
  • 网络quality model;Mass Model;qos;HP Quality Model
  1. 基于优化算法和GVT结果的结构质量模型修正

    Structural Mass Model Updating Based on Optimization Algorithm and GVT Results

  2. 对实验吸收边蓝移量与有效质量模型的蓝移量的悬殊差别、俘获态PL谱的形成以及PL谱线的特征作了解释。

    The great discrepancy between the absorption blue shifts from experiment and effective mass model as well as the formation and characteristics of photoluminescence spectra are explained .

  3. 基于BP算法的充填质量模型

    Model of Backfill Quality Based on BP Algorithm

  4. 为此,需要研究在建立GIS数据库时,如何确定质量模型,确保GIS数据质量的一些方法。

    So , some GIS data guarantee measures should be studied when setting GIS database or determine quality models .

  5. 分析单质量模型和二质量模型,建立微分方程组,利用Visualc++软件进行编程计算。

    The one-mass dynamics model and two-mass dynamics model is studied . Differential equation is set up , write the program and calculate the model in Visual C + + language .

  6. 其次,在现有的方法的基础上,结合ISO软件质量模型,提出了面向对象软件质量度量模型。

    According to the ISO software quality model and the measures existed , we provide a new quality metrics model for object-oriented software .

  7. 采用RBF神经网络建立加工误差的质量模型,并通过实验仿真,取得了较好的仿真效果。

    This article establishes the quality model of Mechanic Processing Error by using the RBF network , and has obtained the better simulation effect .

  8. 与用普通的BP训练方法相比,用该方法训练高维输入的BP网络具有较快的收敛速度和较高的模型精度,较好地解决了实际生产过程的产品质量模型问题。

    Compared with usual BP training algorithm , this algorithm provides a better convergence rate and the obtained BP neural network has a higher accuracy . An actual neural quality network model is established for a complicated industrial production line .

  9. 通过许多专家的研究与实践,SERVQUAL评价工具现已被证明是最具权威的评价服务质量模型,其有效性、可靠性和预测性都得到了广泛的认可。

    The SERVQUAL model has been proved as a power tool to evaluate the service quality by many experts , and its effectiveness , reliability and predictability has been widely recognized .

  10. 以高维输入神经网络作为生产线产品质量模型

    Neural Network Quality Model with High dimension Inputs for Production line Products

  11. 轴系连续质量模型在机电耦合轴系扭振研究中的应用

    Application of Shaft Continuos Mass in the Electromechanical Coupling Shaft Torsional Vibration

  12. 传统政务与电子政务服务质量模型及仿真分析

    Model and Simulation on Serving Quality of Traditional Government and e - Government

  13. 原始疲劳质量模型描述方法改进

    Advanced description method of the initial fatigue quality model

  14. 软件产品质量模型和评估模型国际标准的新发展

    A New Trend of International Standard for Software Quality Model and Evaluation Model

  15. 结构细节原始疲劳质量模型参数的拟合优度

    Goodness of fit for the initial fatigue quality model parameters of structural details

  16. 基于软件构件质量模型的度量及应用

    The metrics and application of software-based component quality model

  17. 船舶碰撞数值仿真的附加质量模型

    An Added Water Mass Model for Numerical Simulation of Ship / ship Collisions

  18. 图书馆服务质量模型及其应用

    A Library Service Quality Model and Its Applications

  19. 一种新的数据质量模型的研究

    Research for a New Model of Data Quality

  20. 基于填充函数算法的工业产品小波网络质量模型

    A Wavelet Neural Network Model for Industrial Product Quality Based on Filled Function Algorithm

  21. 测控系统软件质量模型及评价

    Software Quality Model and Evaluation of Control System

  22. 乳化剂结构与性能研究及其质量模型的建立

    Study on the Structure and Performance of Emulsifier and Establishment of Model of Quality

  23. 基于模糊神经网络的大型多辊热连轧产品质量模型

    A quality model for large-scale hot steel rolling production based on Fuzzy Neural Network

  24. 欧洲质量模型及其在中国的应用

    European Quality Model and Its Application in China

  25. 利用主成分分析技术构造了一个多元回归质量模型。

    It selectes a multiple regression quality model with the use of principal components analysis .

  26. 建立了以满意度、忠诚度为核心的图书馆服务质量模型。

    The author establishes a library service quality model with satisfaction and loyalty as the core .

  27. 移动自组网中的服务质量模型研究

    Study of QoS models in MANET

  28. 软件质量模型及其评价

    Model and Evaluation on Software Quality

  29. 板坯质量模型和控制在不锈钢分公司连铸系统中的实现

    Realization of the Slab Quality Model and Control in Continuous Casting System at Stainless Steel Branch

  30. 面向对象设计的质量模型

    Quality Model for Object-oriented Design