
  1. 异常审计收费与困境客户经营风险&来自中国上市公司的经验证据

    Abnormal Audit Fees and Distressed Clients ' Business Risk & the Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies

  2. 该项资产被客户经营使用,只有变现为现金流入企业以后,才能参与到本企业的再生产经营过程,为企业创造新的收益。

    Occupied by clients for operational use , accounts receivable could participate in the reproduction process and create new profits for its host enterprise only after its realization .

  3. 特别是随着审计方法向以客户经营风险为导向的现代风险导向审计方法发展,公司治理质量必然会对审计意见产生重大的影响。

    Especially , when the audit method oriented to client management risk , the quality of corporate inner governance cannot but affect the patterns of the audit opinions .

  4. 其中包括银行客户经营风险的可变、银行贷款投资项目的建造风险的可变和自然因素造成的贷款项目的可变。

    The changing consists of bank customer operating risks changing , the construction risk changing of investment project by loan , and the loan project changing by natural factors .

  5. 以降低客户经营成本为目标,为客户提供安全、迅速、准确、节省、方便的物流服务。

    The tenet of the Company is to reduce the operating cost of the clients , and provide safe , speedy , accurate , cost-saving and convenient logistic services for them .

  6. 企业因此可以节省成本,同时管理层也可以接近客户和经营第一线。

    This saves costs and keeps management close to customers and the action .

  7. 两个关键性的明显发现应该影响到每个公司客户服务经营战略。

    Two critical findings emerged that should affect every company 's customer service strategy .

  8. 企业的核心竞争力对外是客户的经营,对内是人才的经营。

    The core competitiveness of enterprises external reflected in customer management , and internal reflected in talent management .

  9. 其次,在前向客户的经营模式上关键是话务经营,即前向客户的感知的提升。

    Second , voice operation is the key element of front customer operation model , which improves front customer perception .

  10. 随著企业趋向全球发展,国际大型会计师事务所也要配合其客户扩展经营规模。

    With companies increasingly globally focused , even big international accounting firms have to further expand their scale of operations in line with those of their clients .

  11. 客户所经营的企业资产规模在1亿元到10亿元居多,部分企业规模在几十亿元以至上百亿元。

    Most enterprises run by the customers have assets from RMB100million to RMB1 billion , and some have from more than RMB1 billion to RMB ten billion .

  12. 为我们的行业用户提供核心解决方案和服务,为我们的企业用户提供互联网解决方案和服务,帮助客户强化经营绩效,增强竟争优势。

    Help our customers gain and sustain competitive advantages and operational efficiency through integrated process based industry solution and service and Internet based enterprise solution and service .

  13. 负责提供各种咨询服务、内部审计和计算机审计服务,帮助客户增强经营信心、应对业务和程序风险和保证预警机制。

    For helping our clients improve business confidence , manage business and process risks and ensure early warning mechanisms are in place throughvarious consulting services , internal auditing and computing auditing services .

  14. 不同于亚马逊从供应商进货再销售给客户的经营模式,阿里巴巴扮演的是中间人的角色,它把买家和卖家联系到一起,为他们之间的交易提供便利。

    Unlike Amazon.com Inc. , which buys goods from suppliers and sells them to customers , Alibaba has always acted as a middleman , connecting buyers and sellers and facilitating transactions between them .

  15. 本文从集团客户自身经营特点剖析了其信贷风险的系统性特质,并认为与宏观经济、行业系统性风险相比,集团客户系统性风险更具不确定性、多发性。

    This article analyzes the system characteristic of business customers ' credit risks based on their operation features and maintains that their system risk tends to be more uncertain and frequent than macro-economic and industrial risks .

  16. 伴随着以客户为中心经营理念的出现,客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagement,CRM)是飞速发展的网络技术与这一经营理念相结合的产物。

    With the advent of the customer-driven business philosophy , the Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) is the integration of the fast developing internet technologies and this business conception .

  17. 其次,根据CIMCO公司的发展战略重点,将该公司经营绩效目标概括为财务目标、客户、内部经营效率、学习和成长能力四个方面。

    Secondly , according to the development strategic emphasis of CIMCO , the paper summarizes the managing performance goal as four respects of financial goal , customer , inside business efficiency , ability of study and grow up .

  18. 同时,客户资源的经营管理却是我国商业银行的软肋。

    But local commercial banks are the newcomers to management on the customer resources .

  19. 我公司一向以诚信、求实、服务、互利为宗旨,秉承技术领先、质量第一、客户至上的经营理念。

    We are dedicated to providing highest quality product with the good faith and high credibility .

  20. 现代商业银行客户经理制经营模式的研究

    Investigation of the Management Method about the Merchant Bank ′ s Institution of Customer ′ s Manager

  21. 首先要了解客户目前所经营产品的品质、档次和需求量,再提供一个合理的价格。

    Must first understand the clients current operational product quality , grade and demand , then a reasonable price .

  22. 本着质量第一,客户至上的经营理念,欢迎新老客户前来洽谈。

    With the principles of quality first and customers first , we look forward to establishing business relations with you .

  23. 我们的始终坚持诚信创新、优质快捷、客户至上的经营理念。

    We always stick to the management concept of good faith , innovation , high quality , rapidness and customer foremost .

  24. 制造出高品质产品,以满足客户需求为经营管理理念,欢迎各厂家来料加工或提出技术指标定做。

    We certainly welcome OEM items to meet the needs of different customer , and we guarantee our quality and punctuality .

  25. 根据以客户为中心经营理念的价值链管理的构建思路,提出了交行北京分行的内部与外部管理体系。

    Internal and external management system for Beijing branch was pointed up according to the idea of customer-oriented value chain management .

  26. 传统的注重客户满意的经营理念已经不能适应日趋激烈的银行竞争需要。

    The traditional management concept that emphasizes the satisfactory of customers has already couldn 't meet the requirement of competition between banks .

  27. 我们将一起工作来学习者需要的地方,客户至上的经营理念,运用专业知识和专业的员工。

    We will work together to place the needs of learners and customers first , utilising the expertise and professionalism of our staff .

  28. 最后在已经确定的战略基础上,对战略目标进行了分解,战略目标可以分解为财务目标、市场和客户、内部经营能力和人力资源提高四个部分。

    At last , strategic goal is divided into four objectives : financial objective , marketing & customer , internal operational ability and human resource improving .

  29. 为了抢占市场先机,吸引更多的新客户,提高经营业务收益,电信运营商会不失时机地推出新业务套餐。

    In order to seize market opportunities , attract more new customers and increase business revenue , telecom operators will introduce new service packages to seize market opportunities .

  30. 公司坚持“靠精湛技术领先赢得市场、以优质服务回报客户”的经营理念,始终为客户保密。

    Our company adhere to the business philosophy of " win the market by superb technology , offer customers quality services in return " keep confidentiality to clients .