
  • 网络data message;electronic message;computer data
  1. 我国《电子签名法》也将符合一定条件下的数据电文视为满足法律、法规规定的原件形式要求。

    Besides , data messages satisfied with specific conditions are considered to be originals according to the Electronic Signatures Law of PRC .

  2. 没有数据电文的一般生效规则作为适用基础,《电子签名法》所规定的收发时间规则将难以完全发挥作用。

    Without the general validity rule as the basis of application , the rule of send and acceptance of data messages would not be enforced completely .

  3. I-COMMERCE合同中数据电文的法律地位

    The Legal Status of Data Message in the I - COMMERCE Contract

  4. 论《电子签名法》上的数据电文效力规则

    A Research on Validity Rules of Data Messages in Electronic Signature Act

  5. 第一部分是数据电文的基本问题。

    The first is the elementary problems of data message .

  6. 在这其中,数据电文的证据问题是其中一个较为突出的问题。

    Among the problems of data message , the evidence problem is outstanding .

  7. 数据电文的应用所带来的若干法律问题探析

    A Study on Certain Legal Issues Arising from the Use of Data Message

  8. 四是数据电文意思表示的撤回与撤销。

    The fourth isto withdraw and cancel of declaration of intention of data electronic text .

  9. 论数据电文的法律效力承认

    The Legal Recognition of Electronic Data Message

  10. 数据电文合同若干法律问题的探讨

    Discussion On the Contract of Data Message

  11. 确认数据电文的证据效力已成为电子商务发展不可回避的问题。

    Acknowledgement of the evidential effect of data message has become an inevitable legal issue with the development of E-Commerce .

  12. 各国相关立法和国际立法均对电子合同中的数据电文做了特殊的形式要求。

    The related laws in various countries and the international legislations have made the special form requirements for data message in the electronic contracts .

  13. 第四章重点论证了电子商务法的程式性规则&数据电文、电子签名和认证规则的统一化;

    Chapter 4 deals with the unification of transaction forms and formula rules such as rules of data message , electronic signatures and authentication .

  14. 使用,包括领购、开具、缴销、认证纸质专用发票及其相应的数据电文。

    The " use " includes purchasing , issuing , handing in for cancellation and authenticating paper-form VAT invoices and the corresponding electronic data message .

  15. 因此,数据电文是否属于书面形式,就成为判断电子仲裁协议是否有效的基础。

    Therefore , to make a judgment about the effect of electronic arbitration agreement is based on whether the data message belongs to the written form .

  16. 电子商务合同是采用数据电文合同形式进行数据信息的传输、交换和存储的,并将数据信息存储在计算机的磁性介质中。

    The e-business contract transmits and exchanges data information in the form of data message , and stores data information in magnetic medium of the computer .

  17. 现行法律制度对电子商务应用造成障碍,主要原因在于数据电文的应用改变了市场交易的形式。

    The existing legal system obstructs the effective electronic commerce manipulation in that the application of electronic data message has changed the traditional way for transaction .

  18. 尽管我国《合同法》承认以数据电文的形式签订的合同的效力,但在实践中,当事人往往强调签订确认书。

    Although , Chinese Contract Law holds as effective the question pursuant to this what if such a confirmation is concluded in the form of data message .

  19. 采用数据电文形式订立合同的,收件人的主营业地为合同成立的地点;

    Where a contract is concluded by the exchange of electronic messages , the recipient 's main place of business is the place of formation of the contract ;

  20. 当事人同意使用的,不得仅因为电子签名和数据电文是电子形式的即否认其效力。

    Where such an agreement has been made , the parties are estopped from subsequently denying the legal effects of the message and signature simply because they are in electronic format .

  21. 在考察或评估其证据力时,应考虑到生成、发送、接收及储存该数据电文的办法及保护其信息完整的办法的可靠性等多项因素。

    When inspecting or appraising its effect of evidence , we should consider the facts of generated , sent , received , stored data message and protecting the reliability of information integrity .

  22. 当事人采用信件、数据电文等形式订立合同的,可以在合同成立之前要求签订确认书。

    Confirmation Letter Where the parties enter into a contract by the exchange of letters or electronic messages , one party may require execution of a confirmation letter before the contract is formed .

  23. 因此数据电文法律地位确定和法律效力承认,成为电子商务法律制度与传统法律制度衔接的重要步骤。

    The legal recognition and its the legal binding of data message therefore indicates a vital step in establishing a smooth link between the traditional legal system and the electronic commerce legal system .

  24. 电子证据是以数据电文形式被储存于计算机内,或者因为计算机系统运行过程中产生的相应数据电文,它包括计算机程序和程序运行过程中所处理的信息资料。

    By electronic evidence , we mean those electronic data being stored in computer , or those data message generated in the course of running the computer system , including the programs and information being processed .

  25. 如电子认证服务机构违反保证主体身份识别、数据电文的机密完整有效的原则性义务给电子签名人、依赖人造成损害,应承担损害赔偿责任。

    Certificate Authority should compensate for the damage if he violates the general obligations of guaranteeing identity of subject , confidentiality , integrity and availability of electronic data and causes damage to electronic signatory and relying party .

  26. 对此,应依赖功能等同法,解决数据电文合同的书面效力、电子签名、合同的订立与成立等法律问题。

    Some legal problems of the contract of data message , such as the written form force , electronic signature , the formulation and establishment of the contract and so on , should be solved based upon functional-equivalent .

  27. 发件人收到收件人的收讫确认时,数据电文视为已经收到。不能删除以下文件夹:收件箱,发件箱,已发送的邮件,已删除的邮件。

    If an addresser has received any confirmation of the addressee on the receiving , the data message shall be regarded as having been received . Can 't delete the Inbox , Outbox , Sent Items , or Deleted Items folder .

  28. 电子意思表示对于电子商务合同具有重要的法律意义,但数据电文形式的电子意思表示与传统的口头或书面的意思表示形式不同,无法完全适应传统意思表示法律制度。

    The digital intent declaration is of vital importance in electronic business contract dealings . But it is different in form from the traditional oral or written intent expressions and is unsuitable for the legal system based on the traditional intention expressions .

  29. 《电子签名法》对于数据电文到达时间的确定存有缺漏情形,应当补充检索到达规则,以合理分配风险。同时,确认收讫规则与收发时间规则的适用界限以及确认收讫的法律效果尚须进一步明确。

    Additionally , it 's a shortcoming in the law that the affirmation of time of arrival is not intact , so the rule of retrieval should be supplied , and the effect of acknowledgement of receipt should be defined as well .

  30. 本部分首先简单分析了数据电文证据问题的两个基本问题,然后对确认数据电文证据的证据力的标准进行了探讨,最后分析论证了电子签名对数据电文证据力的辅助。

    The author first simply analyzes two basic matters of data message in evidence , then probes into criterions which help to judge the evidentiary weight of data message , and finally demonstrates how electronic signature effect the evidential weight of data message .