
  1. 许多时候,整体变更控制过程包括一个负责批准或否决变更请求的变更控制委员会。

    Many times , the integrated change control process includes a change control board responsible for approving and rejecting the requested changes .

  2. 有限责任公司整体变更为股份公司应说明公司设立时的验资情况。

    If a corporation changes integrally into joint-stock company , the capital verification situation at the establishment of the company shall be stated ;

  3. 整体变更控制-审查所有的变更请求,批准变更并控制可交付成果和组织过程资产。

    Integrated Change Control – reviewing all change requests , approving changes , and controlling changes to the deliverables and organizational process assets .

  4. 目的是从整体上对情势变更有个了解。

    The aim is for the overall situation change a picture .

  5. 虽然在内部将该变更宣传为简单的技术变更,但是实际上,需要一组新的行为和对整体项目前景的变更。

    Although the change was internally advertised as a simple technical change , in reality it required a new set of behavior and a change to the overall project vision .