
  • 网络to compete for opening up
  1. 山谷里各种各样的花已竞相开放。

    All kinds of flowers have come out in the valley .

  2. 太好了!那儿有各种各样的花在竞相开放!

    Wonderful ! There are all kinds of flowers in blossom !

  3. 寒风刺骨的冬天已经过去,鲜花正竞相开放。

    The biting winter is gone and the flowers come into blossom .

  4. 现在正是三月,也是花儿竞相开放的时节。

    And now that it is March , there is a rush of flowers .

  5. 已经是三月了,这是一个花儿竞相开放的季节。

    And now that ti is March , there is a rush of flowers .

  6. 每年夏天,这些玫瑰都竞相开放。

    Every summer the roses burst into flower .

  7. 春天是花的海洋,各色各样的花木争奇斗艳,竞相开放。

    Spring is spent oceans , all kinds of flowers and trees flourish , an open race .

  8. 夏末时,白蛇根草的花就会盛放于枝干末端,一簇簇小小的白色花朵竞相开放。

    Its flowers , which emerge from the ends of the branches in late summer , are small and grow in white clusters .

  9. 第三,由于世界各国竞相开放国内市场,企业国际化和经济全球化、一体化的进程加快,传统经济因不能适应这种趋势而陷入困境,时代呼唤新型的商务形式,电子商务应运而生。

    Third , because countries open their market , companies do their business in the whole world , and because traditional economy can not adapt this trend , it gets into trouble .

  10. 它们如此欢快地绽放,雌蕊是那样橘红。不计其数的花朵,竞相开放,争奇斗艳,让人如痴如醉。花朵们翩翩起舞。那明亮起来的紫和橙色调和着无形地美妙节奏欢快地摆动。

    They are open with such delight , and their pistil thrust is so red-orange , and they are so many , all reaching out wide and marvelous , that it suggests a perfect ecstasy of radiant , thronging movement , lit-up violet and orange , and surging in some invisible rhythm of concerted , delightful movement .