
  • 网络protein synthesis
  1. 已破坏的叶绿体需要加入ATP以提供合成蛋白质的能量。

    The damaged chloroplasts require the addition of ATP to fuel protein synthesis .

  2. 玉米离体线粒体合成蛋白质的研究

    In vitro Study of Mitochondrial Protein Synthesis in Maize

  3. 合成蛋白质,构成疏松结缔组织的纤维和基质成分

    Function-forming and remodelling collagen , reticular and elastic fibres and the ground substances .

  4. 核糖体是一个以RNA和蛋白质为基础的合成蛋白质的分子机器。

    Ribosome is a molecular machine based on RNA , which provides the workshop and tools to synthesize all of the proteins in cells .

  5. 例如,核糖体具有最重要的细胞机能之一:以信使RNA做为样板,把胺基酸合成蛋白质。

    The ribosome , for example , carries out one of the most important cellular functions : the synthesis of proteins from amino acids , using messenger RNA as the template .

  6. 中间的mirna指代的是mRNA,让细胞合成蛋白质的遗传密码片段,在这里蛋白质指的是新冠病毒纤突蛋白。

    mirna = mRNA , the snippets of genetic code that tell cells to build proteins . In this case , the proteins on the COVID-19 spike protein

  7. 控制人工合成蛋白质数学模型的研究

    Study of Mathematical Model for Control Man-made Synthetic Protein

  8. 三位科学家因阐释了细胞合成蛋白质的机制而荣获2009年诺贝尔化学奖。

    The2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Venkatraman Ramakrishnan , Ada E.Yonath and Thomas A.

  9. 合成蛋白质浆料的上浆工艺研究

    Research of Sizing Technology of Synthetic Portion-size

  10. 去核的细胞质仍然能合成蛋白质。

    Enucleate cytoplasm can still synthesise protein .

  11. 存储遗传信息以及合成蛋白质是核酸的最重要的功能。

    The store of information of heredity and synthesis of proteins is its most important function .

  12. 最后在家蚕丝腺无细胞系统中探索了利用家蚕丝腺蛋白质启动子在体外合成蛋白质的可能性。

    The native promoters of silk gland were studied for protein synthesis in this silk gland cell-free system .

  13. 沃特曼的专业领域是核蛋白体的结构,即细胞内合成蛋白质的微结构。

    Altman 's area of expertise is the structure of ribosome , minute structures that synthesize proteins inside cells .

  14. 当绒毛快速生长时,毛囊细胞分裂的速度很快,合成蛋白质效率非常高,绒山羊的毛囊一年中要合成大量的绒毛结构蛋白,且毛囊呈现明显的年周期性变化。

    When the hair rapid growth , hair follicle cell division very quickly , and has high protein synthesis efficiency .

  15. 成熟的基因拼接,然后出口到细胞质而它作为一个模板合成蛋白质。

    The mature spliced mRNA is then exported to the cytoplasm where it acts as a template for protein synthesis .

  16. 每一细胞中都有内质网的存在,内质网帮助合成蛋白质并监视蛋白质的折叠。

    Endoplasmic reticulum ( ER ) is found in every cell and helps synthesize proteins and monitor how they 're folded .

  17. 在过去十年内的发现大大增长了有关动植物细胞合成蛋白质的知识。

    Discoveries during the past decade have remarkably advanced knowledge concerning the synthesis of protein by cells of plants and animals .

  18. 病毒一旦进入宿主的细胞核,就会把细胞当成工具,来复制自己的基因并合成蛋白质。

    Once within the nucleus of a host cell , the virus uses the cellular machinery to replicate its genes and produce proteins .

  19. 氮是植物合成蛋白质所需要的,蛋白质又是酶和细胞结构的组成成分。

    Nitrogen is required by plants for the synthesis of proteins , which are needed as enzymes and as structural components of cells .

  20. 固定化的氮从细胞中发散到根部环境中,在那里它被植物用来合成蛋白质。

    The fixed nitrogen then diffuses out of the cells into the root environment where it is used by the plant for the synthesis of proteins .

  21. 这是很大的一个提升,意味着活细胞如今能够利用自然界中前所未有的方式来合成蛋白质。

    It 's an advance that means living cells could be persuaded to make proteins with properties that have never been seen in the natural world .

  22. 与体内合成蛋白质相比,由于无细胞反应体系的开放性,无细胞体外合成蛋白质的一个潜在的重要优点是蛋白质合成的高通量性。

    Comparing to cell-based in vivo protein expression , the cell-free protein synthesis system has great advantages in the aspect of high-throughput expression potential due to its open nature .

  23. 血色素,及其相关铁原子(它们合成蛋白质的方式不在本文讨论范围之内),在血液中运输氧气。

    Hemoglobin , with its associated iron atoms ( how they are assembled into the protein is beyond the scope of this article ), transports oxygen around the bloodstream .

  24. 核仁是真核生物很显著的亚细胞结构之一。在细胞合成蛋白质中具有非常重要的作用-核仁制造了核糖体大小亚单位。

    Nucleolus is one of the prominent nuclear structures in eukaryotic cell and the two subunits of ribosome are made in it , which are the factories of synthesizing protein in cell .

  25. 应用双向电泳、同位素标记、放射自显影及计算机蛋白质电泳图谱分析技术研究了家蚕5龄期和变态期脂肪体合成蛋白质的变化。

    Protein synthesis of fat body in the middle of the 5 th instar and metamorphosis period in Bombyx mori was studied by two dimensional electrophoresis , isotope labeling radioautography and computer protein electrophoresis map analysis .

  26. 生物钟系统是这样运作的:身体内的基因,包括那些合成蛋白质的指令都是在一天24小时循环的人体波动中形成的。

    The system works like this : Genes within the body include instructions for making proteins , which are produced in waves that rise and fall over the course of a day in a type of 24-hour cycle .

  27. 高蛋白品种在灌浆初期就表现出较高的积累合成蛋白质能力,而高淀粉含量品种同样在灌浆初期就表现出较高的淀粉含量,高产高蛋白品种介于两者之间。

    The high protein cultivar showed higher protein-accumulating ability even at the initial stage of grain filling , the high starch content cultivar showed the same tendency , and the high protein and high yield cultivar had both higher protein-accumulating ability and higher starch-accumulating ability .

  28. 碘对体外培养人甲状腺细胞合成DNA蛋白质和甲状腺激素分泌的影响

    Effect of iodine on synthsis of DNA , protein and thyroid hormone secretion

  29. 这一块的RNA可以直接合成的蛋白质通过遗传密码。

    This piece of RNA can then direct the synthesis of proteins via the genetic code .

  30. 目的研究特应血清被动致敏的人气道平滑肌细胞增殖、DNA合成、蛋白质合成等生物学特征。

    Objective To explore the biological characteristics of passively sensitized airway smooth muscle ( ASM ) cells in hyperplasia , protein and DNA synthesis abilities .