
  • 网络the reliance interest;relianceinterest
  1. 合同法中的信赖利益赔偿研究

    On Compensation for Reliance Interest in Contract Law

  2. 信赖利益包括直接损失和间接损失,且信赖利益的损害赔偿,不应局限于履行利益,应坚持全面、实际赔偿原则。

    The reliance interest loss includes the direct loss and the indirect one . What 's more , its compensation for damage should not be confined to the benefit of performance but adhere to the overall and practical principle .

  3. 保护合同信赖利益历来为法律所重视。

    The protection of reliance interest has always valued in law .

  4. 第二问题具体分析了信赖利益的特性;

    Then the analysis of the characteristics of reliance interest ;

  5. 试析信赖利益赔偿制度

    A Brief Analysis of the Rules on Reliance Interest Damages

  6. 论信赖利益的损害赔偿范围

    On the Extent of Compensation for Losses to Trust Interests

  7. 违约损害赔偿的计算基础有二,一是期待利益,一是信赖利益;

    The basis of assessment includes the expectation and the reliance interest .

  8. 第二部分为信赖利益与相关概念之比较。

    Section two is the comparison between reliance interest and relevant concepts .

  9. 信赖利益及其赔偿制度浅论

    Discussion about credit benefit and the related compensation system

  10. 合同信赖利益法律保护研究

    Research on Protection of Reliance Interest of Contract Law

  11. 其中,期待利益居于原则性地位,信赖利益居于补充地位,信赖利益主要存在于利润难于确定场合和亏本合同场合。

    The expectation interest is of principle and the reliance interest is supplementary .

  12. 第三部分为信赖利益的赔偿范围。

    Section three involves the scope of reliance interest .

  13. 信赖利益保护是目前大陆法系国家行政法的一项基本原则,并占据重要地位。

    The protection of reliance benefits is a primary principle in Administrative law .

  14. 论信赖利益及信赖利益赔偿

    Reliance and Transcendence On Reliance Interest and Its Compensation

  15. 信赖利益的保护有赖于法律在实体和程序上作出规定。

    The reliance interests protection depends on the substantial and procedural stipulations in law .

  16. 也析缔约过失责任中的信赖利益

    A Different Perspective on the Trust Benefits in Obligations due to Contract Formation Mistakes

  17. 由于处于信息不对称的弱势地位,潜在受许人经常陷入特许陷阱,在缔约过程中,特许人违反先合同义务,造成潜在受许人信赖利益受损,特许人应当承担缔约过失责任。

    Because of the weak position , potential franchisee falls into frequently the special trap .

  18. 信赖利益及其保护价值分析

    On Reliance Benefit and Its Protection Value

  19. 试论我国合同信赖利益损害赔偿制度的完善

    On Damage Compensation of Contractual Reliance Interest

  20. 论赠与合同中的信赖利益保护

    Reliance Interest Protection in Donation Contract

  21. 第二部分,两大法系信赖利益的保护制度。

    The second part is about the protect on reliance interest in the two law systems .

  22. 信赖利益赔偿是基于民法的诚实信用原则而设立的一项制度。

    The compensation of reliance interest is a system based on honest and credibility in civil law .

  23. 第四部分,初步探讨了信赖利益的构成要件。第五、整合性。

    In the fifth part .

  24. 第三个问题是在比较分析基础上着力探讨了信赖利益保护的法理根据。

    The third aspects discusses the legal theory of reliance interest protection on the basis of comparative analysis .

  25. 因此,信赖利益不同于不当得利之返还利益与合同有效之履行利益。

    So trust-benefits are different from returned interests of unjustified enrichment and performance interests of a valid contract .

  26. 与此相应,作为损害赔偿的利益亦包括信赖利益、履行利益和实际利益三种。

    Correspondingly , the benefit of compensation for damage includes fiduciary benefit , benefit of performance and material benefit .

  27. 但无论是哪一种,都会涉及到法律溯及适用后可能涉及的信赖利益保护问题。

    No matter which kind of choice , it will still involve the problem of protection of reliance interest .

  28. 本章主要对公共利益界定和信赖利益保护问题展开了研究。

    The sixth part researches some special issue , such as the definition of public interest and trust benefit protection .

  29. 其次对信赖利益在英美法系中的发展作了阐述。普通小麦和六倍体小黑麦核型的演变

    Then it addresses the evolution of it in the common law system . KARYOTYPIC EVOLUTION OF COMMON WHEAT AND HEXAPLOID TRITICALE

  30. 第四部分集中表述了我国法律对合同信赖利益保护的现状并予以评价。

    The fourth part of centralism has indicated our country law and appraises to the contract reliance interest protection present situation .