
  • Sporangium;【动】sporocyst
  1. 一步法提取大豆孢囊线虫DNA

    A method on rapid isolation of soybean cyst nematode DNA

  2. 大豆F1代群体对孢囊线虫3号优势生理小种抗性遗传

    Inheritance of resistance of F2 population to race 3 of Soybean Cyst Nematode

  3. 与大豆孢囊线虫病抗性相关的RAPD标记

    RAPD Markers Associated with Resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode

  4. 小麦抗禾谷孢囊线虫基因RAPD分子标记

    Study on RAPD molecular markers of the resistance gene to CNN in Wheat

  5. 新形成的孢囊3d后红色体开始出现,并持续地分泌粘性物质,这可能有助于孢囊的扩散和生存。

    Newly formed cysts developed accumulation body 3 d later and kept forming mucilaginous substance , which might help their dispersal and survival .

  6. BT悬浮菌剂(4000国际单位)防治大豆孢囊线虫的初步研究

    Research of BT Suspension ( 4000 International Unit ) to Prevent Soybean Cyst Nematode

  7. 渤海甲藻孢囊的数量仅为163cysts/gdwt;

    There are 22 types of cysts were detected in Bohai Bay with the average concentration of 163 cysts / g DWt .

  8. 一个大豆孢囊线虫抗性相关基因RGA的克隆

    Cloning of a RGA Related Resistant Gene to Soybean Cyst Nematode

  9. 禾谷孢囊线虫病(CerealCystNematode,CCN)已经成为我国小麦生产上一种重要病害,严重威胁到我国小麦的安全生产。

    The cereal cyst nematode ( CCN ) has become an important disease in China , which brought a potential security threat on wheat production .

  10. 小麦禾谷孢囊线虫病(CerealCystNematode)在我国北方小麦主要产区发生分布十分广泛,对小麦生产构成了潜在的威胁。

    The cereal cyst nematode ( CCN ) occurred and distributed widely in the major wheat growing regions which brought a potential menace on the wheat production in China .

  11. 1995年在安达盐碱土利用改良研究所的轮作和连种抗病品种地块取土样6份,用Golden方法进行大豆孢囊线虫生理小种变化动态监测。

    Soil samples were collected from rotation and continuous resistant variety planting fields in Anda Institute of Utilization and improvement of Saline-alkali soil in 1995.Dynamics change of races of soybean cyst nematode were studied by Golden method .

  12. 2002年,用塑料钵柱法对35份大豆主栽品种进行了抗大豆孢囊线虫(SCN)4号生理小种的抗性研究。

    35 soybeans of main local varieties were studied for resistance appraisal to race No. 4 of cyst nematode in method of plastic post .

  13. 我国小麦禾谷孢囊线虫(HeteroderaavenaeWollenweber)鉴定研究

    A study of cereal cyst-nematode ( heterodera avenae wollenweber ) in China

  14. 孢囊在15和20℃保存下的休眠期分别为15d和10d。

    The mandatory dormancy period of resting cysts was 15 and 10 d when stored at 15 and 20 ℃ respectively .

  15. SON-PCR扩增抗禾谷孢囊线虫基因LRR区及序列分析

    SON-PCR Cloning the Leucine-rich Repeats Region of Cereal Cyst Nematode Resistance Gene and Sequencing

  16. 大亚湾甲藻孢囊形成率与PSP毒素的季节变化海洋底栖甲藻&利玛原甲藻(Prorocentrumlima)产毒特征的研究

    Seasonal Changes in the Dinoflagellate Cyst Flux and PSP Toxicity in Daya Bay , South China Sea ; Studies on Toxin Production of Prorocentrum lima

  17. 大豆孢囊线虫(HeteroderaglycineIchinohe)是大豆生长过程中最具破坏力的病害之一,我国大豆孢囊线虫以4号生理小种危害最为严重。

    Soybean cyst nematode ( SCN , Heterodera glycine Ichinohe ) is one of the most serious diseases in the growth of soybean .

