
zhōnɡ sù zhǔ
  • final host
  1. 血吸虫基因的这些多态性变化,可能与感染性的差异、中间宿主和终宿主内的发育、对药物的敏感性以及致病性和免疫原性有关。

    The polymorphisms of schistosome genes may associated with the differences in infection , the development of schistosome in intermediate host and final host , the sensitivity to drugs , the infectivity and immunogenicity .

  2. 结论PCR方法检测终宿主感染细粒棘球绦虫DNA重复序列尽管有优良的灵敏性,因其特异性差,不适合用于临床诊断和推广。

    Conclusions These primers , despite their good sensitivity , can not be used for diagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus infection in definitive host as a routine method because of its poor specificity , even after sequencing analysis .

  3. 异盘并殖吸虫在啮齿类动物体内发育及终宿主间的转换

    Studies on development of Paragonimus heterotremus in rodents and its host transfers

  4. 藐小棘隙吸虫尾蚴直接感染终宿主的实验研究

    Experiment on direct infection of definitive hosts with ECHINOCHASMUS

  5. 结果显示,猫为两型的适宜终宿主。

    The observation showed that cat is the suitable host for the two types .

  6. 终宿主田鼠的感染率为1.75%。

    The infective rate in field rats ( definitive host ) was 1 . 75 % .

  7. 表明在新疆北部泡型包虫病流行地区,家犬不是多房棘球绦虫的终宿主。

    It indicates that the dogs are not the definitive host of Echinococcus multilocularis in these areas .

  8. 由此,找到了以人、牛共为主要终宿主的湖区洲垸与汊滩型疫区血吸虫病流行可被阻断的阈值。

    The value of threshold for blocking transmission of schistosomiasis in lake regions has been also found out .

  9. 丰宫并殖吸虫的适宜终宿主为大鼠,猴、犬、猫均为不适宜宿主。

    The natural definitive host for P.proliferus is not monkeys , dogs , and cats , but rats .

  10. 成虫寄生在终宿主蛇的呼吸道中,幼虫寄生在一些脊椎动物和人内脏器官。

    The adult parasitize in the respiratory tract of reptiles ( eg snakes ) . However , the larvae are parasitic in some mammals and man 's internal organs .

  11. 福建省并殖吸虫终末宿主及其地理分布的调查研究

    Investigation on Final Host and Geographic Distribution of Paragonimus in Fujian Province

  12. 日本血吸虫成虫和童虫的终末宿主体内异位寄生的研究

    Studies on ectopic parasitism of adult and juvenile Schistosoma japonicum in the final host

  13. 结论该寄生虫在终末宿主中以雌雄同体进行有性繁殖,在中间宿主中是由生发上皮细胞增殖形式进行无性繁殖。

    Conclusions This parasite is sexual reproduction in the definitive host and non sexual reproduction in the intermediate host .

  14. 人是有钩绦虫的唯一终末宿主,猪是有钩绦虫的中间宿主之一。

    Who is the only hook tapeworm final host , the pigs are Taenia solium one of the intermediate host .

  15. 作为终末宿主的家犬与人类的感染密切相关,对感染犬的管理应该加强。

    Nevertheless , the supervision of dog infection should be reinforced because this definitive host constitutes an important link with human contamination .

  16. 红狐是多房型棘球绦虫自然感染的终末宿主,累计平均感染率为15%。

    Vulpes vulpes was found to be the definitive host of natural infection of E. multilocularis , the average accumulative infection rate being 15 % .

  17. 研究表明,血吸虫是血吸虫病的病原体,哺乳类动物(终末宿主)和钉螺(中间宿主)是血吸虫的两个宿主。

    It has been demonstrated that Schistosome is pathogen of schistosomiasis , and the mammalian animal ( the end host ) and snails ( the intermediate host ) are their two hosts .

  18. 结果在全省发现的卫氏并殖吸虫等7种虫种的终末宿主动物有18种,以灵猫科、猫科、犬科和鼠科动物为主。

    The final host animals of 7 species of Paragonimus found in the whole province were 18 , with the most of civet cat family , cat family , dog family and rat family .

  19. 野生中间宿主动物感染率以青南高原为最高,祁连山地域的犬、狼等终末宿主动物的感染率高于其他两个地形区。

    Higher prevalence in wild animals as intermediate host was found in the southern plateau , while that in final hosts such as dogs and wolves , the prevalence was higher in the area of Qilian mountain .

  20. 由于钉螺寄生终末宿主哺乳类动物种类多样,活动区域繁杂,人类难以控制,抑制中间寄主&钉螺的繁生便成了血吸虫病防治的有效对策。

    Because the end host is highly diverse and has complicated behavior , making it difficult to control by human , therefore , depression of reproduction of the intermediate host becomes an effective strategy for preventing schistosomiasis .

  21. 猫是弓形虫的终末宿主,会排出感染性的卵囊,卵囊被认为是弓形虫感染的主要来源之一。人经食物、饮水等途径摄入卵囊而感染。

    Cats are the definitive host of T. gondii , may produce infectious oocysts . Oocysts is considered the main way of T. gondii infection , people could be infected T. gondii by ingestion of environmentally resistant oocytes .