
  • 网络capsule
  1. 由受精卵发育而来,包括基足、柄和孢蒴。

    It develops from the zygote and comprises the foot , seta , and capsule .

  2. 孢子体败育发生在胚胎发育时期、孢蒴膨大期或者孢子形成期等3个时期,孢子体败育率为7.3%,败育孢子体的平均生物量为正常成熟的43.3%。

    The abortion of sporophytes were observed in the embryonic phase of development , the capsule expansion phase and the spore phase of development . The frequency of sporophytic abortion was 7.3 % and the mean biomass of per abortive sporophyte was 43.3 % that of per normal mature sporophyte .

  3. 在LM和SEM下对河北省丛藓科13属28种植物的孢蒴、蒴齿和孢子的形态及孢子和蒴齿的超微结构作了观察。

    The capsules , peristome and spores of 28 species of Pottiaceae in Hebei province have been observed under LM and SEM .

  4. 在某些分类中,是苔藓的一个分类范畴,孢蒴以中空的圆筒状的孢间间隙和蒴壁分离。

    Category used in some classification systems for mosses having the spore case separated from the capsule wall by a hollow intercellular space .