
  • 网络Audit Report;auditing report;audit reporting
  1. 接受审核报告并决定其分发范围。

    Receiving the audit report and determining its distribution .

  2. 管理供应商文件,比如供应商审核报告,供应商质量表现报告。

    Manage the supplier documents , supplier audit report , supplier quality performance report and so on .

  3. 为了满足投资者需求,减少信息不对称风险,本文提出企业应委托CPA出具针对其内部控制整体框架的期间性内部控制审核报告。

    The paper proposes that enterprises entrust CPA to produce periodical interior control audit appraisal report on the whole framework of interior control .

  4. 斯图尔特·伯恩的最终审核报告将于周三公布。

    Stuart Bowen 's final audit is set for release Wednesday .

  5. 针对软件开发企业的审核报告,审核追踪

    Audit report , audit trails for the software development organization

  6. 此外,不要尝试在审核报告中隐藏失败情况。

    Also , don 't try to hide failures in audit reports .

  7. 经核证的更改须立即在下一份每月环境监察及审核报告中记载。

    The verified changes shall be documented in the immediately following monthly EM & A report .

  8. 审核报告应根据审核计划在约定时限内签发。

    The audit report should be issued within the agreed time period in accordance with the audit plan .

  9. 审核报告及改善建议的重要性和数量,以及有关建议获得采纳和执行的比率;

    The number and importance of audit findings and recommendations and the proportion which are accepted and implemented ;

  10. 审核报告与其他信息源一同用于质量管理体系的评审。

    Amongst other sources of information , audit reports are used for review of the quality management system .

  11. 审核员应编制审核报告便于向组织的最高管理者传达。

    Auditors should prepare their audit reports in order to make them appropriate for presentation to the top management of organizations .

  12. 对内审计划、检查表、不合格报告、审核报告、年度审核报告的编制根据实践经验做了详细描述并举例说明。

    Details and examples on internal audit plan , examine table , report on disqualification , audit report , annual audit report ;

  13. 内部审核报告有时可包括组织卓越业绩的证据,以便提供管理者承认和激励组织内人员的机会。

    Internal audit reporting sometimes includes evidence of excellent performance in order to provide opportunities for recognition by management and motivation of people .

  14. 而对于管理人员来说缓解这个风险的方法是审核报告流程并且了解是“谁”处理了这些请求,并且是“如何处理的”。

    The mitigation for management is to audit the reporting procedure and learn the " who " and " how " regarding the handling of these requests .

  15. 产品年度审核报告必须被公司质量部经理或是外部生产企业的质量部经理批准并分发给工厂高层管理人员。

    The report for the Annual Product Review must be approved by the Senior Site Quality Manager at the Company Site or External Manufacturing Unit and distributed to Senior Site Management .

  16. 其次对样本公司披露的年报、自评报告以及注册会计师审核报告中的内部控制信息进行描述性统计和案例分析,揭示四川上市公司内部控制信息披露的现状。

    Then based on the descriptive statistical analysis and case analysis of the sample companies ' annual reports , self-evaluation report and certified public accountants audit reports , I will reveal the present situation of Sichuan listed companies ' internal control information disclosure .

  17. FDA表治疗示,他们将再次审核少数报告,内容包括一些服用过现今流行的治疗过敏和哮喘药物的病人的情绪变化,自杀行为和自杀案例。

    FDA said it is reviewing a handful of reports involving mood changes , suicidal behavior and suicide in patients who have taken the popular allergy and asthma drug .

  18. 撰写并审核研究报告,为客户进行报告陈述;

    Draft and audit research reports , make presentation for clients ; 6 .

  19. 策划和实施审核以及报告结果和保持记录的职责和要求,应在形成文件的程序中作出规定。

    The responsibilities and requirements for planning and conducting audits , and for reporting results and maintaining records shall be defined in a documented procedure .

  20. 并将审核结果报告所在地的县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门和经济贸易行政主管部门。

    And report the audit results to the relevant administrative departments for environmental protection and the relevant departments for economic and trade under the local people 's government at or above county level .

  21. 关于本段要求的对内部控制的评价,每一个为上市公司编制和发表审计报告的备案登记的注册会计师事务所,应当对管理层提供的评价,进行审核和报告。

    With respect to the internal control assessment required by this section , each registered public accounting firm that prepares or issues the audit report for the issuer shall attest to , and report on , the assessment made by the management of the issuer .

  22. 依托单位审核结题报告,应当查看基金资助项目实施情况的原始记录。

    When examining a concluding report , a supporting institution shall check the original records on the implementation of the funded project .

  23. 周期性地针对供应商进行质量体系的审核,并完成报告,再分发给公司的管理层。

    Conduct factory quality system audit in period , and finish audit report , release to management .

  24. 涉及若干主题的专门知识网络对证据进行审核并向委员会报告其研究结果。

    Dedicated Knowledge Networks covering a number of themes reviewed the evidence and reported their findings to the Commission .

  25. 进行定期的工艺审核,编译审核报告,追踪并查证纠正措施的实施,提高生产线的质量意识;

    To conduct periodic process audit , compilation of audit report and follow-up verification to create for quality awareness at shop floor .

  26. 其具体运作大致分为三个阶段,主要包括初步调查,简单调查,审核调查,提交报告及继续调查等环节。

    Its concrete process can divide into three stages , including the preliminary investigation , brief investigation , audit investigation , submitting report and continuing investigation , etc.

  27. 本所对定期报告实行事前登记、事后审核;对临时报告依不同情况实行事前审核或者事前登记、事后审核。

    As for regular reports , the bourse adopts prior registration and post examination ; as for interim reports , either prior examination or prior registration and post examination is adopted , in accordance with the specific occasion .

  28. 方法:在标本采集时贴上条形码,根据条形码来完成标本分类、传送资料、分析仪双向通讯、审核结果、查询报告、保存标本等实验室的常规操作。

    Barcode stuck to specimen collected , such routine laboratory operations are finished according to barcode as specimen sorting , data transmission , two-way communication of analyzing machine , results verifying , reports inquiring , specimen keeping et al .

  29. 按照技术要求参与二方审核,按时完成审核报告。

    Conduct2nd party audit according to clients'technical request and issue audit report .

  30. 组织对供应商进行质量审核,并编写审核报告。

    To carry out the quality audits of suppliers and issue the audit report .