  18. 4月、5月新孢囊内无J2,夏季滞育期间,孢囊内有J2,但不活动。

    There were no J2s in new cysts in April and May . J2s existed in cysts during CCN diapause in summer and were inactive .

  19. 在小麦生长期间,10月至次年3月,孢囊内的卵呈下降趋势,J2数量变化不明显。

    Number of eggs in cysts was downtrend from October to March next year , while number of J2s has no significant changes . 2 .

  20. 随后一系列研究证明expansin基因可能在植物寄生线虫中普遍存在,关于大豆孢囊线虫expansin基因的研究尚未见报道。

    Many recently studies demonstrated that the expansin genes are probably existed in many plant parasitic nematodes . No expansin genes have been reported in H. glycines .

  21. 主要研究结果如下:通过室内接种不同数量的二龄幼虫(J2)悬浮液和成熟孢囊,研究了两种接种方法植株根部产生的白雌虫数量的变化情况。

    The main research results are as follows : The number change of white females on the root of host plants was investigated through different inoculation of J2 and mature cysts in greenhouse .

  22. 小麦播种时定量接种禾谷孢囊线虫(CCN)(Heteroderaavenae)的孢囊,发芽生根后进行系统观察。

    The quantified cereal cyst nematodes ( CCN ) ( Heterodera avenae ) were inoculated at the same time as the wheat sowing . The life cyst was observed after rooting .

  23. CCN多居于自然含磷、钾元素多且保水性能好的油沙土中,以5~30cm的耕作层孢囊量较多。

    There were more nematode cysts in soil where the content of phosphorus and potassium were naturally rich and where the water capacity was higher . Most nema-todes inhabited in 5 - 30 cm cultivated horizon .

  24. 大豆孢囊线虫(SCN)是危害大豆的主要病害之一,它发生范围广、危害比较严重,培育抗病品种是目前最经济有效的控制措施。

    Soybean cyst nematode ( SCN ) is one of the major soybean diseases . Its occurrence is large in scope and the harm is serious . So it is the most economic and efficient measure to develop disease resistant varieties at present .

  25. 大豆孢囊线虫(Heteroderaglycines,SoybeanCystnematode,SCN)是一种土壤传播的植物专性内寄生线虫,其二龄幼虫从根尖侵入大豆根部,造成根组织的代谢失调和组织损伤,从而引起病害。

    Soybean cyst nematode ( SCN ), Heterodera glycines , is an obligate endoparasitic nematode in plant roots . The second stage juveniles invade the roots of soybean , induce the metabolism imbalance and injure the root tissues , which lead to plant diseases and yield losses .

  26. JL-01和SD-02在形成孢囊的过程略有不同,JL-01在形成孢囊时呈端生和中生,而SD-02则呈现等分。

    The difference of JL-01 and SD-02 was that the sporocyst of the JL-01 cell was observed at one end or the middle while the sporocyst of SD-02 formed after equipartition .

  27. 2003年5月DG-26站位表层沉积物中亚历山大藻孢囊密度只有3.3个/g,但这些孢囊均是新形成的。

    The cyst density in the surface sediment at DG-26 station in May , 2003 was only 3.3 cysts / g and the cysts were newly formed .

  28. 通过B-3GC柱状样84个样品的分析,获得了冲绳海槽北部全新世高分辨率沟鞭藻孢囊记录。

    Through the analysis of84 samples collected from the core B-3GC in the northern Okinawa Trough , a high resolution dinoflagellate cyst record of the Holocene has been obtained .

  29. 小麦禾谷孢囊线虫及抗线虫性基因研究进展

    Progress of Study on Resistance to Cereal Cyst Nematode in Wheat

  30. 厦门西港甲藻孢囊种类和数量分布特征

    Studies on dinoflagellate cysts and their distribution in Xiamen Western Harbour