
  • 网络synkaryon;zygote
  1. 所计算的以Pb为靶的冷熔合超重核形成截面和以48Ca为弹核的热熔合超重核形成激发函数与已知的实验值在合理的范围内符合。

    The formation cross sections of the super-heavy nuclei from Pb-based cold fusion and excitation functions from ~ 48Ca induced hot fusion are reasonably consistent with known experimental data .

  2. 结果表明:双孢蘑菇同核原生质体的杂交是一个较复杂的性亲合与核迁移过程,其杂交率较低。

    Results showed that cross between homokaryotic protoplast in Agaricus bisporus was a complicated procedure of sex compatibility and nuclear migration and its hybridization percentage was not high .

  3. 胃癌组织中诱导型一氧化氮合酶、核转录因子-κB的表达

    Expression of iNOS and NF - κ B in human gastric carcinoma tissue

  4. 音讯技术将成为21世纪全球经济合做的核口。

    Information technology will be at the heart of global economic competition in the21st century .

  5. 癫癎发作过程中细胞凋亡与一氧化氮合酶、核因子-B的关系

    Relationship of nitric oxide synthase , NF - κ B and cell apoptosis in epilepsy

  6. 环氧合酶-2、核因子(-K)B在胃癌、癌前病变中的表达及尼美舒利逆转其表达的实验研究

    The significance of the expression of COX-2 and NF - κ B in gastric atypical hyperplasia and gastric cancer and the inhibitory effects of nimesulide on these expressions in human gastric carcinoma cell line SGC-7901

  7. 大多数陆地植物利用C3光合途径中的核酮糖1,5-二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶(Rubisco)吸收大气中的CO2。

    The majority of terrestrial plants assimilate atmospheric CO2 through the C3 photosynthetic pathway , and the enzyme of primary CO2 fixation in this pathway is ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase ( Rubisco ) .

  8. 诱生型NO合酶基因真核表达载体的构建

    Construction of an Enkaryotic Expression Vector Carrying an Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene

  9. 在野生草鱼群体中,存在所有三种表现型;而在基因纯合型的雌核发育草鱼群体中只检测到表型1和表型3个体。

    In wild group of grass carp , all the three phenotypes were observed , whereas in mito-gynogenetic group , only phenotypes 1 and 3 were observed .

  10. 处理组中,环磷酰胺和乙醇可诱发小鼠卵母细胞(MⅡ)及第一次分裂合于雌原核染色体非整倍体率增加,醋酸棉酚、氯氮平、苯妥英钠及安定则无明显影响。

    In the treated group , cyclophosphamide and ethanol induced an increased percentage of aneuploidy in the oocytes ( MII ) and female pronucleus of the first-cleavage zygotes , while gossypol acetate , clozapine , phenytoin and diazepam exerted no such influence .