
  1. 法院通过审理,依照查明的证据最终解除了双方的婚姻关系。

    Through trial , in accordance with the evidence to identify the final lifting of the marriage relationship between the two sides .

  2. 刑事缺席审判制度是指法庭对案件进行开庭审理时,诉讼主体中的辩方因故未出席庭审,法庭根据到庭一方的陈述、辩论对案件进行审理,依法查明案件的事实,做出裁决的诉讼活动。

    The system of Criminal trial by default means the subject of proceedings the defense do not attend the hearing for some reasons , The court carries on the trial in this situation of one-party absence and makes the judgment by the law .