
Why Does Capital Employ Labor ? What cause the fragility ?
A Two-Stage Model Distributing Organizational Rents of Enterprises & the Discussion About Why Capital Employs Labors
In classical enterprises and some modern shared company , it 's a fact that capital employs labor .
Capital employing labor means owners of substantial capital hold control right and residual claiming right of a enterprise .
From the achievements of China ′ s property right reforms , it can be seen why capital employs labor .
Right Construction of Enterprise in Knowledge Economy : Can Fundamental Changes from Capital employment Labor to Labor employment Capital Take Place
Thinking About from " the Capital Wage Labor " to " the Work Share Capital " & Based on Equity Accounting View
Traditional arrangement of financial-right relies on the logic of " Capital Hires Labor " and shows the value orientation of shareholder primacy .
However , the " Capital Hires Labour " model has been considered as the most efficient method of corporate governance according to main economics .
Thirdly , the thesis develops the view that whether the capital should employ labor or vice versa depends on the control capability for key resources .
In fact , traditional firm and modern firm are different in nature , with the former being capi - tal wage labor and the latter common management .
The debate core problem of tradition is capital hire labor or labor hire capital , is bourgeois or proletariat dominant society . But these problems have fade out for the knowledge economy 's come .
In fact , the concept of enterprise employment should be renewed , knowledge labor market 's another character is from capital employ labor to labor employ capital , during which new pay pattern come out .
The insiders controlling in state-owned companies has been existing for a long time , and one of the reasons is ' capital hires labours ' which resultes from unreasonable property right determination during transition times .
In an age of " capital hire labor ", Physical capital dominates the enterprise production . Workers have no right to participate in the residual income distribution . They got wages paid to maintain the simple reproduction .
Therefore if we embark merely from the traditional enterprise theory and still implements " the capital hires the works " the property rights assignment method in the high-tech enterprise , it will dampen enormously the human capital enthusiasm and will bring the enterprise benefit loss .
From the deep-seated reasons of principal-agent theory , the origin of capital-hiring-labor theory , general equilibrium entrepreneurial mode of the firm , appreciation of human capital and the moral hazard of agent , the paper attempts to show that co-governance is the best choice for a company .
Property , in its present form , is based on the antagonism of capital and wage-labour .
Production , accumulation and consumption ; capital and wage labour ; profit rate and interest rate .
In the eyes of Marx , with the materialization of social relationship and abruption of private and social labor , the relation of production is necessarily the relation of capital and employing .
Labor Employ Capital , or Capital Employ Labor
The condition for capital is wage-labour .
As the role of human capital in firms is increasing , the logic of capital employing labor becomes shaky .
With the property of human capital , traditional financial management needs to reform and innovate , which is on the basis of " labor haired by capital " .
Because of physical capital ' special status , enterprise property right mainly is " Capital employ labor " .
The ownership of capital will influence contractual disposition of ownership of enterprise . Thus the disposition contracts have variety of forms , such as " capital hire labor " or " labor hire capital " sole-part contract and " correlative stakeholders corporate " all-parts contract .