
  • 网络End customer;End User;end-user
  1. 到终端客户公司的网页或翻阅当地黄页?查证所有上面提到和将要提到的终端客户公司信息。

    Access the end user website or local business directory to verify all end user information above or see next .

  2. 它看上去更适合用热固性聚酯来制作,已经有终端客户认可了使用热固性聚酯模筑的制件了,不过那是另一个课题了。

    It could have likely been made for even less in a thermoset polyester had the end user had a qualified vendor for components molded from thermoset materials , but that 's a topic for another day .

  3. 我们的客户包含世界级的OEM,ODM及终端客户。

    Our customer include world class OEM , ODM and Own brand user .

  4. 该新的动手实践演示中心将展示施耐德电气面向OEM和终端客户的全自动化和控制解决方案。

    The new hands-on demonstration center will showcase Schneider Electric 's total automation and control solutions for OEM and end-user customers .

  5. IMS是一种全新的多媒体业务形式,它能够满足现在的终端客户更新颖、更多样化多媒体业务的需求。

    IMS is a new form of multimedia services that can satisfy the end-customers more innovative , more diversified multimedia business needs .

  6. ABP的终端客户多为工业设备包括机械、仪器、仪表的制造和研发公司。

    ABP end customers for industrial equipment , including machinery , instruments , gauges of manufacturing and research and development company .

  7. 利用该远程诊断系统,诊断中心的诊断设备能够对终端客户的FAI电喷摩托车进行远程的数据监测及故障诊断。

    With the diagnosis system , the diagnosis center can monitor the FAI motorcycle of client and make a remote failure diagnosis .

  8. 本技术的实现步骤为:首先建立QoS数据集;然后归一化QoS数据;其次根据SlopeOne算法预测不确定QoS的无单位值;最后将无单位值转化为有单位值返回给终端客户。

    The technique consists of four steps . Firstly , QoS data set is built up . Secondly , all of QoS data are scaled . Thirdly , the dimensionless values of uncertain QoS constraints are predicted based on Slope One method .

  9. WF还解决了这样一个问题:某个软件应用一次性被写成,并且随之应用许多终端客户中去。

    WF solves another type of common software problem where a software application is written once and applied to many end customers .

  10. 对房地产产品营销渠道系统基于终端客户进行CSI评价,建立了房地产产品营销渠道CSI评价指标体系。

    CSI appraisal based on terminal customer on realty products ' marketing channel system being made , Index system of CSI appraisal on realty products ' marketing channel being established .

  11. 在反向代理的基础上,实现SSL协议,以Samba服务为基础,实现整个局域网内的资源共享的设计,从而实现了外网终端客户能够安全、方便、快捷地接入和访问内网资源。

    An approach that is based on Samba service and SSL protocol via the technique of reverse proxy is proposed , so that the Intranet resources can be securely accessed and conveniently shared by Internet clients .

  12. IMS是IP多媒体子系统,是一种全新的多媒体业务形式,它能够满足现在的终端客户更多样化的多媒体业务的需求,被认为是下一代网络的核心技术。

    IMS is the IP multimedia subsystem and a new form of multi-media business . It is able to meet the end-user a more diversified demand for multimedia services . It is considered to be the core of the next generation network technology .

  13. PTO的成员包括硬件供应商、软件供应商、系统供应商以及终端客户和操作人员、科研机构、大学、分销商和系统集成商。

    Members of the PTO include vendors of hardware , software and systems as well as end users and operators , scientific institutes , universities , distributors , and system integrators .

  14. 因此,我们现在所做的一项工作,就是收集终端客户的一些信息。

    Therefore , what we do now is to collect information of end-customers .

  15. 这些服务业需要生产出来并把它们提供给终端客户。

    They too must be produced and made available to the final customer .

  16. 此外,终端客户机亦可以选择将数据库中的数据进行本地存储,以进行归档。

    Also an end client can opt to store database data locally for archival reasons .

  17. 为景观设计师和终端客户提供丰富的产品资讯及快速便捷的配送服务。

    For landscape architect and terminal customers with rich products information and distribution services , fast and convenient .

  18. 由于燃料短缺,加上终端客户大都是金融僵尸,私营发电站的经营也变得十分困难。

    Private-sector power plant firms are being squeezed by fuel shortages and by end-customers that are often financial zombies .

  19. 三星也还有机会发布可信的销售数字,区分清楚给经销商的出货量与卖给终端客户的销量。

    And it may yet release credible sales figures that distinguish between shipments to distributors and sales to customers .

  20. 通过对终端客户畜禽产品进行回收,激活产业链,实现产业价值转移,通过以上措施改善供应链管理,将使企业在新的竞争中脱颖而出。

    Pass the above measure improvement supply chain management , will make the business enterprise outshine others in the new competition .

  21. 然后通过对汽车制造业所面临现状的分析,分别提出了汽车制造商、汽车经销商以及终端客户的需求。

    Then the needs of the manufacturer , dealer and terminal customer are made according to the analysis of current situation .

  22. 第二部分为定位分析,该部分主要从终端客户和项目市场形象方面进行分析。

    Second , the position analysis , it mainly analyzes through the ultimate clients and the marketing image of the item .

  23. 我们的产品在市场上享有盛誉,品牌深入人心,与终端客户有着良好的关系。

    Our products are among the1st ranking in the market , with strong brand strength and relationships with our " end users " .

  24. 展览会主题定位与终端客户效益感知&以东莞两个典型展览会定性分析为例

    A Study on Exhibition Theme Positioning and Benefit Perceptions of End-Customers : A Qualitative Analysis of Two Typical Trade Shows at Dongguan City

  25. 分别提出了高价值终端客户、高价值分销商和高价值零售商的价值保持和提升策略;

    Finally , different policies of value retention and increase for high value consumers , high value distributors and high value tradesmen are presented ;

  26. 对于伦敦那块地,现在有许多终端客户找到我们,但他们都不是开发商。

    Adam Harman : Many clients have come to us for the matter of that piece of land , but they are not developers .

  27. 对产品的某一个步骤或某一种变革,它会影响未来或下一步发展a,但是终端客户并没有察觉到。

    A step or change made to the product which is necessary for future or subsequent steps but is not noticed by the final customer .

  28. 市场竞争的目标在于争夺更多的终端客户,而能否成功的争取到客户又取决于客户对产品和服务的满意度。

    The market competition goals is to gain more customer , and successfully win the customer depends on customers ' satisfaction for products and services .

  29. 每个终端客户有他们自己正对商业逻辑应用的需要,而且在软件使用之前还有很长一段时期的个性化需要。

    Each customer has their own requirements for the business logic implementation and often a long period of customisation before the software can be used .

  30. 若通过终端客户手动下载安装软件补丁,自动化程度不高,也会造成管理的混乱;

    If we grant customers to download and install all patches , it will not be auto and will lead to a non-consistency to management ;