
xìn xī yuán
  • source
  1. 另一个了解特许经营的可靠信息源是其他经营者

    Another good source of information about a franchise is other franchisees .

  2. Internet上农业信息源特征初探

    Probe into Features of The Agricultural Information Source on Internet

  3. 基于Web的异构信息源集成中间件

    Integration middleware of heterogeneous information resource based on Web

  4. 语义Web提供了实现对Web异构信息源智能访问和处理的平台。

    The Semantic Web provides the intelligent access to the distributed and heterogeneous information resources .

  5. Internet上的标准信息源

    Information Resources of Standard Literature on Internet

  6. 该系统由领域本体服务器、本体映射服务器、语义信息源、以及多Agent查询系统组成。

    The entire system integrates the ontology server , ontology-mapping server , semantic information sources and multi-agent query system .

  7. WEB中海量信息源的组织结构是异构的、多元的和分布的,信息检索系统提供了查询信息的可能。

    Massive Web information sources organizational structure is heterogeneous , pluralistic and distribution . It is a huge challenge to information retrieval system .

  8. 官方的Geronimo项目和社区Web站点是必不可少的信息源。

    The official Geronimo project and community Web site is a mandatory stop for information .

  9. 国际组织法律人格探源blog信息源的信息组织与利用

    Root of Legal Personality of International Organization The Organization and Using of Blog Information

  10. 基于IDS报警信息源的入侵检测

    Intrusion Detection Research Based on Alarm Information of IDS

  11. MAS在多信息源联合使用中的应用

    The Application of MAS in United Use of Multiple Information Sources

  12. 随着Internet技术的发展,Web上各种在线信息源不断涌现,这些信息源种类繁多,结构各异。

    With the development of Internet , all sorts of online information sources are increasing rapidly . The type and structure of these information sources are different .

  13. IDS信息源的偏差分析方法

    A Deviation Analysis Method for IDS Information Source

  14. 基于双CPU并行工作的多信息源冗余电力机车自动过分相系统

    The Redundancy Design of the Automatic Splitting Phase Device for Electrical Locomotives Based on the Double CPU Structure

  15. 基于外部信息源的WWW图像语义提取研究

    Methods of Extracting WWW Image Semantics Based on External Information

  16. 基于FPGA和DDS的数字通信信息源MSK实现方案

    MSK Digital Resource Based on FPGA and DDS

  17. 一旦确定了信息源,我们在抽取过程中的第一步就是将数据从HTML转换成XML。

    Once the source is determined , our first step in the extraction process is to convert the data from HTML to XML .

  18. 客户端调用facade,然后facade调用首选的信息源。

    The client invokes the facade , which then invokes the preferred information source .

  19. 潜在的信息源可能包括多个UDDI注册中心和其它可搜索数据源。

    Potential information sources could include multiple UDDI registries and other searchable sources .

  20. 遥感技术为大范围的环境调查和监测提供了时间和空间上连续覆盖的信息源,GIS技术为空间数据的管理和分析提供了有力的工具。

    Remote sensing supplies continuous information sources to environment surveying and monitoring in a large region . GIS is a powerful tool to management and analysis spatial data .

  21. MDM解决方案为主数据实体创建一个权威可信的信息源。

    The MDM Solution creates an authoritative source of trusted information for master data entities .

  22. 如果是这样,那么模式可以确认外部信息源提供的XML文档是否遵守您期望接收的结构。

    In this case , the schema is a way to confirm that the outside information source is supplying XML documents that conform to the structure you expect to receive .

  23. 为此绍兴市土地局开展了以TM影像为基本信息源的城镇遥感监测工作,本文对此工作进行了分析探讨。

    For this reason , the city land bureau launched remote sensing monitor work , which used TM image as basic information sources .

  24. Internet技术和移动通信技术的广泛应用,不但为人们提供了海量的信息源,而且可使用户随时随地方便的对所需信息进行访问。

    With the widespread application of Internet and mobile communication technology , not only massive source of information is provided to people but also the required information is conveniently accessed by users on anytime and anywhere .

  25. 作为产品生产过程中的信息源,制造工艺资源在CAD/CAPP集成系统中起着关键性的作用。

    Being the source of information in the process of product , the process resources of manufacturing plays a key role in the integrated CAD / CAPP system .

  26. 合理地命名接口,以反映它所代表的信息源,这样做很有帮助,如SilverCastles示例一样。

    It is helpful , as in the Silver Castles example , to name the interface to reflect the information source it represents .

  27. Web文本挖掘是发现文本中所包含的内容和意义的过程,在Web信息源爆炸式增长的同时,电子图书数据库中的数据也以很快的速度不断的扩大。

    Web text mining is a process of discovering the content contained in the document . At the same time the Web information sources explosively grows , the data in the database e-books expand at a faster rate .

  28. 这个工具不能将多个信息源的搜索合并在一起,所以其结果与直接在给定的IBMSupportWeb页面中进行搜索(这是下一个要讨论的项目)所得到的结果相同。

    This tool does not combine searches from multiple sources , so the results will be to the same as searching directly on a given IBM Support Web page ( which is the next item ) .

  29. 并根据地学属性分析结论选择7月下旬的LANDSATTM图像作为草地退化动态监测的主要遥感信息源。

    Based on the above results , LANDSAT TM image of July is selected as the main data for land degradation monitoring .

  30. 作为空间栅格数据之一的遥感数据,是GIS系统中重要的信息源,而遥感分类图是遥感图像的一种特殊形式。

    Remote sensing data is one of the important source of information in GIS system and remote sensing applications . Remote sensing classification map is a special type of the commonly used remote sensing data .