
  • 网络Examination and approval system
  1. 出口经营权由审批制向登记备案制过渡

    The transition from an examination and approval system to a registration and recording system for the right to engage in export

  2. 保险条款、费率的备案制比审批制更有利于提高监管效率。

    To compare with examination and approval system , the file system of insurance clause and premium rate is favorable to improve supervision efficiency .

  3. 在WTO视野中,我国行政法治面临着挑战,即地方保护主义、内部规范性文件、行政审批制、行政性垄断。

    China 's entry of WTO challenges the country 's administrative law , such as its local protection , internal documents , administrative approval and monopoly .

  4. 随着我国加入WTO,外贸审批制向登记制的逐步过渡,中小外贸企业面临大型外贸企业、外资企业与众多即将进入外贸领域的企业的竞争,面临着十分严峻的挑战。

    Following China 's entry into WTO , small and middle-sized foreign trade company face the challenge of big-sized foreign trade company , Joint venture company and many enterprises which now are allowed to enter into foreign trade field .

  5. 采用了买入持有超额收益、累计超额收益和Fama-French三因素模型的常数项三个指标,通过对比审批制和核准制下的新股发行定价效率,来说明发行制度改革对IPO定价效率的作用。

    Using the Buy-and-hold abnormal return , Cumulative abnormal returns and Fama-French three-factor model as three indicators constant , by comparing the approval system and approval system under the IPO pricing efficiency , to illustrate the affection of the Stock Offering System reform on the efficiency of IPO pricing .

  6. 逐案审批制管理模式将被取消。

    The case-by-case approvals will be abolished .

  7. 论中国对外贸易经营资格审批制改革

    Concerning the Reform of System of Examination and Approval for Qualification of Foreign Trade in China

  8. 1999年6月~2001年3月是从审批制到核准制的过渡阶段。

    June 1999-March 2001 was the transition phase from the authorizing system to the approving system .

  9. 国际资本市场上主要存在两种发行制度&审批制和注册制,二者优劣互见。

    There exist two major distribution systems in international capital market , examination and approval , and registration system with both advantages and disadvantages .

  10. 二要建立健全相关的法律、法规,加强管理,逐步由审批制向登记制过渡,走会展产业化之路;

    We should establish and improve related laws and regulations , strengthen the management , and develop the industry on the road to industrialization .

  11. 目前,展览业的门槛越来越低,虽然仍实行展会审批制,但准入限制基本取消。

    Now , the exhibition industry has lowered its entry requirements : the entry regulations have been removed , although the approval system still exists .

  12. 明确地提出了现行企业登记制度改革的方向:把审批制改为直接登记制;

    The article points out explicitly the reformatory direction for the current enterprises register system reform : change from the examine-approve system to direct register system ;

  13. 新准则的出台是印度对转基因作物和食品实施严格和健全的以科学为基础的审批制的步骤之一。

    The new set of procedures is a step in the direction of implementing rigorous and sound science-based-approval-system for genetically modified crops and foods in India .

  14. 1993年4月《股票发行与交易管理暂行条例》颁布,标志着审批制的正式实行。

    April 1993 , the regulations on stock issuance and trading management were promulgated , it marking the formal approval of the implementation of the authorizing system .

  15. 在供需双方的相互作用下,股票发行制度经历了从无到有、从股票市场产生初期的审批制变迁到目前正在进行的核准制、并最终变迁到更加市场化的注册制这样一个过程。

    The issuance system experiences examination and approval system at first , when the security market born , and registration system , when we are experiencing now , from zero .

  16. 审批制实质是政府强行干预经济活动,扭曲资源配置,这已经超出了政府的职能,既不利于提高经济活动的效率,也不利于维持社会的公平。

    The essence of examining and approving is that the government intervenes in operation of economy , and distorts the allocation of resource , which is beyond the government 's functions .

