
rì yuán
  • yen
日元 [rì yuán]
  • (1) [yen]

  • (2) 日本货币基本单位

  • (3) 代表一日元的硬币或钞票

日元[rì yuán]
  1. 在今天的交易中,美元对日元的汇率保持稳定。

    In trading today the dollar held steady against the yen .

  2. 日元对美元的比价已跌至空前的低点。

    The yen has fallen to an all-time low against the dollar .

  3. 欧元对美元依然坚挺,但对日元的汇率则下跌。

    The euro remained firm against the dollar , but fell against the yen .

  4. 星期二的大赢家为索尼公司,其股票上涨至9,070日元的高点。

    Tuesday 's notable gainer was Sony , which reached a high of 9,070 yen .

  5. 她有一份月收入2,000日元的兼职工作。

    She 's got a part-time job for which she earns 2,000 yen a month .

  6. 年初以来美元对日元的汇价一路下泻。

    Since the beginning of the year , there have been sharp drops in the dollar-yen conversion rate .

  7. 这项服务的价格为1555000日元(约合人民币9.3万元),含税。

    The airline is offering the service for 1555000 yen ( $ 14300 ) , including tax .

  8. 1923年出生于秋田县大馆市的这只小狗,以当时30日元的价格被东京大学的农业系教授上野英三郎买下,当时的他正好在寻找一只纯种的秋田犬。

    He was born in Odate City in Akita Prefecture in 1923 , the newborn pup was sold for ¥ 30 ( a sizeable sum at the time ) to Hidesaburo Ueno , an agricultural scientist at the University of Tokyo who was looking for a pure-bred Akita-inu ( 'Akita dog ' ) .

  9. 具体政策包括:年通货膨胀率达到2%,抑制日元过度升值,制定负利率,量化宽松,扩大公共投资,日本银行购买建设性国债,以及修订《日本央行法》。

    Specific policies include inflation targeting at a 2 % annual rate , correction of the excessive yen3 appreciation4 , setting negative interest rates , radical5 quantitative6 easing , expansion of public investment , buying operations of construction bonds by Bank of Japan ( BOJ ) , and revision of the Bank of Japan Act .

  10. 日本央行(bankofjapan)会不会在日本财务省(ministryoffinance)的命令下作出类似举动,遏制日元的升值?

    Would the Bank of Japan , under orders from the Ministry of finance , respond in kind to limit gains in the yen ?

  11. 卡片A的Result字段包含以美元计价的股票报价,而卡片B的Result字段则包含从美元到日元的兑换比率。

    The Result field in Card A contains the stock quote in dollars , and the Result field in Card B contains the currency conversion rate from dollars to yen .

  12. 远离战场6年之久的日本央行(BankofJapan)连续出手干涉,在外汇市场上压低日元汇率。

    The Bank of Japan , after six years off the battlefield , has launched a fusillade of intervention to hold down the yen in foreign exchange markets .

  13. 交易员们猜测,负责汇率决策的财务省将指示日本央行(bankofjapan)抛售日元,以遏制其升势。

    Traders speculated that the Ministry of finance which makes decisions on the currency would instruct the Bank of Japan to sell yen in order to stem its rise .

  14. 小松公司还计划在2020年之前投资300至400亿日元重建老化的厂房,建造使用LED照明设施,从而能节约能源的工厂和办公室。

    Komatsu also plans to invest 30-40 billion yen by 2020 to rebuild its aging plants and replace them with factories and offices that can save energy by employing LED lighting .

  15. 东京基金经理和分析师称,日本散户和机构投资者近日无视市场对于全球日元利差交易(carrytrade)一直在平仓的担忧,依然将资金投向海外。

    Japanese retail and institutional investors have continued to put money overseas in recent days , defying concerns that the global yen carry trade has been unwinding , according to fund managers and analysts in Tokyo .

