
  • 网络data type
  1. 抽象数据型与一类表达式的化简

    Simplification Of A Class Of Expressions with Abstract Data Type

  2. 同时也促使传统市场必须进行数据型学习。

    And to expose the traditional market to data-driven learning .

  3. 残缺数据型决策中的逆判方法及应用

    Reverse judgement methods of fragmentary data and its application

  4. 对于数据型参数和响应,必须使用“”。

    You do not have to enclose numeric parameters and responses in quotes .

  5. 属性可能是两种类型:数据型属性和客体性属性。

    Properties may be of two types : datatype properties and object properties .

  6. 判定,判决法庭决议,裁决残缺数据型决策中的逆判方法及应用

    A court decision . Reverse judgement methods of fragmentary data and its application

  7. 数据型是用来描述“简单的”属性,应用文字或则数字来表述。

    Datatype properties are used to describe " simple " properties , expressed by means of literals or numbers .

  8. 研究了一种能够实现对数据型网页中信息实施实时采集的信息技术。

    This paper researches into an information technology , which could real-timely extract the interested information from data-type Web pages .

  9. 数据型属性“有效起始于”的值给出了相关地域(领地或者集团)有效起始年。

    The value of the datatype property " validSince " gives the starting year of validity of the area ( territory or group ) it is associated with .

  10. 然后比较多媒体流量和数据型流量在不同尺度下所表现出的性能,并且给出了产生这种现象的原因。

    At last , it found the difference of performance between multimedia traffic and data traffic in the different scale , and the reason of the phenomenon was given .

  11. 第一,对照参考曲线,随着时间的推移,这种数据型曲线的峰值会向右移,也就是说地球上的平均温度在上升。

    First , the peaks of the data-based curves move right , over time , with respect to the reference curve . In other words , the average temperature is rising .

  12. 对于数据型数据,现有的模糊聚类算法也能加以解决,但对于事务属性数据或分类属性数据的多隶属聚类问题,目前尚无相关研究。

    For numerical data , fuzzy clustering algorithms can be used to solve this kind of problems , but new algorithms need to be developed to solve the problem of multi-subjected clustering on transaction data or categorical data .

  13. 数据密集型Web应用是当前Web工程的热点。

    The data - intensive web applications are very popular .

  14. 数据密集型Web应用的建模方法研究

    The Study of Modeling Method on Data-Intensive Web Application

  15. 数据密集型的信息系统通常都使用数据库系统来保存构造Web页面的基本内容。

    Data-intensive web-based information systems usually employ database systems to store the contents forming the basis for web page construction .

  16. 基于SAN系统数据密集型程序的性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Data Intensive Application Based on SAN System

  17. 用VISUALFOXPRO设计数据树型浏览

    Design of Data Tree Browsing with Visual FoxPro

  18. Web中有一类重要的页面是数据导向型页面,这种页面动态生成、便于更新,研究如何从这种页面中抽取信息是Web信息抽取技术研究的重点。

    There is an important class of Web pages called data-oriented page , this class of page is generated dynamically and can be updated easily .

  19. 更适合大型机环境的数据密集型、高输入/输出应用程序可以在AdvancedOnly服务器上运行。

    Data intensive , high input / output applications that are more suited to the mainframe environment can be run on Advanced Only servers .

  20. 还可另外购买附加工具,来增强对数据密集型DB2环境的控制能力。

    There are additional tools available at an additional purchase to further enhance your control of data-intensive DB2 environments .

  21. 为了进一步提高速度,本文采用多核异构TCore处理器的并行处理方案,这可以充分发挥TCore处理器的数据密集型运算的特点。

    In order to further improve the speed , we use multi-core heterogeneous T Core processor parallel processing program , which can fully play T Core processor data-intensive computing features .

  22. 无线传感器网络(wirelessSensorNetworks,WSN)是近来世界上备受关注的一种多跳自组织数据采集型网络。

    The Wireless Sensor Network ( WSN ) is a new type of self-organizing multi-hop data centric networks and one of the hot research fields in recent years .

  23. 数据密集型计算(Data-IntensiveComputing)的出现,使得对这种新情况下的大数据进行有效处理成为可能。

    The appearance of the Data-Intensive computing makes it possible to process these large data on the new situation .

  24. Hadoop是一个基于Java的框架,支持数据密集型的分布式应用程序,使应用程序能够处理数千个处理器节点和PB级的数据。

    Hadoop is a Java-based framework that supports data-intensive distributed applications , enabling applications to work with thousands of processor nodes and petabytes of data .

  25. Avro[1]是最近加入到Apache的Hadoop家族的项目之一。为支持数据密集型应用,它定义了一种数据格式并在多种编程语言中支持这种格式。

    Data format designed to support data-intensive applications , and provides support for this format in a variety of programming languages .

  26. 对于具有频繁、随机磁盘IO的数据密集型应用,如web服务器和数据库系统,磁盘访问的巨大延迟将严重影响应用程序的性能。

    Data-intensive applications with large and random disk access , such as web server and DBMS , require frequently disk accessing , which can decrease the application performance .

  27. 本文在详细分析了数据采集型WSN特点的基础上,有针对性地对此类应用的竞争机制和退避机制进行了研究,其中重点是退避机制。

    Based on the detailed analyses to data gathering applications , we study the CSMA mechanism , and the point is backoff mechanism .

  28. 谷歌真正希望Chrome强于竞争对手的地方在于,显示复杂的、数据密集型网页的能力,例如Facebook、Gmail和谷歌地图(GoogleMaps)的网页。

    Where Chrome is really designed to improve on its rivals is in showing complex , data-intensive web pages , such as Facebook , Gmail and Google Maps .

  29. HSDPA是WCDMA的数据增强型技术,可极大提升网络的下行数据速率及系统容量。

    HSDPA is an enhanced data technology in WCDMA application and can upgrade the downlink data speed and system capacity of the wireless network .

  30. 数据分布型sort-first并行图形绘制系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of a Data Distributed Sort-First Parallel Rendering System