
hé tonɡ ɡuān xi
  • contractual nexus;contractual relation;privity of contract
  1. 因此保护义务的形成与发展扩大了合同关系的范围,促进了合同责任的发展。

    Therefore , with the introduction and development of the duty of protection , the extent of contractual relation has expanded and contractual liability has been aggravated .

  2. 本文所要解决的主要问题是明确医患关系的法律属性,确立医患关系的实质是合同关系,并对医疗合同的性质进行系统分析,探讨医疗合同的一些基础问题。

    This paper wants to clear the legal attribute of physician-patient relationship , define the essence of physician-patient relationship is contractual relation , and analyze the characteristic and some basic questions of medical contract systematically .

  3. 代数系上Fuzzy合同关系的格论性质

    Lattice Theoretical Properties of Fuzzy Congruence Relations on an Algebraic System

  4. 在此基础上构建出现行的EMC贷款担保体系,分析了体系的运行方式、参与者及他们之间的合同关系,并详细介绍了EMC贷款担保体系的流程。

    Secondly , build the existing EMC Loan Guarantee System . Analysis this system , the participants and their contracts and introduced processes of this system .

  5. 调查还将涉及google与广告主的合同关系,尤其将关注这样一些指控:google强迫广告主接受排他性义务,并限制广告主将自己的数据转移至竞争平台。

    It will also probe the contractual relationship which Google has with advertisers . In particular , it will explore allegations that Google imposes exclusivity obligations and restricts advertisers from moving their data to competing platforms .

  6. 其中医疗合同关系是一种不同于一般合同的特殊的民事法律关系。

    The medical service contract is a special civil legal relation .

  7. 医疗关系是医疗服务合同关系。

    The medical relationship is the relationship of medical service contract .

  8. 基金经理与基金管理人之间是雇佣合同关系,与基金托管人之间是托管合同关系,与基金持有人之间是委托合同关系。

    The relations between fund manager and fund shareholders are entrustment relations .

  9. 钢结构工程主承建合同关系及控制

    The Main Contract Relation and Control in Steel Structure Engineering

  10. 矩阵的合同关系、相似关系都是等价关系。

    Both congruent and similarity of matrix are equivalence relations .

  11. 盖茨的最后一战对工程量清单与建设工程合同关系的思考

    Bill Gates ' final task Relationship of Bill of Quantities and Construction Contracts

  12. 论事业单位聘用合同关系的法律适用

    Legal Applicability of Employment Contract Relationship in Public Institutions

  13. 高校与学生合同关系探讨

    The Discuss of Contract Relationship Between Academy and Students

  14. 理顺内部价格,强化合同关系;

    Adjusting internal prices , intensifying contract relations ;

  15. 双方之间的合同关系受到中国法律的专属管辖。

    The contractual relations between the parties shall be exclusively governed by Chinese law .

  16. 对工程量清单与建设工程合同关系的思考

    Relationship of Bill of Quantities and Construction Contracts

  17. 这两种业务,都涉及到对第三人之间的合同关系的问题。

    These two business kinds may concern about the relationship between the third parties .

  18. 劳动合同关系终结的理论选择

    Theoretical Selection of Labor Contract Relation End

  19. 很多人都被裁掉了,终止了合同关系或者就是简单地被开除了。

    More people are getting downsized , terminated or just plain fired all the time .

  20. 房屋租赁双方当事人在合同关系中享有权利,也承担相应的义务,一方履行义务就是另一方权利的实现。

    The parties of housing renting should take their rights and obligation through the contract .

  21. 论医患关系是特殊的民事合同关系

    Patient-hospital Relation & A Special Civil Contract

  22. 附随义务内容随合同关系发展而有不同的体现。

    The content of subordinated obligation presents differently according to the development of contract relationship .

  23. 本文综合运用法解释学、比较法学、历史分析和实证分析等多学科的研究方法,剖析了医疗法律关系本质是医疗合同关系,继而研究了医疗纠纷的责任承担。

    This article makes an analysis on the essence and liability of the medical legal relationship .

  24. 对运动员转会所涉及的三个合同关系的法律性质进行了讨论。

    This article discussed the legal nature of three contract relationships in which athlete transfer concerned .

  25. 在合同关系中,区分合同实体与合同程序可以为合同公正性评价提供一个新的视角。

    The equity in value of payment and benefit is regarded as substantive fairness in contract .

  26. 合同关系仅受到本销售条款的英语文本的法律约束。

    Only the English text of these Sales Conditions is legally binding for the contractual relationship .

  27. 本文分析了三者之间的合同关系及风险的存在形式,并提出如何应对的措施。

    This article analyses their congruent relationships and the risk existence forms , and proposes the countermeasures .

  28. 与员工形成劳动合同关系的国家机关、事业单位、社会团体。

    Government offices , institutions , public organizations which have formed labor contractual relations with the staff .

  29. 在分析期权合同关系内容之前,本文先对期权合同所包含的法律关系层次进行了分析。

    Before analyzing the content of option contract , this chapter investigates the level of option contract .

  30. 试析媒介消费中的民事合同关系&兼论适用合同法的规定保护媒介消费者的合法权益

    The Relations of Civil Contract in the Media Consumption and Contract Law with Protection of the Consumers