
  • 网络competitive element
  1. ERP不仅是一种减轻工作量、提升效率的管理工具,已经上升为企业的核心竞争要素,成为企业不可或缺的经营管理平台。

    ERP system is not only a management tool of alleviating workload and promoting work efficiency , but also a key competitive element and essential management platform of enterprise .

  2. 在不断的比较中,我们发现,这一切都源于我们对城市竞争力中核心竞争要素&城市文化的忽视,这一切都是城市文化缺失的表现。

    And all problems stem from the neglect of urban culture , the core competitive element in cities ' competition , while all are the representation of the missing urban culture .

  3. 基于博弈理论的会计师事务所竞争要素的研究

    Study on Competitive Factor of Accountant Practices Based on Game Theory

  4. 一种基于竞争要素的竞争情报分析框架

    An Analysis Framework of Competition Intelligence Based on Competition Factor

  5. 21世纪,品牌已经是最重要的的竞争要素之一。

    Brand is one of the most important competence factors in 21 Century .

  6. 品牌已成为企业在市场中稳定而有力的核心竞争要素。

    Brands have become the core competitive factor for enterprises to stay powerful and stable .

  7. 参与国际石化工程承包的竞争要素

    Competitive factors of international petrochemical project contracting

  8. 在这个变化过程中,企业能力成为新的竞争要素。

    In this changing process , enterprises ' capabilities has been a core factor of competition .

  9. 旅游竞争要素是多样的,衡量一个旅游目的地竞争力要综合考虑多个因素。

    Tourism competition elements are multiplex , so measuring the tourism destination must consider many factors synthetically .

  10. 因而在钢铁工业的激烈竞争要素中,检测技术与装备也是重要的组成部分。

    Thus , in severe competition existing in Ferrous Metallurgy , measuring technology and equipment are the important composition .

  11. 快速响应市场需求的能力是机械行业在经济全球化形势下的竞争要素。

    Rapid response is the focus of competition in mechanical product market with the trend of globalization of economy .

  12. 知识、学习和创新已经成为全球化经济和以知识为基础的经济中最重要的竞争要素。

    Knowledge , learning and innovation already became the most important element of competition of the globalized economy and knowledge-based economy .

  13. 再次,利用博弈论从定量的角度分析深港两地港口集装箱物流竞争要素的博弈。

    Thirdly , the paper has analyzed logistics competition factors in two parties by using game theory from a quantitative angle .

  14. 在构建竞争要素指标体系的基础上,对我国制造企业进行了问卷调查。

    On the basis of building the index system of competitive factors , a questionnaire study has been done for Chinese manufacturing enterprises .

  15. 如今,几乎所有企业都认识到质量是竞争要素之一,越来越重视质量管理。

    Nowadays , nearly all the companies recognized that quality was the element of competition and gave more and more attention to quality management .

  16. 企业的生产物流管理水平关系到产品成本的高低、影响着企业的经济效益,其如今已经发展成为企业的一个重要竞争要素。

    Management of enterprises ' production logistics , which is related to product cost and enterprises ' benefits , has become an important competition factor .

  17. 树立品牌、提供完善的教学保障、优秀教学质量与效果等是竞争要素。

    Setting up the brand , providing the teaching safeguard , the outstanding teaching quality , the effect and so on are the essential factors .

  18. 品牌作为一种竞争要素已越来越被企业所重视,它扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    Brand , as one of the competition elements , is attached with more and more importance by enterprises . It plays an increasingly significant role .

  19. 本文在对连云港市目前旅游市场竞争要素进行分析的基础上,探讨了关于提升连云港市城市旅游竞争力的主要对策。

    On the base of analysis competitive elements in Lianyungang City tourism market , this article discuss some main strategies about improving Lianyungang City tourism competitive ability .

  20. 新产品开发是创造性思维和灵活运用知识和经验的过程,因而知识作为企业的核心竞争要素的作用越来越显现出来。

    New product development is the process of the creative thinking that uses the knowledge and experience flexibly , and the knowledge has become the core competition factor .

  21. 面对如此激烈的市场环境,钢铁企业必须加强对人才、资本、技术等核心竞争要素的管理。

    Faced with such fierce market environment , domestic special steel enterprises have to strengthen management for core competitive elements , such as talent , capital and technology .

  22. 组织文化成为一个组织最关键的竞争要素在于其区别于其他组织的独有的特征,文章就高职院校组织文化的定位与构建进行了相关分析和探讨。

    The key competition factor of organizational culture is its unique features . This article discusses and analyses the orientation and construction of vocational colleges ' organizational culture .

  23. 首先分析了全球手机产业的竞争要素,然后对中国手机厂商的总体竞争格局进行了归纳和总结,从产品策略、渠道策略、价格策略和市场推广策略等几个方面探讨了中国手机市场的经营特点。

    This paper first analyzes competitive factors of global handset market , then summarizes features of Chinese market and vendors from production , channel , price and promotion strategies .

  24. 本论文通过研究房地产企业的核心竞争要素,构建房地产企业综合竞争力系统,为企业实现竞争力的提升提出了建议。

    This essay analyzes competing factors of real estate enterprises , designs a comprehensive competing system , and provides several available advices to help managers to achieve competition improvement .

  25. 然后,利用模糊分析评价法、综合评价法分析不同企业的基于竞争要素的产品竞争力矩阵,了解不同企业的产品竞争地位。

    And then analyse the product competition matrix of different enterprises based on competition elements by using fuzzy theory , and find out the products competition status of different enterprises .

  26. 从供应链合作联盟的物流生产特点出发,将影响供应链合作收益形成的要素分为资源要素和竞争要素两个方面。

    Then the elements which will affect supply chain cooperation benefit form are divided into resource elements and competition elements , based on the logistics production characteristic of supply chain cooperation alliance .

  27. 知识经济时代,智力资本将成为企业的第一竞争要素,人才资源管理在企业中的地位日趋重要。

    In the age of knowledge economy , intelligence is the first competitive factor for the enterprise and the management of personnel resource in the enterprises is getting more and more important .

  28. 旅游竞争要素是多种多样的,随着经济环境的变化可能不断涌现的新情况,所以城市旅游竞争力的研究需要不断的发展和更新。

    The major factors in urban tourism competitiveness vary , and may encounter new issues when the economical environment changes , so the study of urban tourism competition needs to be developed and updated .

  29. 首先,我运用国际经济学、管理学等工具来分析企业国际竞争力的理论来源、竞争要素、核心本质及经济指标体系。

    Take advantage of professional tools like economics , management and so on , to analyze its source of theory , essential elements of competence , the corn of essence and economical index system ;

  30. 第一章介绍了当前企业的竞争要素,综述了交货期预测的研究现状和理论方法,阐述了本文的研究意义和主要研究内容。

    In the chapter 1 , the factors of competition , the meaning , and contents of researching are introduced based on summarizing condition of research and related method of the due date forecasting .