
  • 网络aesthetic creation
  1. 是一种审美创造与审美关系。

    It is a kind of aesthetic creation and aesthetic relation .

  2. 审美创造的动力为情感、想象和超越。

    The motivity of aesthetic creation is sentiment , imagination and transcendence .

  3. 现代作家性别与女性形象审美创造

    Genders of Modern Writers and the Aesthetical Creation of Female Images

  4. 探幽发微摄魂点睛&论摄影文学的审美创造

    Pursue Profundity and Inspire Motif : On Aesthetic Creativity of Photographic Literature

  5. 中国古代绘画审美创造主体论

    The Theory of the Chinese Ancient Painting & Aesthetic Appreciation Creates Subject

  6. 王维山水田园诗审美创造的心理动机

    The Mental Motive of Aesthetic Creation in WANG Wei 's Pastoral Poetry

  7. 论突破功利与传统制约的审美创造&以书、画、诗为例

    On Aesthetic Creation of Breaking through Utilitarian and Traditional Condition

  8. 科学审美创造的美与真善关系

    Relationship between Truth , Goodness and Beauty in Aesthetic Creation of Science

  9. 入兴贵闲&关于审美创造心态的一个重要命题

    Leisure and Carefree : An Important Subject concerning the Mood of Aesthetic Creation

  10. 摘要古代文学中草意象是一个有深厚意蕴的审美创造物。

    The image of grass is an implied aesthetic creation in ancient literature .

  11. 审美创造是人的自由自在的活动

    Aesthetic Creation : Human 's Free and Unrestrained Activites

  12. 心理行为与审美创造:文学写作心理描述

    Psychological behaviors and aesthetic creations : a description of psychology in literary writing

  13. 试论医护人员的医学审美创造

    On Medical Aesthetic Creation of Medical and Nursing Staff

  14. 论作者对隐含作者的审美创造

    On the Writers Aesthetic Creation of the Implied Author

  15. 科学审美创造的简单性法则

    The Principle of Simplicity in Scientific Aesthetic Creation

  16. 科学认知与审美创造:生活世界理论的两个根本维度

    Scientific Cognition and Aesthetic Creation : Two Fundamental Dimensions of the Theory of Life-World

  17. 审视现代大众传媒的审美创造

    Consider on the Aesthetic Creation of Mass Media

  18. 神遇对后世审美创造理论产生了深远的影响。

    Spiritual perception has deep influence on the later theory of the aesthetic creation .

  19. 审美创造一般过程的描述

    Description of the General Process in Aesthetic Creation

  20. 人类工具创造中包含着肤觉&躯体经验的审美创造因素,这些因素通过视觉化间接表现出来。

    There are many aesthetically creative factors in the creation of tools of human beings .

  21. 诗歌翻译的审美创造

    Esthetics creation in process of poem translation

  22. 因此,设计审美创造教育的现实意义则显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , the realistic meaning of design aesthetic creation education seems much more important .

  23. 台湾女性散文的审美创造

    Aesthetic Creation of Female Prose in Taiwan

  24. 谈现代书法的审美创造

    The Aesthetic Creation of Modern Calligraphy

  25. 论《白鹿原》审美创造中的反讽艺术日常生活审美化论题辨析与现象反思

    Analysis of the Proposition of " Aestheticism of Daily Life " and Reflection on One Phenomenon

  26. 升华阶段&审美创造的实现。

    Rising stage-realizing of aesthetic creativity .

  27. 浅谈民间剪纸的审美创造

    The Aesthetics Creation of Folk Paper-cut

  28. 审美创造的构成因素

    The composing factors of aesthetic creation

  29. 审美创造是建立在审美理论与审美体验的基础之上,是滞后的过程。

    Aesthetic creation in based on aesthetic theory and aesthetic experiences , which is a lagged process .

  30. 道家的虚静说与审美创造自由心态论

    On the Taoist Doctrine of " Nihility and Peace " and the Liberal Mood in Aesthetic Creation