
  • 网络pandemic;Pandemic Influenza;pandemic flu
  1. 谭德塞形容说,疫苗的快速发展就好像大流行期间的一剂“强心针”。他表示,虽然近50个富裕国家已接种3900万剂疫苗,但一个最低收入国家只得到25剂。

    Describing the rapid development of vaccines as a literal and figurative " shot in the arm " during the pandemic , Tedros reported that while 39 million doses have been administered in nearly 50 richer countries , only 25 have been given in one lowest income nation .

  2. 福田敬二称,H5N1病毒最令人担忧,因为它可能造成流感大流行。

    Fukuda described H5N1 as raising the biggest concern about causing a pandemic .

  3. 在疫情大流行之前,很多人都处于停滞状态。

    Plenty were stalling before the pandemic .

  4. 在2009年H1N1流感大流行中也观察到这一现象。

    This phenomenon has also been observed for the pandemic ( H1N1 ) 2009 .

  5. 他们根据2009年H1N1流感大流行期间做出的决定展开工作。

    They organized their work according to decisions taken during the H1N1 ( 2009 ) pandemic .

  6. 普遍认为引起肆虐全球的HIV/AIDS大流行的病原体HIV是不可治愈并且是致命的。

    It is generally held that HIV , the causative agent of the rampaging global HIV / AIDS pandemic , is incurable and uniformly fatal .

  7. 这些改进是一种永久的力量,无论H5N1病毒是否引起下一次疾病大流行。

    These improvements are a permanent strength , whether this H5N1 virus causes the next pandemic or not .

  8. 在大流行后时期,不同程度的局部疫情可能会显示出H1N1流感的高度传播情况。

    In the post-pandemic period , localized outbreaks of different magnitude may show significant levels of H1N1 transmission .

  9. 这些危机可能是新发传染病造成的,比如严重急性呼吸道综合征(SARS),或者一场新的人类流感大流行。

    Such crises can result from emerging infections like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ( SARS ), or a new human influenza pandemic .

  10. 由EdwardBelongia医生领导的美国一份新的研究将这种大流行流感与季节性流感的特点进行了对比。

    A new U.S. study led by Dr. Edward Belongia compares the s of the pandemic flu to the seasonal flu .

  11. 单价(单个病毒)大流行性疫苗只针对H1N1病毒起到保护作用。

    The monovalent ( single virus ) pandemic vaccine will only protect against the H1N1 ( 2009 ) virus .

  12. 导致1918年大流行的流感病毒被确定为A型H1N1亚型。

    The influenza virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic was identified as being a Type A , H1N1 subtype .

  13. 1918年上一次H1N1大流行开始时致病程度较轻,而它的第二波非常严重。

    In1918 , the last pandemic H1N1 started out mild , but its second wave was much more severe .

  14. 问:甲型H1N1大流行性流感首剂疫苗何时投入使用?

    Q : When will the first doses of vaccine for the pandemic influenza A ( H1N1 ) be ready ?

  15. 除了免疫功能低下的患者外,受到对奥司他韦具有耐药性的H1N1大流行性流感病毒感染者显示典型的简单流感症状。

    Except for immunocompromised patients , those infected with an oseltamivir-resistant pandemic H1N1 virus have experienced typical uncomplicated influenza symptoms .

  16. 针对高致病性禽流感病毒A亚型H5N1可能导致的流感大流行的准备已经成为全球最优先考虑的事情。

    Preparedness for a possible influenza pandemic caused by highly pathogenic avian influenza A subtype H5N1 has become a global priority .

  17. 他参加了多次现场调查,包括H5N1禽流感最早期的暴发和严重急性呼吸道综合征的出现。他广泛参与了应对当前H1N1流感大流行的工作。

    He has participated in many field investigations including the earliest outbreaks of avian H5N1 influenza and the emergence of SARS .

  18. 这些措施包括在适当并可用时,继续使用2009年H1N1大流行流感和季节性流感疫苗。

    Such measures include the continued use of H1N1 ( 2009 ) pandemic or seasonal influenza vaccines where appropriate and available .

  19. 目前没有证据说明大流行性H1N1病毒对抗病毒药物已形成广泛的耐药性。

    At this time , there is no evidence to indicate the development of widespread antiviral resistance among pandemic H1N1 viruses .

  20. 世界卫生组织称,新出现的甲型H1N1流感病毒造成21世纪第一次疾病大流行。

    The new H1N1 influenza virus has caused the first pandemic of the21st century , according to the World Health Organization .

  21. H1N1流感大流行的特点是出现新的流感病毒,而许多人对其并没有预先存在的免疫力。

    The H1N1 pandemic was characterized by the emergence of a new influenza virus to which many people had no pre-existing immunity .

  22. 2009年H1N1流感大流行是自经修订的《国际卫生条例》生效以来发生的第一起引起国际关注的突发公共卫生事件。

    The pandemic H1N1 is the first public health emergency of international concern to occur since the revised IHR came into force .

  23. 今天,世卫组织公布了治疗感染了甲型H1N1大流行性流感病毒病人的抗病毒药物使用指南。

    WHO is today issuing guidelines for the use of antivirals in the management of patients infected with the H1N1 pandemic virus .

  24. 需要创新以便跟上新疾病的出现,包括新的H1N1病毒引起的大流行性流感。

    Innovation is needed to keep pace with the emergence of new diseases , including pandemic influenza caused by the new H1N1 virus .

  25. A类群的5个质粒谱型在河南引起医院内感染的大流行;A6质粒谱型还在新疆和安徽分离到;

    Five plasmid profile types of Group A caused a big prevalence of nosocomial infection in Henan .

  26. 在大流行之前,世卫组织已制定了关于H5N1禽流感病毒造成严重流感感染的治疗指南。

    Prior to the pandemic , WHO had developed guidelines for the treatment of severe influenza infections caused by the avian H5N1 influenza virus .

  27. “我们确实不知道死亡率,我们确实不知道哪个年龄组受影响。”伦敦卫生学和热带医学院的卫生政策讲师、大流行预防专家SandraMounier-Jack说。

    Lecturer in health policy and expert in pandemic preparedness at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine .

  28. 秘书处向突发事件委员会介绍了全球H1N1大流行性流感的流行病学概况和最新情况。

    The Emergency Committee was given an epidemiological overview and update of the global H1N1 ( 2009 ) pandemic influenza situation by the secretariat .

  29. 对奥司他韦具有耐药性的病毒仍是零星和罕见的,而且并无证据表明对奥司他韦具有耐药性的H1N1大流行性流感病毒正在社区或全球范围内传播。

    Cases of oseltamivir-resistant viruses continue to be sporadic and infrequent , with no evidence that oseltamivir-resistant pandemic H1N1 viruses are circulating within communities or worldwide .

  30. 由于大流行性流感与许多常见传染病具有类似的迹象和症状,医生常常不认为是H1N1感染,也不进行检测。

    As pandemic influenza mimics the signs and symptoms of many common infectious diseases , doctors often do not suspect H1N1 infection and do not test .