
  • 网络sporophyll
  1. 方差分析结果表明:5个形态指标在种群间的差异程度依次为株高>冠幅>孢子叶数>叶数>叶宽。

    The results of variance analysis showed the variant extent of above 5 morphologic characters was plant height > crown breadth > sporophyll number > leaf number > leaf breadth in turn .

  2. 孢子叶EST酶活力要较茎和叶的酶活力强很多,3种裙带菜孢子叶中EST酶活力相同。

    The EST enzyme activity was higher in the sporophyll than that in the stems and leaves .

  3. 对3个不同养殖群体裙带菜Undariapinnatifida(本地裙带菜、日本裙带菜、自育裙带菜)的孢子叶、茎和叶不同部位的过氧化物酶(POD)和酯酶(EST)进行了同工酶电泳分析。

    Peroxidase ( POD ) and esterase ( EST ) isoenzymes were analysed in sporophyll , stem and leaf in three populations ( native , Japanese and half-bred ) of sea mustard Undaria pinnatifida by electrophoresis .

  4. 具有梅花状孢子叶球的原始苔藓植物。爱讲闲话者向上抛长满苔藓的花化石。

    Primitive evergreen mosslike plant with spores in club-shaped strobiles . The gossip tossed the mossy blossom fossil .

  5. 缬草是一种含有缬草提取物、啤酒花孢子叶球提取物和西番莲提取物的明胶胶囊草药产品。

    Valerocalm is a herbal product in soft gelatin capsules containing Valerian root extract , Hop strobiles extract and Passiflora extract .

  6. (植)大孢子叶带有大孢子囊的叶形结构子囊孢子:在子囊菌中,子囊内进行减数分裂产生的孢子,通常是8个。

    A leaflike structure that bears megasporangia . Ascospore One of ( usually ) eight haploid spores produced inside an ASCUS by members of the phylum Ascomycota .

  7. 黑龙江产十种蕨类植物孢子囊和叶表皮的扫描电镜观察

    The scanning electron microscope observation of the fern sporange and the fern leaf epidermis in Heilongjiang Province

  8. 蕨类植物孢子萌发及原叶体发育的观察

    Observations on the Spore Germination and Prothallium Development of Ferns

  9. 原叶体发育为三叉蕨型;蕨类植物孢子萌发及原叶体发育的观察

    The prothallus is of the Aspidium-type . Observations on the Spore Germination and Prothallium Development of Ferns

  10. 该研究为园艺学研究提供了用孢子人工繁殖剑叶凤尾蕨的方法,也为分子生物学、遗传学和蕨类植物系统学研究提供了基础。

    This study reveals not only the technique of propagation of P.ensiformis with spores for horticulture but also the proper conditions for molecular biology , genetics and systematics study .

  11. 孢子以在人参叶汁、1%糖水、露水和饱和湿度下萌芽率最高:在蒸馏水、自来水中萌芽率最低;

    The highest germination rate of conidium was found in ginseng leaf sap 1 % sugar solution and dew under saturated humidity , the lowest , in distilled water .

  12. 油脂植物广泛存在于植物界,它们的果实、种子、花粉、孢子、茎、叶、根等器官都含有油脂,尤其以种子含油量最丰富。

    Oil plants are widely existed in Regnum vegetabile , the plant organs such as fruit , seed , pollen , spore , stalk , leaf and root etc. are oiliness , especially the abundant oiliness in seed .

  13. 孢子宜在水滴和水膜中萌发,孢子悬浮在红麻叶汁液中能显著提高萌发率;

    During germination , the spores need to be in water drop or water film . Suspending in kenaf leaf juice would obviously improve the spore germination rate .