
  • 网络Overall marketing;integrated marketing;Total Marketing;holistic marketing
  1. 第二部分主要介绍了整体营销及STP理论。

    Chapter two gives a brief introduction to Total Marketing and STP theories .

  2. 房地产整体营销策略初探

    The Primary Discussion of Total Marketing Strategy of Real Estate

  3. 有很多SEO技巧不能只从技术层面看,而要考虑到这些技术对网站整体营销的影响。

    There are many SEO techniques not only from a technical level , these technologies have to take into account the overall marketing of the site .

  4. 进入2009年后,随着全球经济危机的影响,加之中国移动KPI绩效考核调整及整体营销策略的调整,无线音乐搜索服务的发展迅速走入谷底,结信公司也面临日益严重的收入压力。

    After the year of 2009 , there was the global economic crisis . Coupled with the adjustment of China Mobile KPI performance appraisal and the overall marketing strategy , wireless music search service developed rapidly into the bottom . Unison Company also faced growing pressure on revenues .

  5. 城市整体营销体系下厦门会展业发展策略研究

    Strategies of Xiamen MICE Development under the City Integrated Marketing System

  6. 安徽道路交通信息网网站整体营销方案研究

    Study on Overall Marketing Program for Anhui Road Traffic Information Web Site

  7. 实施洛阳市牡丹产品整体营销策略;

    Product Feature implement the wholesale of Luoyang peony industry ;

  8. 如今,数字营销对于整体营销策略来说显得越发重要。

    Nowadays digital marketing is becoming ever more important to marketing strategy .

  9. 与邻近旅游区加强合作,实行整体营销。

    To cooperate with near tourism areas in marketing and so on .

  10. 整体营销推广与媒体利用。

    5 , The overall marketing and media use .

  11. 推行整体营销和全员营销管理;

    Promote the marketing of the whole to manage with the whole member marketing ;

  12. 商业银行整体营销策略分析

    The Integral Marketing Strategy Analysis of Commercial Bank

  13. 而其外部营销即宏观营销方面也可以商业街为主体进行整体营销的创新。

    On the macro marketing sides , It can also make overall marketing innovation .

  14. 以整体营销理念为指导,健全保险企业的营销服务能力;

    Amplify its marketing service competence , taking the whole marketing ideology as its guidance ;

  15. 跨国公司的全球营销是以全球观为导向的整体营销。

    The global marketing of transnational corporations is the overall marketing guided by the global concept .

  16. 商业银行整体营销运作由内部营销、传统营销、互动营销三大战略要素共同构建而成,并分别详细论述了这三大战略要素。

    It includes interior marketing , traditional marketing , and mutual marketing . The paper discusses them in detail .

  17. 二者共同作用,促进了旅游目的地客源市场开发与营销理念的更新和旅游目的地整体营销的进一步发展。

    The two together promote the innovation of the marketing idea and the further development of tourism destination marketing .

  18. 对商品在未来一段时间内销售量的预测,可以直接影响到企业整体营销策略的制定。

    The predication of an enterprise 's sales volume in a future time can directly affect its whole marketing strategy .

  19. 根据我国商业银行的营销现状以及将来的竞争趋势,借鉴国外银行先进的营销理论,有针对性的对我国商业银行提出了整体营销理论。

    According to competition tendency and advanced marketing theory of foreign bank , the paper puts forward the integer marketing theory .

  20. 由于旅游业自身的特殊原因,需要政府全力主导旅游目的地整体营销。

    The special reasons of the tourism industry , require that the government dominate to the whole marketing of tourism destination .

  21. 总的来说,从多个角度得出的结果可以帮助营销学界更新对整体营销学科研究与学科知识的认识。

    Generally speaking , results from multiple angles could help to update the overall understanding of marketing academic and marketing discipline .

  22. 提出了相应的对策:(1)加大草原生态旅游的整体营销力度;

    According to the exploitation strategy of steppe eco-tourism , the author proposes some countermeasures : ( 1 ) Enhance integral marketing .

  23. 在现代市场条件下,产业的发展能力在很大程度上取决于其产业内企业的整体营销能力。

    Under the condition of modern market , the development potential of an industry mainly depends on the overall marketing ability of the enterprise .

  24. 而在战略实施方面,通过采用打造城市会展品牌、实施整体营销和资本运营战略、开发利用人力资源来实现长沙市会展业发展的战略目标。

    The city brand strategy , co-exist marketing strategy , capital operation strategy , exploring and using strategy will help to realize the target .

  25. 但可以肯定的是,包括数字娱乐在内的新媒体营销将成为可口可乐整体营销战略中越来越重要的部分。

    But it is sure that including the digital entertainment new media marketing it will become Coke overall marketing strategy more and more important part .

  26. 对于这个付费有线电视网来说,今年是整体营销和推广的重要年头。

    It will also start what is expected to be a big year of marketing and promotion for the premium cable network as a whole .

  27. 农产品特产的整体营销还具有它的特殊性,它不同与工业品营销,它需要结合农民、农村和我们整个社会体系的物流系统进行整体营销,因此它更具挑战性。

    The agricultural marketing has its particularity , differing from industrial marketing . It ought to combine peasants , villages and the overall social logistic system .

  28. 同时也对分销渠道在整体营销中的战略定位和价值进行了概述,分析了分销渠道的模式及功能。

    But also for the overall marketing distribution channels in the strategic positioning and value of an overview , analysis of the distribution channel modes and functions .

  29. 旅游目的地形象是吸引游客最关键的因素之一,是旅游整体营销理念中的重要概念。

    The image of tourist destinations is one of the key elements to attract tourists . It is also an important concept in the overall marketing conception .

  30. 加强管理,构建营销体系,加强营销体制和机制建设;积极学习国内外优秀石油销售公司的经验,完善营销手段和方法,提高公司整体营销水平。

    Such as , enhancing management , establishing marketing systems , learns experience from excellent companies , perfecting marketing means and methods and improving the marketing level .