTO)的争端解决机制不堪重负。

    Chatham House warns that escalating trade wars over resources could overwhelm the dispute settlement regime at the World Trade Organisation .

  3. 铁矿资源贸易与钢铁主业海外战略分析

    Abroad strategic analysis on iron ore resources and iron and steel

  4. 与周边国家建立长期稳定的资源贸易伙伴关系。

    Developing long-term resources partnership with neighboring countries and keeping its stability .

  5. 东北亚地区森林资源贸易与流动研究

    Forest Resource Trade and Flow over Northeast Asia

  6. 中钢集团是中国一家国有的战略资源贸易公司,该集团发言人拒绝对此事置评。

    A Sinosteel spokesman declined to comment .

  7. 第三章将介绍部分有代表性国家的稀有资源贸易政策和战略储备制度,作为调整我国稀有资源贸易政策取向的借鉴。

    Chapter Three will introduce the rare resource trade policies and strategic reserve system of some typical foreign countries which will be taken as the reference to adjust our rare resource trade policies .

  8. 针对当前国际贸易中环境问题发展的新趋势,采取资源贸易定价、利用技术转移和直接投资以及制定多样性的环保标准等策略可从一定程度上实现国际贸易与环境的协调发展。

    To the new trend of environmental question development in present international trade , it is very essential in order to realize the international trade and coordinated development of the environment to adopt the feasible tactics .

  9. 我国政府应当发挥更为积极的作用,选择实施更有效的稀有资源贸易政策来保护我们有限的稀有资源,为子孙后代造福。

    The strategic importance and urgency are so obvious that our government should play a more active role to establish more practical trade policies to protect the limited rare resources and to bring benefit to our descendants .

  10. 经验交流指那些以服务,技巧,以及资源作为贸易往来的一群人。

    It 's a skills exchange-a group of who trade services , skills and resources .

  11. 这些新进入市场的公司不仅创造了大量的基于网络资源的贸易行为,同时也直接冲击着基本通信服务的商业模式。

    Not only that these new entrants are creating huge traffic on the networks resources but also directly challenged the business models of basic communication services .

  12. 简要介绍了我国化工矿产资源及其贸易状况。并针对促进紧缺资源进口和优化资源出口的问题,分类讨论了有关的贸易政策取向。

    Present state on chemical mineral resources and their import and export trade in our country are introduced and adoption of trade policies on the chemical minerals are discussed .

  13. 外贸公司存在着许多共性问题,例如企业定位,组织结构,公司治理体制,人力资源和贸易范围等,东风汽车进出口公司则在共性中存在着特性。

    There are many general problems in DFM , for example , the company 's market position , organization structure , management system , human resource and trade scale , etc. DFM has reflected its own characteristic in the general problems .

  14. LNG资源和LNG贸易介绍

    Introduction on LNG resource and LNG trade

  15. 资源配置、贸易条件与中国加入AFTA的动因及前景分析

    An Analysis of Resource Allocation , TOT and the Causes and Future of China 's Entry Into AFTA

  16. 河南省养蜂资源与生产贸易

    The Resource and Process and Commerce of Apiculture in Henan Province

  17. 搞好资源进出口贸易取长补短;

    Handling well the inport and export tr de of resources ;

  18. 虚拟资源:国际贸易发展中值得关注的新视角

    Virtual Resources : a New Visual Angle in the Development of International Trade

  19. 世界天然气资源状况及贸易格局分析

    The Situation and Trade Pattern of World Natural Gas

  20. 使用单一资源搜索受限贸易方或禁运国家或地区。

    Use a single source to search for restricted trading parties or embargoed countries .

  21. 通过贸易限制措施保护国内水资源受到自由贸易体制的制约。

    The protection of domestic freshwater resources by the measures of trade restriction is restricted by the free trade system .

  22. 正确处理环境与贸易的关系对于保护环境资源、促进贸易发展具有十分重要的作用。

    It plays an essential part in environment protection and trade promotion to properly deal with the relationship between environment and trade .

  23. 被人为压低的德国汇率导致以劳动力为代表的生产资源从不可贸易品向可贸易品生产领域转移。

    The depressed German exchange rate has shifted productive resources , labour in particular , from the non-traded to the tradable sector .

  24. 欲达此目的,扩大资源的国际贸易,特别是石油、天然气的进口就变得十分重要。

    So it is very important to enlarge the international trade of resources , especially , the import of petroleum and natural gas .

  25. 对服务贸易的影响主要是因为资源在可贸易品部门和不可贸易品部门间的重新配置。

    To the service trade influence mainly is because the resources in may the trade department and may not redeploying between trade department 's.

  26. 阿曼是中东地区的一个中等收入的国家,拥有很多的石油和天然气资源,高贸易顺差,低通货。

    Oman is a middle-income economy in the Middle East with notable oil and gas resources , a substantial trade surplus , and low inflation .

  27. 资源性商品贸易全成本包括生产成本(尤其是劳动力成本)、环境成本、代际成本、矿业税费成本以及交易费用、管理费用等其它成本。

    The total trade cost of resource commodities contains production cost ( especially labor cost ), environmental cost , intergenerational cost , mining tax cost , transaction cost and management cost .

  28. 加强电子废弃物的法律规制,有利于保护环境,合理利用资源,应对贸易壁垒以及建立循环经济产业。

    By strengthening the legal controls on the electro-waste , we can better protect environment , utilize resources rationally , cope with trade barrier and set up the circular economy industry .

  29. 分别对我国石油和煤炭的贸易政策进行了阶段性划分,并指出这两种资源性产品贸易政策的演变具有紧-松-紧的特点。

    The periodical segmentation of Chinese petroleum oil and coal trade policies , and points out the evolution of the trade policy has a character of " tight-loose-tight " . 4 .

  30. 该合作涉及流域内的6个国家包括缅甸、老挝、中国云南省、泰国、柬埔寨和越南,合作范围涉及交通、通讯、能源、旅游、环境、人力资源开发、贸易和投资、禁毒等八大领域。

    The cooperation involves six countries , including the basin of Myanmar , Laos , Yunnan Province of China , Thailand , Cambodia and Vietnam and is aimed at strengthening the adoption of the economic link among member states to promote regional economic and social development .