
  • 网络Quality circle;quality control circles
  1. 由于“质量圈”的建立,我们工厂中的工人比以前更加关心整个制造过程。

    Through the establishment of " quality circles ," our plant workers have become far more involved than they used to be in the building process .

  2. 比较结果显示,通过全院护理记录质量品质圈的活动,学习后护理记录缺陷明显少于学习前,达到了促进护理人员护理记录书写质量全面提高的目的。

    The results showed that the Quality Ring Activity was an effective method to improve the nursing record quality management .

  3. 梳棉机给棉板与刺辊隔距对梳棉质量影响圈条器喇叭口的尺寸与梳棉条的支数不合适。

    The effect of carding feed plate and taker-in on card sliver quality Size of the coiler trumpet not adjusted to the hank .

  4. 费米子质量的单圈修正和强、弱作用的CP破坏效应计算

    One loop corrections of the fermion masses and the CP-violation calculations of the strong and weak interactions

  5. 二维情况下内部有质量费米子单圈图对Casimir力的贡献

    Internal Massive Fermion Loop Contribution to Casimir Force in Two-Dimensions

  6. 运用所得结果在一种SU(2)×U(1)×S3模型中着重计算了夸克质量的单圈修正对QCD的CP破坏效应的贡献,得到较V.Goffin等人给出的更为普遍的结果。

    Using this results , we calculate the contributions of the one loop corrections of the fermion masses to the QCD CP-violation , and have obtained a more general results than V. Goffins ' .

  7. 利用这个关系以及有限温度与有限化学势下的相关压强计算了德拜质量的双圈修正。

    Using this relation , we calculate the two-loop Debye mass from relevant pressures at finite temperature and chemical potential .

  8. 行星热对流环流和地表特性差异对大气质量跨纬圈传输的功效比夏季约为18∶1,冬季为22∶2,此值也与实测十分接近;

    The cross-parallel transmitting efficacy ratio of air mass driven by the planetary convective circulation to that driven by the surface property diversity are about 1.8 ∶ 1 and 2.2 ∶ 2 for summer and winter , respectively , which is either quite similar to that of real data .

  9. 模式计算得到的全球广义季风区的分布和大气质量的跨纬圈输送,与由实测资料算得的结果十分接近;

    The simulated global distribution of generalized monsoon is quite similar to the observational result and so does the cross-parallel transmission of air mass .

  10. 并且我们根据CMS方案的需要将单圈积分函数表达式解析延拓到了复质量平面,并开发了计算包含复质量的单圈积分函数的程序。

    In this work we extend the expressions for calculating one-loop integral functions to the complex mass plane according to the requirement of the CMS method and develop the program codes for calculating one-loop integrals with complex masses .