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shěn yuè
  • Review;process;peruse;check and approve;referee
审阅 [shěn yuè]
  • [peruse] 审查阅读

  • 审阅制订的方案

审阅[shěn yuè]
  1. 如有质疑可以让加拿大的朋友来审阅。

    If having question can let the Canadian friend come to check and approve .

  2. 她正在审阅她的新小说的校样。

    She was checking the proofs of her latest novel .

  3. 他的律师们正在审阅合同上的小号字。

    His lawyers are poring over the small print in the contract .

  4. 她把会议记录交给我审阅。

    She gave me the minutes of the meeting to read and check .

  5. 前请审阅之件,请早日掷还为荷。

    Please return at your earliest convenience the manuscript [ draft ; material ] submitted to you for approval .

  6. 此讲话记录未经本人审阅。

    These notes of the speech have not been checked and approved by the speaker .

  7. 当图书编辑苏珊·赖兰在审阅一位备受喜爱的悬疑作家提交的最新作品时,她开始怀疑手稿中隐藏了一桩真实的谋杀案。

    As book editor Susan Ryeland works through the latest submission a real-life murder .

  8. 卡希尔表示,法庭将在一周内审阅肖万方的书面辩词,并公布事实性裁决。

    Cahill said the court would look at written arguments from Derek Chauvin " within one week " and issue factual findings on it .

  9. 主编认真审阅时注意到有一句话是“三千九百九十九只眼睛都注视着发言的人。”

    The editor read it through and noticed the sentence , " Three thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine eyes were fixed upon the speaker . "

  10. reviewpaper意味着由相关人员执行实际的审阅。

    Review_paper means that humans perform the actual review .

  11. 用Powerpoint制作电子讲稿的体会我审阅了这书的样稿。

    My Experience in Preparing Electronic Lecture Notes by Using Power Point ; I read the book in proof .

  12. 业务用例和计划受到了最终的策略审阅,用于了解EnterpriseBusinessStrategy的支持和实现。

    The business case and Initiative receive a final strategic review to understand its support and enablement of the Enterprise Business Strategy .

  13. 特别感谢DavidKing详细审阅了本文的手稿。

    I especially acknowledge and thank David King for his detailed review of the manuscript .

  14. 感谢SimonChu审阅本文。

    Thanks to Simon Chu for reviewing this article .

  15. 对JavaEE6早期草案的审阅提出了两个修剪项。

    The early draft review of Java EE6 suggested two pruning candidates .

  16. 感谢DonaldWoods对本文进行了审阅,并提供了一些宝贵意见。

    Thanks to Donald Woods for reviewing this material and for offering valuable suggestions .

  17. 下一个对话框允许您审阅您将登记的地方;如果没问题,就按Finish。

    The next dialog box lets you review what you are going to check in ; if there are no problems , click Finish .

  18. 直接对CEO汇报,负责现金流、预算、财务报表的审阅和审批及成本分析。

    Making report to CEO directly with responsibilities of cash flow , budget , financial report inspection and approval and cost analysis .

  19. 我还要感谢BillHines,感谢他对本文的审阅和所提出的宝贵意见。

    I would also like to thank Bill Hines for reviewing this article and providing comments .

  20. 我特别要感谢RichardD.Johnson和SteveKinder对本文进行了审阅。

    Specifically , I would like to thank Richard D. Johnson and Steve Kinder for their review of this article .

  21. n.细节vt.详细列出我还没有时间详细审阅这个提案。

    detail I haven 't had time to review the proposal in detail yet .

  22. 本文作者衷心感谢GregFlurry审阅了本文并提出宝贵的意见。

    The authors would like to thank Greg Flurry who reviewed this article and gave valuable comments .

  23. 许多人帮忙审阅了草稿并反馈意见,包括JanetGregory。

    Lots of people helped with reviewing drafts and giving us ideas , including Janet Gregory .

  24. 在一个SFR工作流中,生成的PDF会发送给审阅者以添加注解。

    In an SFR workflow , the PDF generated is sent to reviewers for annotations .

  25. 我们还要感谢MikePerrow对本文进行有帮助地审阅。

    We also thank Mike Perrow for his helpful reviews of the paper .

  26. 此外,本文作者还要感谢Luis、Adrian和LiXu审阅了本文并提供修改建议。

    Additionally , the author wants to thank Luis , Adrian , and Li Xu for reviewing this article and making suggestions to improve it .

  27. 每个工件应该至少有一个给予了“写”职责(W)的角色(实际的作者),而大多数工件同时要收到贡献/审阅的职责(C)。

    Every artifact should at least have one role ( the actual author ) given the " write " responsibility ( W ), and most artifacts receive the contribute / review responsibility ( C ) as well .

  28. 投票表决要到明年才有望进行,而市议会议长的一位发言人梅丽莎·马克-瓦维瑞托(MelissaMark-Viverito)说,她还在审阅这项法案。此法案是由网络媒体CapitalNewYork首先公布的。

    A vote is not expected until next year , and a spokesman for the Council speaker , Melissa Mark-Viverito , said she was still reviewing the bill , which was first reported by Capital New York .

  29. 感谢ChristopherFerris、JohnKaputin和AnneJames审阅了本文并提供了有用和详细的反馈。

    Thanks to Christopher Ferris , John Kaputin , and Anne James for reviewing this article and providing useful and detailed feedback .

  30. 只要有三个审阅人员完成了工作,流程就将终止整个forEach构造。

    As soon as three reviewers complete their work , the process terminates the whole forEach construct .