
  1. 资本雇佣劳动的根源脆弱性的根源是什么?

    Why Does Capital Employ Labor ? What cause the fragility ?

  2. 一个企业组织租金分配的二阶段模型&关于资本雇佣劳动的讨论

    A Two-Stage Model Distributing Organizational Rents of Enterprises & the Discussion About Why Capital Employs Labors

  3. 在古典企业和某些现代股份制企业中,资本雇佣劳动是一个不争的事实。

    In classical enterprises and some modern shared company , it 's a fact that capital employs labor .

  4. 资本雇佣劳动是指物质资本主体垄断企业控制权和剩余索取权。

    Capital employing labor means owners of substantial capital hold control right and residual claiming right of a enterprise .

  5. 本文结合中国国有企业产权改革中取得的成果,对有关资本雇佣劳动的理论进行了简单的评述和总结,就资本雇佣劳动之所以是企业主要形式提出了自己的解释。

    From the achievements of China ′ s property right reforms , it can be seen why capital employs labor .

  6. 知识经济中的企业权力结构&会发生从资本雇佣劳动到劳动雇佣资本的变革吗

    Right Construction of Enterprise in Knowledge Economy : Can Fundamental Changes from Capital employment Labor to Labor employment Capital Take Place

  7. 从资本雇佣劳动到劳动分享资本的思考&基于产权会计学视角

    Thinking About from " the Capital Wage Labor " to " the Work Share Capital " & Based on Equity Accounting View

  8. 传统财权配置以“资本雇佣劳动”逻辑为依托,体现的是“股东至上”的价值导向。

    Traditional arrangement of financial-right relies on the logic of " Capital Hires Labor " and shows the value orientation of shareholder primacy .

  9. 但在主流经济学那里,资本雇佣劳动被证明是最有效率企业所有权安排。

    However , the " Capital Hires Labour " model has been considered as the most efficient method of corporate governance according to main economics .

  10. 第三,本文提出应该从对于关键性资产的控制能力的角度理解资本雇佣劳动还是劳动雇佣资本的问题。

    Thirdly , the thesis develops the view that whether the capital should employ labor or vice versa depends on the control capability for key resources .

  11. 事实上,古典企业是资本雇佣劳动,现代企业则是共同治理,它们是不同性质的企业契约。

    In fact , traditional firm and modern firm are different in nature , with the former being capi - tal wage labor and the latter common management .

  12. 传统资本主义与社会主义争论的核心问题:是资本雇佣劳动还是劳动雇佣资本,是资产阶级主导社会还是无产阶级主导社会等,正随着知识经济社会的来临而逐渐淡出。

    The debate core problem of tradition is capital hire labor or labor hire capital , is bourgeois or proletariat dominant society . But these problems have fade out for the knowledge economy 's come .

  13. 其实,企业雇佣这个概念也要重新界定,资本雇佣劳动向劳动雇佣资本的转变是知识劳动力市场又一新的特征,在这个转变中,又产生了新的薪酬模式。

    In fact , the concept of enterprise employment should be renewed , knowledge labor market 's another character is from capital employ labor to labor employ capital , during which new pay pattern come out .

  14. 国有控股公司内部人控制问题由来已久,原因之一在于转轨过程由于产权安排不合理而导致的资本雇佣劳动。

    The insiders controlling in state-owned companies has been existing for a long time , and one of the reasons is ' capital hires labours ' which resultes from unreasonable property right determination during transition times .

  15. 在资本雇佣劳动的时代,物质资本在企业生产中占据主导地位,劳动者无权参与企业剩余收益分配,只能以工资形式获得维持其简单再生产的报酬。

    In an age of " capital hire labor ", Physical capital dominates the enterprise production . Workers have no right to participate in the residual income distribution . They got wages paid to maintain the simple reproduction .

  16. 从传统的企业理论出发,在高科技企业中实行资本雇佣劳动的所有权分配方式,将极大地挫伤人力资本的积极性,带来企业效益的损失。

    Therefore if we embark merely from the traditional enterprise theory and still implements " the capital hires the works " the property rights assignment method in the high-tech enterprise , it will dampen enormously the human capital enthusiasm and will bring the enterprise benefit loss .

  17. 从委托代理理论的深层原因、资本雇佣劳动的渊源、企业的企业家一般均衡模型、人力资本升值和委托人的道德风险等方面分析,我们认为,共同治理模式是最佳的公司治理模式;

    From the deep-seated reasons of principal-agent theory , the origin of capital-hiring-labor theory , general equilibrium entrepreneurial mode of the firm , appreciation of human capital and the moral hazard of agent , the paper attempts to show that co-governance is the best choice for a company .

  18. 现今的这种财产是在资本和雇佣劳动的对立中运动的。

    Property , in its present form , is based on the antagonism of capital and wage-labour .

  19. 正确处理经济发展中农业和工商业的关系,生产、积累和消费之间的关系,资本和雇佣劳动的关系,利润率和利息率的关系。

    Production , accumulation and consumption ; capital and wage labour ; profit rate and interest rate .

  20. 在马克思看来,随着社会关系的物化,私人劳动和社会劳动的分裂,人和人之间的生产关系必然表现为资本和雇佣劳动关系。

    In the eyes of Marx , with the materialization of social relationship and abruption of private and social labor , the relation of production is necessarily the relation of capital and employing .

  21. 是劳动雇佣资本还是资本雇佣劳动&与毛蕴诗和李新家两位先生商榷

    Labor Employ Capital , or Capital Employ Labor

  22. 资本的条件是雇佣劳动。

    The condition for capital is wage-labour .

  23. 随着人力资本在企业中作用的增强,资本雇佣劳动的逻辑开始动摇。

    As the role of human capital in firms is increasing , the logic of capital employing labor becomes shaky .

  24. 人力资本产权化条件下,建立在“资本雇佣劳动”逻辑基础上的传统财务管理面临改革与创新。

    With the property of human capital , traditional financial management needs to reform and innovate , which is on the basis of " labor haired by capital " .

  25. 由于非人力资本在传统企业中的独特地位,在企业产权制度方面突出表现为资本雇佣劳动,资本雇佣劳动似乎成了永恒的命题。

    Because of physical capital ' special status , enterprise property right mainly is " Capital employ labor " .

  26. 资本所有权的产权特征影响企业所有权的契约安排,从而使契约形式具有多样性,如资本雇佣劳动或劳动雇佣资本式单边治理契约和利益相关者共同治理契约。

    The ownership of capital will influence contractual disposition of ownership of enterprise . Thus the disposition contracts have variety of forms , such as " capital hire labor " or " labor hire capital " sole-part contract and " correlative stakeholders corporate " all-parts contract .