
  • 网络sleeping sickness
  1. 世界卫生组织将使用一种新的综合性药物来治疗非洲的锥虫病,也被称为昏睡症。

    The World Health Organization is using a new combination of drugs to treat human African trypanosomiasis disease , also known as sleeping sickness .

  2. 后来,人们猜测当时那神秘的疾病可能是由采采蝇引起的。采采蝇是非洲的一种昆虫,它能引发一种叫做昏睡症的疾病。

    It was later speculated that the mysterious illness had been caused by a Tsetse fly , an African insect that can cause a disease known as sleeping sickness .

  3. Nishino也指出诊断为昏睡症的患者常常开始感觉日间昏昏欲睡,直到6个月至一年后才出现突然的肌力丧失。

    Nishino also points out that patients diagnosed with narcolepsy often don 't experience abrupt loss in muscle tone until six months to a year after they began to experience daytime drowsiness .

  4. 昏睡症的致命感染始于采采蝇的一叮。

    The fatal infection begins with the bite of a tsetse fly .

  5. 他说治疗昏睡症急需要一种价廉又易于使用的药物。

    He says a less costly , easy-to-use medicine for sleeping sickness is badly needed .

  6. 直到目前为止,硫胂密胺这种药一直被用于治疗昏睡症后期病人。

    Until now , the drug melarsoprol was used to treat patients in the advanced stages of sleeping sickness .

  7. 大笑常触发昏睡症患者虚脱。而患昏睡症的狗在晚餐时间变得异常激动,在院子里放纵地玩耍。

    Laughter often triggers a collapse in human narcoleptics , whereas narcoleptic dogs can crumple from the thrill of dinnertime or being let loose to play in the yard .