  16. 惨痛的地震和强势的日元使得本田(Honda)和丰田(Toyota)这样的大型公司损失惨重。

    A tragic earthquake and a steroidal yen have wreaked havoc on the bottom lines of major firms Honda and Toyota .

  17. 日本对华ODA的主要形式有日元贷款、无偿援助和技术援助。

    Japanese ODA to china include Japanese yen loan , grants and technical assistance .

  18. 据第一生命研究所(Dai-IchiLifeResearchInstitute)的一位经济学家提供的数据,日本活跃的性产业产值10年前为1.7万亿日元,2001年上升到了2.3万亿日元。

    Japan 's live sex industry brought in 2.3 trillion yen in 2001 , up from 1.7 trillion 10 years earlier , according to an economist at the Dai-ichi Life Research Institute .

  19. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)估计,日元兑欧元低估了约13%,兑美元低估了7%。

    Goldman Sachs estimates that the yen is about 13 per cent undervalued against the euro and by 7 per cent against the dollar .

  20. 但大多数外部请求(尤其是关于日元libor)要经过交易商间经纪商。

    But the vast majority of external requests , particularly for yen LIBOR , went through the interdealer brokers .

  21. 其一,按照巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)的计算,瑞士法郎是与合理币值偏差最大的货币,而日元并非特别强势。

    The first is that , unlike the Swiss franc , which is the currency furthest from its fair value , on Barclays Capital calculations , the Japanese yen is not particularly strong .

  22. 当然它的价格同样让人瞠目:每台LFA的售价为3750万日元(即35万美元)。

    The price is equally jaw dropping : 37.5 million yen or $ 350,000 .

  23. 自从日本在上世纪80年代收购洛克菲勒中心(theRockefellerCenter)以来,无所不能的日元和日本企业的收购还从未在美国本土产生如此强烈的反响。

    Not since Japan snapped up the Rockefeller Center in the 1980s has the power of a mighty yen and an acquisitive Japan Inc. reverberated so strongly in the United States .

  24. “仅仅由于日本遭受了重大自然灾害,并不意味着日元会贬值,”野村证券(NomuraSecurities)分析师上周日在发送给客户的报告中指出。

    " Just because Japan has suffered substantial damages does not mean that the yen will weaken , " analysts at Nomura Securities wrote in a note to clients Sunday .

  25. 当前各类产品市场的竞争比以往任何时候都激烈,同时日元汇率自套利交易(carrytrade)消失以来不断走强套利交易在日元被视为廉价融资工具时期极为盛行。

    This is at a time when competition in all product markets has never been stronger and Japan is coping with a currency that has strengthened since the disappearance of the carry trades that flourished when the yen was seen as a cheap funding vehicle .

  26. 日本财务大臣尾身幸次(kojiomi)表示,在埃森举行的会议上,欧洲国家表达了对日元的担忧。

    European countries voiced concern about the yen at the meeting in Essen , said koji Omi , the Japanese finance minister .

  27. 美元投资者能立刻实现储备货币多样化,因为SDR由一篮子货币组成,其中包括美元、欧元、日元和英镑。

    Dollar investors would obtain instant diversification because SDRs are made up of a basket of currencies the dollar , the euro , the yen and sterling .

  28. 银行监管放松加上受到g7支持的日元急剧升值,拉开了日本泡沫最后疯狂的大幕。

    It was the combination of banking deregulation and the g7-sanctioned surge in the yen that ushered in the final manic stage of the Japanese bubble .

  29. SDR并不是真正的货币,而是由美元、欧元、日元和英镑等一揽子货币确定其价值的记账单位。

    S.D.R. 's aren 't real money . They 're accounting units whose value is set by a basket of dollars , euros , Japanese yen and British pounds .

  30. 穆迪(Moody's)将日本的信用评级下调一级,降至A1级,这一级别在投资级评级里只排第五。此举令日元兑美元汇率跌至新的七年内最低点。

    Moody 's has cut Japan 's credit rating one notch to A1 – only the fifth-best investment grade - sending the yen to a new seven year low against the dollar .