
  • 网络Resource organization;WRG;WRTF
  1. 一种Web资源组织框架

    A New Organization Framework of Web Resource

  2. XML将对Web产生重大影响,并影响图书馆参与Web信息资源组织和整理的方式。

    XML will take great impact on Web and will change the state of Web information management in libraries .

  3. Overlay期刊:网络开放学术资源组织与利用的新方式

    Overlay Journal : New Means of Organizing and Using Web-based Open Academic Resources

  4. 结合实例,通过构造IRIS与IRN进行企业信息资源组织工作。

    Combining with concrete example , construct IRIS and IRN to organize information resources .

  5. 资源组织技术主要论述了MARC数据、Z39.50标准、DC元数据以及XML在图书馆中的应用。

    The resources organization technology mainly states the MARC data , the Z39.50 standard , the DC number and XML in library application .

  6. 着重介绍了基于ASP技术、B/S模式文献信息检索课程教学平台的开发思路、资源组织及技术架构等方面的问题。

    Introduced emphatically based on the ASP technology , B / S pattern literature information retrieval curriculum teaching aspect and so on platform development mentality , resources organization and technical overhead construction question .

  7. DDC在网络资源组织中的应用:加拿大主题信息系统简介&兼谈《中图法》网络分类体系的建立

    ( 35 ) On application of DDC in the organization of Web re-sources - An introduction to Canadian Information By Sub - ject

  8. 研究并构想了分面分类法在园林行业中的应用,修订了DC元数据及其扩展元素,并对网络信息资源组织提出了若干建议。

    This paper analyses and conceives the application of the face classification in the field of Chinese landscape architecture . It revised the DC metadata and the extensible elements of it . This paper also puts some suggestions of organization of network information resource .

  9. 网格是当今分布式计算研究领域最为活跃的部分,它以虚拟组织VO(VirtualOrganization)的形式灵活、有效地将不同管理域的异构资源组织起来,协同完成大型计算任务。

    Grid is currently the most active part of distributed computing research field , organizes the heterogeneous resources in different administrative domains flexibly and effectively in the form of VO ( virtual organization ) and coordinates the completion of large computing tasks .

  10. 前不久,马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校的LGBT资源组织石墙中心(TheStonewallCenter)完成了第一份关于非传统男女性别大学生的全国调查报告。

    The Stonewall Center , an L.G.B.T. resource group at the University of Massachusetts , Amherst , recently completed the first national study of college students who identify as something other than male or female .

  11. 非营利性人力资源组织WorldatWork的一项研究显示,美国雇主们不再拖延和观望,已经开始加薪。

    Employers also are no longer dragging their feet and waiting extra weeks to deliver these raises , according to research by nonprofit HR Association worldatwork .

  12. 基于网站建设的学科信息资源组织与开发的整合模式及其实现方案

    Integration Pattern and Realization Scheme of Subject Resources Based on Website Construction

  13. 网络环境下信息服务及信息资源组织管理

    Information Service and Management of Information Resources in Network Environment

  14. 网络信息资源组织的新模式&主题网关

    Information Gateway & A New Model of Organizing Internet Resources

  15. 大学图书馆数字资源组织体系探索

    On the Organization System of the Digital Resources in a College Library

  16. 元数据在网络信息资源组织与检索中的作用

    The Metadata Function of Network Information Resource Organization and Retrieval

  17. 在前言部分着重谈了进行网络信息资源组织的意义;

    In the preface : The significance of Networked Information Resource organization ;

  18. 都柏林核心元数据&网络信息资源组织的新标准

    Dublin Core Metadata & A New Standard of Network Information Resources ' Organization

  19. 网络信息资源组织与图书馆读者工作

    Organization of Network Information And Service for Library Readers

  20. 网格系统资源组织与管理研究综述

    A Comprehensive Study of the Resource Organization and Management of the Grid System

  21. 元数据及其在网络学术资源组织中的应用

    The Application of Metadata in Academic information of networks

  22. 公共图书馆面向企业的政府信息资源组织与服务

    Businesses-oriented Government Information Organizing and Services in Public Library

  23. 数字化校园网信息资源组织模型与实现

    Organization Model and Implement on Information Resource for Campus-Network

  24. 从无序到有序&网络信息资源组织管理

    From Disorder to Order-Management of Internet Information Resource System

  25. 美国的因特网资源组织

    The Cataloging of Internet Resource in the United States

  26. 标准化和规范化建设是网络学科信息资源组织的基本保证。

    Standardization construction is essential guarantee for the internet discipline information resources organization .

  27. 网格计算可以将分布的计算机资源组织协调起来共同解决科学与工程问题。

    Collaborated with distributed computer organizations , it can solve scientific and engineering problems .

  28. 学科门户资源组织模式研究

    Study on Resource Organization Model in Subject Gateway

  29. 关于数字信息资源组织的标准化问题研究

    On the Standardization of Digital Information Organization

  30. 论书目控制理论在网络信息资源组织中的利用

    Bibliographical Control and Network Information Resources Organization