
  • 网络Christian existentialism
  1. 在本部分也陈述了论文的理论基础,其中主要简述了丹麦基督教存在主义者克尔恺郭尔和瑞士神学家巴特的一些思想。

    The main theoretical ideas of Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard and Swiss theologian Karl Barth for the thesis are also presented in this part .

  2. 其中简介了丹麦基督教存在主义者克尔恺郭尔和瑞士神学家巴特的一些主要思想,包括:人生存在的三个阶段,罪恶辩证法,实有和虚无的概念,以及完全另类的上帝。

    It introduces the primary theological ideas of Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard and Swiss theologian Karl Barth : three spheres of existence , theological ideas of the dialectic of evil , the concept of " something and nothingness ", and the Wholly Other God .