
  • 网络competition adsorption;competitive adsorption
  1. Pd和Pt之间存在竞争吸附。

    The competition adsorption between Pd and Pt was observed .

  2. 竞争吸附试验表明,膨润土对AFB1有选择吸附特性。

    The competition adsorption test indicated that bentonite can sorpted AFB1 selectivity .

  3. H2PdCl4和竞争吸附剂在Al2O3上吸附的研究

    Study on the adsorption of h_2 pdcl_4 and some competitive adsorbates on al_2 o_3

  4. Cu2+和Pb2+的竞争吸附表明,低浓度时,二者在实验的pH范围内都被吸附,竞争不明显;

    When Cu2 + and Pb2 + coexisted with low concentration , the competition is not obvious at entire range of pH.

  5. RP-HPLC法在竞争吸附有机污染物中的应用

    Application of the RP-HPLC to the competitive absorption of organic contaminants

  6. 多组份加氢催化剂中TiO2的竞争吸附效应

    The Effect of Competitive Adsorption by TiO_2 in Multicomponent Hydrogenation Catalysts

  7. 浸渍法制备Pt/Al2O3催化剂的研究&竞争吸附剂对Pt分布的影响

    The Role of Some Competitive Adsorbents in the Preparation of Pt / Al_2O_3 Catalysts with Controlled Pt Distribution by Impregnation

  8. 土壤pH、有机质和含水氧化物对镉、铅竞争吸附的影响

    Effects of pH , Organic Matter and Hydrous Oxides on Competitive Adsorption of Cd ~ ( 2 + ) and Pb ~ ( 2 + ) by Soil

  9. 当溶液pH值小于3时,大量H+与Cd2+在胶团表面竞争吸附使Cd2+截留率下降。

    Large numbers of H + compete with Cd2 + to bind with micelles . The Cd2 + retention would decline if the solution pH lowers than 3 .

  10. 水和氧在电解银表面上存在着竞争吸附,水的加入能抑制甲醇氧化为甲醛的副产物CO2的产生,提高反应选择性。

    It has also been found that there exists competitive adsorption between water and oxygen on silver and water can increase the selectivity of methanol oxidation to formaldehyde .

  11. 活性炭对铅、镉离子的吸附受振荡时间、离子浓度、pH值、离子竞争吸附等因素的影响,但温度对铅、镉离子的吸附没有显著影响。

    And the different conditions , such as shaking time , ion concentration , pH value and ion competitive absorption had effects on absorptivity , but the adsorptive time had no influence .

  12. 研究发现,卤素离子在银溶胶颗粒上与PMT和MBT有竞争吸附作用。

    It was found that the adsorption of halide ions competes with PMT and MBT .

  13. 本文研究了超声处理对RTM石英纤维/酚醛树脂复合材料在成型中酚醛/乙醇在石英纤维表面竞争吸附控制的影响。

    Competitive Adsorption of Phenolic / Ethanol onto Silica Fiber effected by Ultrasound in RTM process was investigated in this study .

  14. 烟气中的NH3和NO与SO2在催化剂表面竞争吸附,降低了SO2氧化率。

    NH_3 and NO in flue gas competed with SO_2 for adsorption on the surface of catalyst , and decreased the oxidation rate of SO_2 .

  15. 模拟计算所需参数采用估算和回归的方法,通过经验公式估算传质系数,利用单组分正构烷烃在5A分子筛上的吸附平衡数据,直接得到竞争吸附平衡模型参数。

    The necessary parameters for simulation calculation were estimated and regressed on the basis of equilibrium data of monocomponent n-paraffins on 5A molecular sieve .

  16. 从Gibbs吸附公式和R值理论出发,推导了VC-H2O界面上混合表面活性剂的竞争吸附模型。

    Basing on Gibbs adsorption equation and R-value theory , a competitive adsorption model of composite surfactants was established . Since non-ionic surfactants were more easily adsorbed by the interface of VC-H_2O than macromolecule dispersants .

  17. TATB在AS/F2314两种聚合物混合溶液中吸附时,存在分级吸附和竞争吸附现象。

    While TATB adsorbe the polymers in the two-component polymer solution , there are the characteristic of competitive adsorption and fractionated adsorption .

  18. 在实验室中考察了载体对活性组分的吸附性能、浸渍液浓度、pH值液固比、浸渍时间、竞争吸附剂、干燥过程中溶质的迁移等因素的影响。

    The effects of absorption property of support to active components , impregnant concentration , pH val - ue , solid / liquid ratio , impregnation time , competing adsorbant and the transport of solute during drying have been studied in the laboratory .

