
  • 网络Customer Concept
  1. 客户消费观念和消费习惯改变,直接体现在用邮量普遍下降,传统业务逐年萎缩。

    As the concept of customer spending and consumption habits change , reflected in the direct mail volume by the general decline in the traditional business shrink year by year .

  2. XP社区主张‘现场客户’的观念。

    The XP community has advocated the notion of the'on-site customer . '

  3. 在客户关系管理观念逐渐传入我国银行业的同时,各软件开发公司也纷纷推出了银行CRM系统。

    As the concept of customer relationship management is introduced into Chinese banking industry , many software companies produce banking CRM system .

  4. 我们努力在带给我们的客户不同的观念和风格上优于他人。

    We strive to excel in bringing out our clients vision and style .

  5. 对于财富管理业务本身来说,不能简单的去推销理财产品,而是要对客户的投资观念、理财规划、人生规划等统一起来考虑。

    For the wealth management business itself , not simply to sell financial products , but to the concept of customer investment , financial planning , life planning unify consideration .

  6. 随着私人银行业务的推广以及客户投资理财观念深入,私人银行市场规模将会出现爆发式增长。接着,作者分析了理财产品对我国商业银行私人银行业务发展的重要意义。

    With popularization of private banking business and deepening of customer investment and financing concept , market scale of private banks will experience explosive growth . Second , the author analyzes importance significance of financing products on development of private banking business of Chinese commercial banks .

  7. 教育管理观念革新与高职院校学生管理客户关系管理的观念革新

    Innovation of Conception and Student Management of Higher Vocational Institute Concept innovation of customers ' relation management

  8. 随着经济全球化,企业间的竞争日益激烈,传统以产品为中心的企业经营观念逐步被以客户为中心的观念所替代。

    With economic globalization , increasing competition among enterprises , the traditional " product-centric " business ideas were being " customer-centric " concept replaced .

  9. 一名在管理咨询公司工作的年轻毕业生告诉我,上司每天都会向他灌输公司总是以客户利益至上的观念。

    A young graduate at a management consultancy tells me that every day it is drummed into him by superiors that the firm always acts in the best interests of the client .

  10. 产品设计中客户使用情况非常重要,客户在产品使用过程中的反馈信息贯穿于整个设计过程,因此在产品设计过程开始时就应引入面向客户的观念。

    Information from product operation is very important in a product design , and therefore the customer oriented idea should be introduced at the beginning of the product design process .