
  1. 这可能是由于彼此相依的肌细胞错开。

    This is probably the result of slippage of cells alongside each other .

  2. 道歉会带给夫妻一个加深爱情和彼此相依好机会。

    An apology gives couples an excellent opportunity to deepen their love and commitment .

  3. 这是我人生第一次感到将会失去一个本来彼此相依的人。

    It was the first time I 'd ever had the feeling of missing someone I was still with .

  4. 医患关系本应是医方和患者双方彼此相依、相互促进的一个整体,共同对抗疾病。

    The doctor-patient relationship should be the prescriptions and patients both sides depend on each other , promote each other to each other a whole , the common fight against disease .

  5. 恰似光与影彼此紧紧相依相随。

    These things move within you as lights and shadows in pairs that cling .

  6. 你若有一切的恩赐,你就不需要任何人了,这会抵触神的心意&就是要我们彼此相爱和相依。

    If you had them all , you 'd have no need of anyone else , and that would defeat one of God 's purposes-to teach us to love and depend on each FOR other .