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日历 [rì lì]
  • [calendar] 按照一年的时间以每天一页表示;对每月的每天确定星期几;经常还给出重要的天文资料;有时注明节日、假日以及与特定日有关的其他事件的册子

日历[rì lì]
  1. 上面的墙上挂着日历,日期上画着大大的方框。

    There was a calendar on the wall above , with large squares around the dates .

  2. 我已在日历上记下了聚会的日子。

    I have marked down the date of the party on my calendar .

  3. 他划去日历上的日期。

    He marked off the days on a calendar

  4. 向导程序和模板可以帮助你创建手册、日历和网页。

    Wizards and templates can help you create brochures , calendars , and Web pages .

  5. 一般人不会去研究他们最喜欢的日历软件是否适合他们的冰箱,或者他们的洗衣机是否和平板电脑兼容。

    No average person wants to figure out whether their favorite calendar software works with their fridge or whether their washing machine and tablet get along .

  6. ¨也许他们童年时代的某种经历使得他们着迷于日历和发生过的事情,”帕特西斯说。

    " Maybe some experience in their childhood meant that they became obsessed with calendars and what happened to them , " says Patihis .

  7. 内战前,学校按两个日历中的其中一个运作,但它们都没有设置暑假。

    Before the Civil War , schools operated on one of two calendars , neither of which included a summer vacation .

  8. 然而,在19世纪40年代,出于对农村教育不足以及儿童过度使用大脑可能导致神经紊乱的担忧,教育改革家,如霍勒斯·曼,将这两个日历结合了起来。

    In the 1840s , however , educational reformers like Horace Mann moved to combine the two calendars out of concern that rural schooling was not enough and that overusing of young minds could lead to nervous disorders .

  9. 夏天似乎显然是休息时间:它让教师可以休息,符合农事日历,也减轻了医生对把学生塞进炎热的教室会促进疾病传播的担忧。

    Summer appeared as the obvious time for a break : it offered a rest for teachers , fit in the farming calendar and reduced doctors ' concern that packing students into hot classrooms would promote the spread of disease .

  10. 古代的学者认为,各个天体的位置及其反应在日历上的某个日子会对人类生活产生巨大的影响。

    Ancient scholars believed that the position of the planets and hence the dates have a great influence on human lives .

  11. 随着打车软件愈发智能,专家预测,今后的打车软件将可与社交网站和用户日历实现同步,以为乘客提供更加便捷且个人化的定制服务。智能出租车将崛起。

    As taxi apps become smarter , experts predict they will sync with social networks and calendars to provide an even more efficient and tailored service to their passengers . Here comes the rise of the smart taxi .

  12. 将日历更改更新到project时出错。

    Error updating calendar changes to project .

  13. 呈现日历Web服务和样式表层

    Render the calendar Web service and style sheet layer

  14. 它提供即时消息、Web会议、共享日历计划,等等。

    It provides instant messaging , Web conferencing , shared calendar scheduling , and more .

  15. 例如,工作组网站包含通知、日历和链接web部件。

    For example , a team site includes announcements , calendar , and links web parts .

  16. PLC日历时钟功能在灯饰控制系统中的应用

    Application of Clocking Function of PLC in Lighting Decoration Control System

  17. 然后我又有了另外一个页面,能将XML转换回日历条目。

    Then , I have another page that turns that XML back into calendar items .

  18. 指定日历Feed用户功能需求

    Specify the calendar feed user functional requirements

  19. 可以更改电子邮件、新闻组、日历和Internet呼叫使用的默认程序。

    You can change the default programs you use for e-mail , newsgroups , your calendar , and Internet calls .

  20. 我有了一个脚本,能读取带有日历条目的页面并将这些条目导出为XML。

    I have one script that reads a page with calendar items and exports it as XML .

  21. 无法切换到outlook日历。

    Unable to switch to the outlook calendar .

  22. 一张空的outlook日历才是一名的高效“懒人”的本色。

    An empty outlook calendar is the true sign of a highly effective slacker .

  23. 但是,在HTML中,没有时间或日历控制。

    But in HTML , there is no Time or Calendar control .

  24. 当添加一个假日组时,Notes将每一个假日作为纪念日添加到日历。

    When you add a set , Notes adds each holiday to the Calendar as an anniversary .

  25. 首先开发了一个简单的日历XML规范,然后逐步地添加附加的聚合XML规范层。

    Initially a simple calendar XML specification was developed , then layers of additional aggregate XML specifications were added over time .

  26. 观察web/html/navigation.xml中的navigation.xml文件,可以发现日历视图的以下xml代码

    File in web / html / navigation . xml , you 'll find the following xml code for the calendar views

  27. 描述:日历是动态对象,它可以表示为包含month和day标记的一个动态XML文档。

    Description : A calendar is dynamic object that can be represented as a dynamic XML document that contains month and day tags .

  28. 这一层包括用于将日历Web服务转换为HTML规范的预定义样式表规范。

    This layer consists of a predefined style sheet specification for the purposes of transforming the calendar Web service into HTML specifications .

  29. 创建日历小部件的另一种方法是使用dijit.Calendar。

    Another way to generate a calendar widget is to use the dijit . _Calendar .

  30. 建立了基于Web技术的海军飞机腐蚀数据库,对数据库中的腐蚀数据,应用统计的方法给出了日历寿命参数,供部队参考使用。

    The corrosive data-base of navy aircraft is established based on Web technology . The corrosive data can be analyzed statistically and use for the maintenance of aircraft structures .