  19. 本文还用理想吸附溶液(IAS)模型对双组分竞争吸附作了预测。

    In addition , an IAS ( ideal adsorp tion solution ) model is used to predict the competitive adsorption of a dual component system .

  20. 浸渍溶液的浓度、浸渍时间和竞争吸附剂对金属离子在Al2O3上的浸入速率和分布型式均有不同程度的影响。

    It was shown that the pH value of impregnating solution , the impregnating time and the sort of competitive adsorbates could affect onthe relative impregnation depth and the destribution of metal ions on Al2O3 in different degree .

  21. 可见随着离子强度增大,Na+与Cu2+发生竞争吸附,恒电荷和可变电荷土壤对重金属Cu的吸附能力都减弱,但恒电荷土壤的降幅较大。

    It is clear that with ionic strength increase , Na + could compete with Cu2 + , the capabilities of Cu adsorption in constant and variable charge soil lowered , but the decline in constant charge soil was more than that of variable charge soil .

  22. 磷酸盐与DBS在TiO2表面会产生竞争吸附,同时也会影响体系的pH值,从而影响到DBS的光催化降解速率。

    The influence of phosphates on DBS degradation rate caused by the competitive adsorption of phosphates and DBS on the surface of TiO2 , and the effect of phosphate on pH value in the system at the same time .

  23. 在最佳的SiO2/Al2O3比700时,对二甲苯的选择性与乙苯的选择性之比βp/e为5.5.用一种模拟重整产物得到的对二甲苯的竞争吸附容量为120mg/g。

    The selectivity for p-xylene over ethylbenzene ,β _ ( p / c ), was 5.5 at the optimum SiO_2 / Al_2O_3 of 700 . The competitive adsorption capacity for p-xylene from a simulated reformer product was 120 mg / g.

  24. 文中还进一步定义了吸附准平衡时间Tef、吸附率R、累计吸附率TR等参数,可与其它动力学参数配合对竞争吸附动力学特性进行系统分析。

    Sorption quasi equilibrium time Tsf , sorption rate R and summating sorption rate TR are further defined in this document , the competitive sorption kinetic characteristics can analyzed roundly by them and other kinetics parameters .

  25. 用浸渍沉淀法制备复合金属氧化物脱硫剂,添加竞争吸附剂可以使金属氧化物在载体γAl2O3上高度分散,有利于其与硫化物反应。

    By adding competing absorbent to the loading metal oxide desulfurizer , which was prepared through impregnating depositing , can make metal oxide highly disperse on the support of γ Al 2O 3 , and be propitious for acting with sulfide .

  26. 并探讨了在该体系中,由于表面活性剂的阴离子与S~(2-)在单晶CdS电极表面上的竞争吸附,而引起单晶CdS电极的平带电位正移。

    It is approached that the flatband potential of CdS single crystal electrode is shifted toward positive direction , which is due to competitive adsorption of anion of surfactant and S2 - of the system on the surface of CdS single crystal electrode .

  27. 具体结论如下:(1)pb~(2+)与对硝基苯酚(PNP)在同一吸附点位存在竞争吸附;

    The main conclusions of this dissertation are : ( 1 ) It was observed that a competition between Pb ~ ( 2 + ) and PNP for occupying the adsorption sites on sediment .

  28. 利用共焦显微拉曼系统研究了在乙腈非水体系中,二甲基亚砜(DMSO)与乙腈的竞争吸附,同时研究了咪唑在非水乙腈体系中的吸附情况。

    By utilizing SERS ( surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy ) technique and a confocal microprobe Raman system , the competitive adsorption of dimethylsulphoxide ( DMSO ) molecule or imidazole molecule was investigated in the acetonitrile solution at silver electrode .

  29. 而以Sb3+为背景离子时,其对IOCS除磷的吸附容量明显降低,产生了竞争吸附。

    However , when Sb was as competitive ion , competitive adsorption occurred and the adsorptive efficiency , capacity and rate of P were reduced .

  30. TG/DSC曲线表明了在Fe与N2O反应过程中CO的作用表现为通过与N2O在反应表面的竞争吸附使铁氧化物还原为金属铁,X射线衍射证明Fe与N2O反应后的氧化物为Fe2O3;

    TG / DSC curves confirmed that the most of iron oxides produced by Fe N 2O reaction could be reduced to metallic iron in the presence of CO. XRD pattern revealed that the N 2O reacted with iron to yield Fe 2O 3 as the major product .