
jìnɡ zhēnɡ shì chǎnɡ
  • competitive market
  1. 列表和描述完全竞争市场的特点。

    List and describe the characteristics of a perfectly competitive market .

  2. 论中国商业银行业有效竞争市场结构的构建

    The Establishment of China 's Effective Competitive Market Structure of Banking

  3. 中国加入WTO之后,中国医药市场已经成为国际性的竞争市场。

    China pharmaceutical market has been the international market full of struggle after China joining in WTO .

  4. 我国已经成功加入WTO,正在成为或即将成为国际性竞争市场,中国企业参与国际竞争势在必行。

    Our country has successfully entered WTO , and is becoming or will become the international competing market , so , it 's imperative for the enterprises in China to participate the international competition .

  5. 在完全竞争市场,这只是暂时的。

    In a perfectly competitive market , this can only be temporary .

  6. 同时,放弃了通常的完全竞争市场的假设。

    And we give up the usual assumption of completely competitive market .

  7. 因此,我们的产品品质使我们在整个竞争市场上非常有信心。

    So with the quality we are very confident in the competitive market .

  8. 使机器人具有类似于人一样的说话和听懂人说话的能力,是新世纪信息产业的重要竞争市场。

    Be an important competition market of the information industry in the new century .

  9. 市场势力的存在阻碍着电力工业完全竞争市场的形成。

    Existence of market power hinders the emergence of complete competitive market in power industry .

  10. 在完全竞争市场下的最大利润。

    Profit maximization in perfect competition-standard treatment .

  11. 浅谈竞争市场的营销战略

    On sales strategy in competitive market

  12. 拆分后的中国电信市场是一个寡头竞争市场。

    The telecom market in China after the division of China Telecom is an oligarch competition market .

  13. 国家模拟竞争市场定价是竞争条件不完备情况下的过渡性措施。

    Simulated market price-setting by state is a transitional measure under conditions in which competition is not full-fledged ;

  14. 完全竞争市场这一假设意味着经济主体面临的是一个确定的经济环境。

    The assumption of completed competitive market means a certain economy environment which economy main body is confronted with .

  15. 电力市场是不完全竞争市场,发电企业将通过竞标策略来追求最大的收益。

    Electricity spot markets are Imperfect competitive markets . Power generation firms always pursue maximum profits through bidding strategies .

  16. 这样的企业在完全竞争市场上不能将外部性内在化,配置资源效率低下。

    In the competitive market , such enterprises can 't make externality internality and have low effects in resources ' distribution .

  17. 产业组织或产业经济学是以不完全竞争市场的运行和绩效以及这些市场上的企业行为为研究对象的。

    The traditional approach in industrial organization is primarily empirical : researchers in this tradition try to uncover empirical regularities across industries .

  18. 结合国际上审计行业发展经验,本文认为,我国的审计市场类型将经历从完全竞争市场到寡头垄断市场的转变过程。

    The development of international auditing trade also supports that . So the auditing market in China will also transfer from a perfect competition market to an oligopoly monopoly market .

  19. 第六章对垄断竞争市场上两种类型多媒体产品厂商的市场均衡及收益前景进行了分析,并提出了投资机会的识别方法;

    Chapter 5 is a research on the products in a monopoly market , it makes it clear that what makes a producer to get profit in such a market ;

  20. 而对于投标人而言,要想在激烈的竞争市场中取胜,就必须研究投标报价决策的策略,做出合理的有竞争力的报价。

    For bidders , in the fierce competition to win the market , it is necessary to study the bidding decision-making strategy , and make a reasonable and competitive pricing .

  21. 在激烈竞争市场环境下,如何规划设计高效合理的多楼层设施布置是当前非常重要的问题,而如何分配电梯进行物料搬运又是多楼层设施布置问题中的关键问题。

    On the condition of the fierce market competition that how to plan and design a reasonable , efficient layout for the multi-floor facilities is very important and urgent for the companies .

  22. 相反,如果审计市场存在高质量审计需求,那么供给方必然会通过提高质量来竞争市场份额,这样审计市场才会健康的运行。

    On the contrary , If there are high quality auditing market demands , It must be realized by improving quality to compete for market share , the auditing market will be healthy operation .

  23. 寡头垄断的市场结构下,电信企业行为呈现明显的博弈特征,这与垄断或竞争市场结构下的企业行为形成鲜明的对比。

    Under the market of oligopoly , the behavior of telecommunication enterprises present the obvious characteristic of game playing , which in distinct contrast with the ones under the market of monopoly or competition .

  24. 面对日益激烈的竞争市场,近年来,各电子商务企业通过不断创新,推出各种各样的营销策略以获取用户和交易量。

    In the face of increasingly fierce competition in the market , in recent years , e-commerce businesses keep innovation and have launched a variety of marketing strategies to get users and transaction volume .

  25. 实验结果表明,在寡头竞争市场环境、不对称成本函数和重复博弈条件下,市场竞争逐渐收敛到完全竞争均衡和纳什均衡之间的结果。

    The experimental results show that the market competition will converge to the results between perfect competition equilibrium and Nash equilibrium in oligopolistic electricity markets with asymmetric producer cost functions and repeated play among the producers .

  26. 但现阶段母婴市场面临着竞争市场无序、价格混乱、质量良莠不齐、服务有待提高、品牌效应有待提升等若干问题。

    However , the baby products market facing disordered competition , chaotic price , quality varies greatly and so on . The service of baby products market should be improved , the brand effect remain to be improved .

  27. 文中论述了发展趋向市场集中度较高的垄断竞争市场,对做强做大企业,增强开拓国内外市场能力和提高市场绩效具有的积极作用。

    This paper describes that establishment of monopoly competitive market with higher concentration degree plays an active role in making enterprises stronger and bigger , as well as strengthening competitiveness in domes-tic and international markets and improving market performance .

  28. 以规模经济和不完全竞争市场假设为基础的战略性贸易政策理论认为政府可以通过一定的干预政策改变本国厂商与外国厂商之间的博弈关系,使博弈的结果有利于本国厂商,进而提高国民福利。

    Strategic trade policy analysis is under the assumption of increasing return to scale and imperfect competition . The result of the theory is that governments can improve the national economic welfare by trade policy which alters the strategic relationships between firms .

  29. 当前国际贸易形势呈多变性,我国的出口政策也在不断调整,致使许多国有外贸企业在放开的竞争市场面前处境艰难。

    Due to the variableness of international trade situation and the adjustment of our domestic exporting policy , the majority of Chinese state - owned foreign - trade enterprises have gotten into a living and developing trouble in the opened competitive market .

  30. 要缩短与发达国家技术差距,只有加大R&D投入,保持竞争市场环境,将引进来与走出去有机的结合起来,才能达到缩小与发达国家科技差距或赶超的目的。

    If we want shorten technology gap with developed country , we should strengthen investment with R & D , create competitive market environment , combine foreign technology with domestic technology , and furthermore shorten gap and catch up with developed country .