
  • 网络competitive level
  1. 提高我国优秀网球女子双打运动员竞技水平的研究

    Research on Improving Competitive Level of Elite Woman Double Tennis Players in China

  2. 朱书靖后期的训练没能使其表现出应有的竞技水平。

    ZHU Shu-Jing failed to show his own competitive level in the last days .

  3. 从运动训练学角度分析CUBA联赛的竞技水平

    Analyze the CUBA Athletics Level from the Movement Training Discipline

  4. 制约CUBA优秀队伍竞技水平提高的因素

    The Factors That Restricting the Enhancement of Athletics Level of CUBA ′ s Excellent Group

  5. 基于联系数的NBA现役优秀中锋竞技水平发展趋势研究

    Study with the Method of Contact Coefficient on the Upward Trend of Athletic Level of NBA and CBA Outstanding Centers

  6. 随着业务的国际化,CEO实际上已被从高中运动场推着走进了奥运会,而且已经显著提高了竞技水平。

    As business has globalized , CEOs have in effect been pushed from high school sports to the Olympics and have had to raise their game dramatically .

  7. 运用心理学多种研究方法、体育统计学R型因子分析和相关分析方法,研究影响运动员体育竞技水平发挥的心理因素及其内在联系。

    By employing a number of psychological methods , R style element analysis in physical education statistics and other relevant ways , this paper makes a research into the psychological elements that influence athletes ' competitive abilities and their inner relationship .

  8. CUBA目前整体竞技水平低下,还不能为CBA及国家队提供人才,但前景被普遍看好,将来一定能成为我国篮球后备人才培养的主流。

    Although it is not time for CUBA to provide CBA and country team with qualified players because of low holistic level , it is bound to be the mainstream of cultivating excellent basketball players in China .

  9. 伴随着市场经济的发展CBA职业篮球联赛在曲折的道路上逐渐发展壮大,各篮球俱乐部的职业化、企业化进程已成为我国篮球运动竞技水平稳步提升的主动力。

    Along with the development of the market economy also continued to deepen the process of professional Basketball League , professional basketball club of the enterprise become a steady rise of basketball in China inner motivation .

  10. 原地纵跳、网上连续垂直跳6次、网上连续垂直跳10次、30m跑、悬垂举腿(30s)、俯卧起上体(30s)是反映运动员竞技水平的主要专项身体素质指标;

    The standing vertical jump , continuously vertical jump for six times and ten times on the net , 30 m running , hang and raise the leg for thirty seconds and sit-up were the main physical fitness indexes reflecting the performance level .

  11. 性别、年龄及竞技水平与篮球运动员信任教练员的关系

    Relations between Age , Gender and Performance and Basketball Player-Coach Trust

  12. 中外优秀网球女单选手竞技水平的比较研究

    On the Level of Competitive Ability of Women Singles Tennis Elites

  13. 中国高校田径竞技水平预测

    Prediction of athletics level of track and field in Chinese Colleges

  14. 其运动成绩,是体现一个国家整体竞技水平的重要组成部分。

    Its performance is important part of national sports levels .

  15. 影响广东省高校高水平篮球队竞技水平的主要因素分析

    Analysis on the Main Factor of High Level Basketball Team Universities in Guangdong

  16. 高校运动员竞技水平停滞的成因及改进对策

    The Reasons of Stagnation of College Athletes ' Athletic Level and Its Countermeasures

  17. 优秀女子网球运动员竞技水平影响因素及竞技特征

    Influential elements of athletic skill and athletic features of excellent female tennis players

  18. 短跑运动员心理状态对竞技水平的发挥有直接影响。

    The athlete 's psychological state will exert a direct influence on his performance .

  19. 我国射击运动竞技水平现状分析与对策研究

    Analysis on Current Situation of Our Shooting Performance

  20. 我国男子网球竞技水平落后原因分析及对策

    The Analysis and Countermeasure of the Overall Level of Our Men 's Tennis Competition

  21. 我国男子标枪竞技水平停滞不前的主要因素及对策研究

    An analysis of the main reasons and countermeasures of China man javelin at standstill

  22. 从2003年女足世界杯透析女足竞技水平发展趋势

    Study on the Development Trend of Women 's Soccer Basing on 2003 World Cup

  23. 如何提高高等学校竞技水平的探讨

    The Discussion about How to Improve the Level of Sports in Collage and University

  24. 我国高水平男子跳远运动员竞技水平攻略

    The Strategies of the Athletics Level of the Chinese Men Elite Long - jumpers

  25. 1986~1996年间世界田径竞技水平发展态势的探讨

    An Analysis of Development of World Track and Field Competition from 1986 to 1996

  26. 福建蹦床运动员竞技水平分析

    The Analysis About Performance Level of Fujian Trampolinists

  27. 1979-1999年间中国田径运动竞技水平发展态势的探讨

    Approach to Development State of Competitive Level in Chinese Track and Field From 1979-1999

  28. 但普及选项课,只是提高高校竞技水平的一个方面。

    But universal option lessons just deserve an aspect of the school sport level .

  29. 正确的呼吸形式与配合自我控制与调节,对提高运动竞技水平有着至关重要的作用。

    Perfect breathing mode and self control is crucial to the improvement of skills .

  30. 培养运动员的技战术意识可以大幅度的提高运动员的竞技水平。

    To cultivate players ' technique consciousness could greatly improve players ' game level .