
  • 网络palynoflora
  1. 银川盆地中更新世以来的孢粉植物群古气候旋回探讨

    Study on palynoflora and Paleoclimatic cycles since mid-Pleistocene in Yinchuan Basin

  2. 陕西铜川晚三叠世孢粉植物群及其环境意义

    Palynoflora and its environmental significance of the Late Triassic in Tongchuan , Shaanxi Province

  3. 晚更新世以来呼伦湖地区孢粉植物群发展与环境变迁

    Vegetational development and environmental changes in Hulun Lake since late Pleistocene

  4. 云南曲靖盆地晚新生代孢粉植物群

    Late Cenozoic PALYNOFLORAS from Qujing basin , yunnan , China

  5. 南极乔治王岛第三纪化石山组的孢粉植物群

    Research on tertiary palynoflora from the fossil Hill Formation of King George island , antarctica

  6. 新疆乌恰中侏罗世孢粉植物群及其环境意义

    Palynoflora and its environmental significance of the Middle Jurassic in Wuqia , Xinjiang Autonomous Region

  7. 韩江三角洲晚更新世以来的孢粉植物群及其古环境古气候意义

    Paleoenvironment and Paleoclimate after Pollen and Spore Records of the Hanjiang Delta Since the Late Pleistocene

  8. 江苏固城湖区一万多年来的孢粉植物群及古季风气候变迁

    Character of a nology and changes of monsoon climate over the last 10000 years in Gucheng lake , jiangsu Province

  9. 中国黄土古土壤序列与第四纪古气候旋回研究现状、问题与前瞻银川盆地中更新世以来的孢粉植物群古气候旋回探讨

    The loess-paleosol sequence and quaternary paleoclimatic cycles in China Study on palynoflora and Paleoclimatic cycles since mid-Pleistocene in Yinchuan Basin

  10. 对辽宁西部晚侏罗世义县组中的孢粉植物群进行了系统研究,首次发现了目前为止世界上最古老的被子植物花粉化石。

    This paper reports fossil pollen collected recently from the Upper Jurassic Yixian Formation of western Liaoning Province , and first demonstrates the oldest known angiospermous pollen in the world .

  11. 基于内蒙古东胜地区中侏罗统延安组发现的孢子花粉34属63种的研究,建立了研究区中侏罗世早期孢粉植物群。

    Based on the investigations of 63 species of fossil spores and pollen referred to 34 genera found from the Middle Jurassic Yanan Formation in Dongsheng region of Inner Mongolia , the early Middle Jurassic palynoflora in the region was established in this paper .

  12. 基于新疆乌恰地区下白垩统克孜勒苏群51属77种孢子花粉化石的研究,建立了研究区早白垩世早期和晚期两个孢粉植物群。

    Based on the investigations of 77 species of fossil spores and pollen belonging to 51 genera found in the Lower Cretaceous Kizilsu Group in the Wuqia region of Xinjiang Autonomous Region , the early and late Early Cretaceous palynofloras in the region have been established .

  13. 山旺组地质时代确定为中中新世,孢粉植物群含120个孢粉类型,归属于77属,40科,其中蕨类植物占3%左右,裸子植物5%-27%,被子植物70%-92%。

    The geological age of Shanwang formation is Middle Miocene based on the palynoflora , Shanwang palynoflora comprises of 120 palynomorphs belonging to 77 genus , 40 families . The percentage of pteridophytes is 3 % , gymnosperms 5 % - 27 % , angiosperms 70 % - 92 % .

  14. 本文详细分析了各孢粉组合的特征,并与邻区及华北部分地区进行了对比:紧接着对该研究区石炭二叠纪的孢粉植物群以及古植被古气候进行全面系统的总结分析;

    The feature of each sporopollen assemblage was analysed and matched with co relational area and some area of north China ;