
  • 网络sporozoan;sporozoa;cyclospora;sporozoite
  1. 孢子虫1科1属5种;

    Sporozoa : 1 Family , 1 Genus , 5 Species ;

  2. 西安地区鱼类寄生孢子虫的研究

    A Study on Parasitic Sporozoa of Fish from Xian

  3. 卡氏肺孢子虫特异性DNA探针的制备及其实验应用

    Preparation and application of the specific DNA-probes for Pneumocystis carinii

  4. 不同种类微孢子虫DNA制备方法的研究

    Studies on the methods for preparing DNA of different species of Microsporidia

  5. 3种抽提隐孢子虫卵囊DNA方法的比较

    Comparision of Three DNA Template Preparations of Cryptosporidium oocysts

  6. 微小隐孢子虫DNA探针的制备

    Preparation of DNA probe for Cryptosporidium parvum

  7. 贝氏隐孢子虫PCR检测试剂盒的研制

    Development of a PCR detection kit for Cryptosporidium baileyi in poultry

  8. PCR方法检测奶牛粪便中鼠隐孢子虫

    Detection of Cryptosporidium muris in Fecal Samples from Dairy Cattle by PCR

  9. 卡氏肺孢子虫PCR检测方法研究进展

    The advances of research in PCR assay for detection of Pneumocystis carinii

  10. 套式PCR检测奶牛粪便中隐孢子虫

    Detection of Cryptosporidium Muris in Fecal Sample from Diary Cattle by Nested-PCR

  11. 睑结膜鼻孢子虫病文献复习并附4例报道CO2激光治疗(氵弥)漫性睑球结膜乳头状瘤

    The Diffuse Papilloma of Palpebral-bulbar Conjunctiva Treated with CO_2 Laser A Case Report

  12. 卡氏肺孢子虫DNA的PCR检测

    Detection of Pneumocystis carinii DNA by PCR

  13. 用PCR诊断不同虫荷量的大鼠卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎的价值

    The value of PCR for diagnosing PCP under different burden of Pneumocystis carinii in rat models

  14. 家蚕微孢子虫PCR检测的研究

    Studies on PCR amplification of DNA of pebrine spore Nosema bombycis from silkworm , bombyx mori

  15. 引滦水源隐孢子虫和f2噬菌体消长规律研究

    Study on dynamic changes of cryptosporidium and bacteriophage f_2 in source water diverted from Luan river

  16. 应用PCR诊断隐孢子虫病

    Diagnosis of Cryptosporidiosis by PCR

  17. 微小隐孢子虫(CategoryBagent)是一种会导致人类和动物急性腹泻的寄生虫。

    Cryptosporidium parvum ( Category B agent ) is a protozoan parasite that can cause severe watery diarrhea in humans and animals .

  18. 方法以上述3种药物治疗实验大鼠肺孢子虫肺炎,治疗结束后收集鼠肺,以酚-氯仿抽提法抽提肺总DNA。

    After the therapy , the control and treated rat lungs were collected . Total lung DNA was extracted by phenol-chloroform extraction method .

  19. LDH活性测试在大鼠肺孢子虫肺炎诊断中的应用

    Application of lactate dehydrogenase activity determination in diagnosis of pneumocystis pneumonia rats

  20. 火鸡隐孢子虫18S核糖体DNA部分序列测定与系统发育分析

    Sequence and Phylogenetic Analysis of Partial 18S rDNA Gene for Cryptosporidium meleagridis Isolate

  21. 间接ELISA法检测贝氏隐孢子虫特异性IgY抗体的研究

    Development of indirect ELISA for the detection of Cryptosporidium baileyi specific IgY

  22. 重度感染家蚕微孢子虫的家蚕丝腺cDNA文库构建及EST测序分析

    CDNA Library Construction and EST Analysis of Bombyx mori Silk Gland Heavily Infected by Nosema bombycis

  23. 检测微小隐孢子虫抗体的间接ELISA方法的建立

    Development of An Indirect ELISA for Detection of Antibodies against Cryptosporidium parvum Employing Recombinant CP15 / 60 Expressed in E.coli

  24. 微小隐孢子虫CP15/60基因在Hela细胞中的表达

    Expression of CP15 / 60 Gene of C . parvum in Hela Cells

  25. 为促进用PCR法检测家蚕微粒子病的生产应用,对带毒蚕卵中的家蚕微孢子虫DNA提取方法进行了研究。

    The method for extracting Nosema bombycis DNA from Bombyx mori eggs infected with Nosema bombycis was studied to approach the feasible application of detecting through PCR .

  26. 安氏隐孢子虫ITS-1序列的PCR扩增、克隆及分析

    PCR amplification , cloning and sequencing of ITS-1 rDNA from cryptosporidium andersoni

  27. 目的评价PCR及六胺银(GMS)染色法对肺孢子虫肺炎(PCP)的临床诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of PCR and GMS stain for Pneumocystis pneumonia ( PCP ) .

  28. 本文报道了用PCR扩增技术检测卡氏肺孢子虫感染大鼠的肺组织、支气管灌洗液和外周血病原体DNA,并和肺印片结果进行比较。

    Polymerase chain reaction was employed to detect the Pneumocystis carinii DNA in the lung , broncho lavage and peripheral serum from 36 experimentally infected rats and 6 normal rats .

  29. 结果:5例血巨细胞病毒DNA阳性,4例血巨细胞病毒IgM阳性,2例找到卡氏肺孢子虫病体。

    Results : Among the 41 patients , CMV-IgM were found positive in 4 cases and CMV DNA positive in 5.Pneumocystis carinii were found in 2 patients .

  30. 综上所述,新建立的nestedPCR技术是一种具有较高特异性和敏感性的微量隐孢子虫卵囊检测方法,具有较好的应用前景。

    Briefly , the new Nested PCR has a bright prospect of application in the microdetection of Cryptosporidium oocysts because of its high specificity and sensitivity .