
  • 网络information filtering
  1. 竞争情报整理中信息筛选的指标体系研究

    The Index System Research on Information Filtering in Competitive Intelligence Arrange

  2. 由于作业管理器可用于管理大量节点,因此信息筛选是一项重要功能。

    Because the job manager can be used to manage a large number of nodes , information filtering is an important feature .

  3. 网络关键信息筛选与影响力评估研究

    Research on critical information network and the assessment of its influence

  4. 信息筛选中群体用户偏好聚合模型

    Aggregation Model for Group User Profile in Information Filtering

  5. 将信息筛选描述为信息对象到用户偏好值的映射函数,利用多目标决策方法提出了一个信息筛选中群体用户偏好聚合模型。

    Using preference to measure the customers interest is presented and the method of the customers clustering is proposed based on customer preference .

  6. 电子商务网推荐系统是专门为用户提供的智能性和个性化服务的辅助系统,它主要针对当前用户进行合理的信息筛选和商品推荐。

    The e-commerce recommendation systems provide intelligent and personal services professionally , which concentrate on selecting useful information and recommending preferable goods for the users .

  7. 系统研究了信息筛选中的群体用户偏好,建立了一个群体偏好聚合模型,计算了不考虑信息代价和考虑信息代价两种情况下的群体偏好值。

    Furthermore , group profile was studied systematically . An aggregation model was proposed for group profile both with and without consideration of information charge .

  8. 主要建立园林树木信息筛选的依据,为开发系统做准备。

    This part mainly focus on the standard which is filter of the landscape tree data and prepare to design and build Landscape Tree Information System .

  9. 这是为什么建立一种强烈的视觉内容层次结构是如此的重要,它可以使用户可以快速地扫描您的网站,并进行相关的信息筛选。

    This is why it 's so important to establish a strong visual content hierarchy so users can quickly scan your site and sifting through relevant information .

  10. 对信息筛选过程进行了分析,它包括定义用户偏好、接受信息输入流、计算其用户偏好值以及用户偏好修正。

    The process of information filtering was analyzed . It includes defining user profile , accepting information inputting stream , calculating the value of use preference and adjusting user profile .

  11. 2000年春季,雅虎的估值曾增至1280亿美元,原因是投资者坚信人力信息筛选会打败搜索引擎——那些通过缓慢的拨号线路上网浏览的人们需要一个人性的界面。

    Yahoo 's valuation grew to $ 128bn in spring 2000 because of investors " faith that human curation could beat search engines - people browsing on slow dial-up lines needed a human interface .

  12. 此外,建立高效的政府领导机制、严格的信息筛选机制、畅通的反馈调节机制也是思想政治教育环境建设目标实现的重要保证。

    In addition , it is an important guarantee for achieving the objective of building environment to build highly efficient leadership mechanism of government , strict information screening mechanism , and smooth feedback mechanism .

  13. 其中检索部分在文档数据加工、信息筛选的基础上,完成构建索引、数据记录存储、检索器设计和索引优化,最终实现了全文检索。

    Its retrieval subsystem realized constructing indexer , database memory design and searcher design on the basis of relative work such as document data process , information extracting . Finally , the system realized Full-text Retrieval .

  14. 对于卫生人才需求单位来说,虽然人才网站也提供根据设定的条件进行人才信息筛选,但往往忽视求职者个性特征与职业环境类型的匹配。

    Referring to the organizations with positions to fill , the website also provides predetermined conditions to do talent information selection , but job seekers ' personal characteristics and the matches of occupational types is often ignored .

  15. 基于属性agent模型的新闻信息网页筛选技术

    Technology for selection of news information pages based on attribution agent

  16. 通常,如果需要的话,您可以通过用户、主机或者tty对信息进行筛选。

    You can often filter the information by user , host , or tty if you need to .

  17. 对信息的筛选和浓缩等问题的研究工作显得尤为重要。

    The research on such issues as information filtering and concentrating becomes necessary .

  18. 在“筛选器”部分中,选择是否要对信息进行筛选以及如何筛选。

    In the filter section , choose whether and how you want to filter the information .

  19. 有了识别公式自然能够从海量的信息中筛选出垃圾短信。

    With the recognition formula from the glut of information naturally filter out the garbage SMS .

  20. 在背景信息的筛选下,整合出自己的东西来,这就是新的信息的创造。

    Under the screening of background information , integrate things that are the creation of new information .

  21. 通过异常信息的筛选,分析了各元素异常反映的地球化学及地质信息。

    According selecting anomalistic information , the geochemical and geologic info reflected by each element were analysed .

  22. 同时也表明杏仁核在上传听觉信息的筛选中可能具有重要的作用。

    It suggests that the amygdala may have an important role in the selection of the auditory ascending information .

  23. 人才市场发布招聘信息,筛选合适的简历并进行初步面试;

    Be responsible to release the recruitment information to the career fair , screening the resume and conduct preliminary interview .

  24. 我们必须牢记,各种信息的筛选过程都发生在认知世界的过程中,这是很正常的。

    We must remember that the various information-screening processes that occur in the course of perceiving the world are normal processes .

  25. 我们俩用大致相同的方式对信息进行筛选,用大致相同的方式思考、观察、诠释世界。

    My twin and I filter information in much the same way , and we think , perceive and interpret things similarly .

  26. 这就需要媒体对信息进行筛选,有针对性地为读者提供阅读内容,满足他们的需要。

    This requires that the filter media for information in a targeted manner to provide readers read the content to meet their needs .

  27. 现代心理语言学认为,阅读是一种主动的、复杂的心理活动,读者需要根据自己的已有知识经验对信息进行筛选、推测和确认的思维过程。

    Modern psycholinguists believe that reading is an active , complex mental activity , readers need to select information , speculation and confirmation according to their knowledge and experience .

  28. 首先利用主持人在视频中运动幅度不大且运动区域稳定的特性,采用运动信息特征筛选出主持人候选镜头。

    First of all , according to the characteristics of modest action and fixed motion area of the anchor , motion information is adopted to choose candidate anchor shot .

  29. 其实验内容和研究结果包括以下几个方面:1、表面暴露蛋白、分泌蛋白和毒力相关因子是有潜力的亚单位疫苗候选分子,本文将其作为生物信息学筛选的疫苗靶标。

    Surface-exposed proteins , secreted proteins and virulence-related proteins are promising candidates for subunit vaccine , so they are considered as the targets of bioinformatics selection in this study .

  30. 在视图或报表中对信息进行筛选或排序时,如果插入了分页符,每个分页符将与选定任务或资源保留在一起。

    When you filter or sort information in a view or report , each page break remains with the task or resource selected when you inserted the page break .