  17. 这一部分包括了六个小节,围绕改革对策,分别从树立行政理念、定位政府角色、改革行政审批制、分流富余人员、行政组织法建设及配套措施等角度进行了较为全面的阐述。

    I expatiate it from executive philosophy , government role , administrative examination and approval system , reorganize the surplus workers , administrative organization act and some supporting measures and so on .

  18. 由于我国实行社会主义市场经济体制,并且也加入了世贸组织,作出庄严承诺,因此,必须在市场经济规律和世贸组织规则的指引下,建立起符合市场经济规律和世贸组织规则要求的行政审批制度。

    Because China has been practicing the socialism market economy and joined the world Trade Organization . AEA system must be established which is in accordance with the market economy regulations and WTO rules .

  19. 在实行银行机构准入审批制的国家,银行监管机构在颁发许可证过程中会面临信息不对称困境。

    In a country with an examination and approval system regarding the admission of commercial banking institutions , the bank supervision departments would find themselves in the difficulty of information asymmetry while issuing permits .

  20. 2002年元旦实施的《中华人民共和国技术进出口管理条例》确立了技术出口中审批制和登记制这种宽严结合的管理模式,这表明科学规范的管理体制建立起来了。

    The Regulations on Technical Importation and Exportation enforced in the early of 2002 has established novel regulation pattern combining with examination system and registration system , which reflects that the standard and scientific regulation system has been built up .

  21. 最后还需要完善国内期货制度,改变落后的期货管理制度,诸如:在期货品种上市机制上,应当改变审批制,逐渐过渡到注册制;开放国内企业参与国际期货套期保值的限制性规定。

    Finally , the domestic futures also need improvements in the futures management system , such as that approval system should be changed gradually to a system of registration ; allowing domestic enterprises to participate in international futures in hedging .

  22. 尽管新股发行审核制度从地方审批制、额度管理制、指标管理制、通道制和保荐制的不断演进,但是作为新股发行审核制度的重要组成部分&发审委制度从始至终都存在。

    Although the stock issuing system from the " local approval " system ," line manage-ment "," indicators management "," channel system " to " recommendation system ", but the issuance examination committee system is an important part of the stock issuing system from beginning to end there .

  23. 通过改革企业债券发行的审批制、促进债券利率的市场化等重要手段,推动企业债券市场的发展,则是完善企业债券融资参与公司治理机制的必然途径。

    Through the reform of IPO of the corporate bond , and the mechanism of the interest of the bond , the development of the enterprise bond market would be pushed forward , and then the mechanism of the bond finance to the corporate governance could be improved .

  24. 本文认为,只有逐渐放松对于博士后事业的行政管制,以备案制代替审批制,由服务型逐渐代替管理,才能促使博士后制度的参与各方建立基于科研奖励系统的自治管理制度和规范。

    It is pointed out in this thesis that only by gradually releasing the administrative control of postdoctoral course , and having management replaced by service , could we promote all involved parts of postdoctoral system to build up an autonomous management system based on the encouragement of scientific research .

  25. 高批捕率下的审批逮捕制&从规范层面与操作层面分析

    Analysis of the arrest approval system under the high arrest approval rate from the perspectives of normalization and operation

  26. 居住于香港以外地区的人士,应将申请书递交到当地的中华人民共和国驻外使领馆,由其转交香港特别行政区审批并制备个人护照。

    Persons residing outside Hong Kong should submit their applications to the local Chinese diplomatic or consular mission for onward transmission to the HKSAR for approval and personalisation of passports .

  27. 因此,要实行最严格的行政审批准入制,对于不符合法律规定、利用红头文件设定的管理、收费、罚款项目,要一律取消。

    Therefore , we should have the strictest enforcement of a threshold for items requiring administrative approval . Items established via official documents to impose administrative management or to collect charges and fines must be abolished if they do not conform with laws and regulations .

  28. 我国的新股发行上市经历了从审批制度到核准制的制度变迁。

    The IPO market of China experienced the institutional change from approval system to authorized system .