
  • 网络Automatic summarization;No auto-summary
  1. 基于XML的CAPP自动汇总研究

    The study of the automatic collect in CAPP system based on XML

  2. CAPP系统中自动汇总的研究与实现

    The Study and Implement of the Automatic Collect in CAPP System

  3. 基于Web应用程序,用户通过浏览器,直接或通过语义层使用数据源,完成各种报表的设计,生成报表模板及数据自动汇总。

    Based on the Web application , the users can use the data source to achieve the reports design , generate the reports template and data auto-summary directly or by the semantic layer on Web browser .

  4. 并将查询结果自动汇总以图表的方式直观显示。

    And query results are automatically summarized graphically intuitive display .

  5. 同时给出了自动汇总流程图。

    The automatic collecting flow chart is given .

  6. 它可以从网络上的文字,并自动汇总高飞的。

    It can take text from the Web and automatically summarize it on the fly .

  7. 如果自动汇总选项不可用,那么要保证事实查询是全面的。

    If the auto summarize option is not available then ensure the fact query is consolidated .

  8. 同时,该模块实现了对用款计划的自动汇总打印以及批复接收操作。

    At the same time , this module implements to cash plan automatic summary print and rights to receive operation .

  9. 自动汇总的任务则是在指定的产品结构树中找到有效的汇总数据源卡片,解释和执行汇总定义。

    The task of automatic collecting is finding valid collecting data source card in product tree , interpreting and executing collecting definition .

  10. 检验站采用信息传输无纸化方便了检验过程信息的记录、传递和共享,并最终自动汇总所有检验结果形成检验报告单。

    Paperless information transfer mission is convenient to record transfer and share during the inspection , it also automatically collect all inspection results and generate inspection report at last .

  11. 各基层单位可登录系统,方便而快速地在线申购所需后勤物资,系统自动汇总各单位物资申购信息并统一向供货商订购,由供应商配送物资到各单位。

    All grass-roots units can login system to apply for order logistic material conveniently and rapidly . Then , the system will collect all order information and send it to supplier .

  12. 检测结果由计算机自动记录、汇总、分析,提高了质量管理的水平。

    The measurement data can be recorded , collected and analyzed automatically , which greatly improve the quality control .

  13. 柴油发电机组图纸明细表的自动生成与分类汇总

    Automatic produce and classify on list of diesel motor generator drawing

  14. 目前不少企业的计量数据采集、汇总还停留在手工处理状态,而在当前技术条件和市场经济规律的环境下,生产数据的自动采集、联网汇总与管理,是实现企业现代化管理的必经之路。

    Under the present technical situation and market economy environment , production automatic data acquisition , sum up and management on net instead of manual operation is the only way for realization of modem enterprise management .

  15. 数据挖掘的主要作用是实现对数据的自动分析、自动分类、自动汇总和自动发现。

    The main function of data mining is to realize the auto-analysis , auto-sort , auto-collect and auto-discovery from data .