
  • 网络Mainland policy;Continent Policy;Kontinental Politik;Napoleon Continental System
  1. 甲午战争是一场日本的“大陆政策”挑战中朝宗藩关系的侵略战争。

    Jiawu war was a aggressive war that Japanese continent policy challenged the suerian-vassal system .

  2. 而在日本国内,在帝国主义扩张性的驱使下,以侵略朝鲜和中国为中心的大陆政策亦成型。

    Pushed by the expansive attribution of imperialism , in Japan nation wide the Continent Policy which concentrated on invading Korea and China got mature .

  3. 论日本大陆政策与俄国远东政策

    On Japan 's Continental Policy and Russia 's Far East Policy

  4. 至此大陆政策完全形成。

    Till then , the Japanese China Policy was completely formed .

  5. 德国首相俾斯麦一贯以其大陆政策著称,而事实上,他对德国的海外殖民扩张也起到了关键的作用。

    German prime minister Bismarck was famous for his " Continental Policy " .

  6. 大陆政策专家表示,台湾新政府也可能会对大陆进口产品采取保守策略。

    China policy experts said the incoming government was also likely to take a conservative approach on Chinese imports .

  7. 19世纪末20世纪初,帝俄极力要成为远东地区的霸主,日本则在大陆政策的指导之下,觊觎中国的东北地区。

    From the end of 19 century and the start of 20 century , Russian imperialist tried to control the far-east area .

  8. 我们确切地知道,就是扬子江下游和南方各港口,都已经包括在日本帝国主义的大陆政策之内。

    We definitely know that the lower Yangtse valley and our southern seaports are already included in the continental programme of Japanese imperialism .

  9. 大陆政策对台商投资发展策略市场进入风险衡量与企业投资绩效之关系实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Association among China Policy to Taiwanese Firms ' Strategy of Investment Development 、 Market Entry Mode 、 Risk Analysis and Enterprise Investment Performance

  10. 摘要采取对华走私的“特殊贸易”,是日本政府一贯推行的“大陆政策”的重要环节和必要补充。

    " Special trade " which involved smuggling towards China was one important part as well as the essential supplement of the " mainland policy " carried out by the Japanese government .

  11. 日本大陆政策与俄国远东政策均形成于19世纪,并分别被两国确定为基本国策。

    Both Japan 's continental policy and Russia 's Far East policy were formed in 19 century , and both of them were taken as the key national policies in each country .

  12. 近代以来,日俄分别制定了以朝鲜和中国东北为主要目标的大陆政策远东政策。

    In modern times , Japan and Russia set up " Continent Policy " " Far East Policy " respectively , which both regarded Korea and Manchuria as their major conquerable objections .

  13. 建立满洲国傀儡政权是日本帝国主义推进大陆政策的重要步骤,标志着日本整个侵略目标的初步实现。

    The estabilishment of " manchukuo " puppet regime was an important step for Japanese imperialism to impel the " mainland policy ", which indicated the initial implementation of the whole aggression ambition .

  14. 但是以大陆政策为代表的扩张思想并未消亡,右翼思潮的不断沉渣泛起就是明证,中国和亚洲各国必须努力发展自己,只有自强,才是御侮之道。

    Expansion of thinking did not die . Right-wing thinking of continuous rise again is evidence . China and other Asian countries must strive to develop themselves , and only self-improvement , is the Road of Defense .

  15. 1868年,日本开始了明治维新,随之推行大陆政策,逐渐走上了近代化道路,并开始了对东方弱小国家和民族的侵略扩张。

    1868 , Japan began the Meiji Restoration , and the consequent implementation of the policy , gradually embarked on the path of modern technology , and began a small country and nation to the East of aggression and expansion .

  16. 而旨在对中国及亚太地区进行扩张侵略的大陆政策,又与美国在这一地区实行的传统政策&门户开放政策产生了冲突。

    Yet the Continent Policy that which purpose was to expand in China and the whole Asia and Pacific area had a conflict with the Open Door Policy which was the traditional policy of the United States in the same area .

  17. 九一八事变到卢沟桥事变期间,日本帝国主义以其大陆政策为指导,对中国采取蚕食政策,逐渐加紧其侵略的步伐,从而造成了一个又一个的侵略事件。

    During the period from the September 18 Incident to the Lugou Bridge Incident , under the guide of the Continent Policy , the Japanese Imperialists accelerated steps to invade China by means of encroachment , and then resulted in a series of aggressive incident .

  18. 但大体上整个大陆殖民政策的持续时间还是相当长的。

    But on a whole , colonialism for the entire continent lasted only so long .

  19. 你觉得政府还有多少空间来改善目前的大陆移民政策?

    To what extent do you think HKSAR government can take measures to better manage this immigrant issue ?

  20. 但是,经济全球化和市场一体化是大势所趋,在市场经济规律的主导下以及大陆鼓励政策的推动下,任何阻碍和困难都是暂时的,两岸经贸的深化发展是历史必然。

    However , economic globalization and market integration are the main trend . Under the promotion of rules of market economy and continent incentives of mainland , any obstacles and difficulties are temporary and the deepening of cross-strait trade and economic development is historically inevitable .

  21. 2008年大陆对台政策的完善和发展

    Improvement and Development of Chinese Mainland 's Policy towards Taiwan in 2008

  22. 大陆的开放政策,创造了良好的市场环境;

    The open policy of the mainland creates a fertile market environment .

  23. 一九九八年至今的四年中,大陆宏观经济政策的操作,基本上属于凯恩斯的需求管理,侧重于短期内应付总需求不足。

    During the last four years the mainland 's macroeconomic policy has been basically Keynesian 's demand management to due to short-term aggregate demand .

  24. 但根据大陆的现行政策,发展速度不会慢,距离正在缩小。

    But with the implementation of our present policy on the mainland , the growth rate will be rapid and the gap will be narrowed .

  25. 3月22日的总统大选将产生一位新领导人,我们预计,最起码他的立场会软化,最好的话,他可能扭转十年来与反大陆的经济政策。

    The March 22 presidential election will bring in a new leader who we expect to at least soften and at best reverse the anti-China economic policies of [ a ] decade .

  26. 正如拉加德在柏林所言:如果诉诸于全盘、泛欧洲大陆的预算削减政策,只会加大衰退压力。

    As Ms Lagarde said in Berlin : Resorting to across-the-board , across-the-continent , budgetary cuts will only add to recessionary pressures .

  27. 摘要在构建社会主义和谐社会的进程中,宽严相济成为中国大陆基本的刑事政策。

    In the process of constructing the socialist harmonious society , the criminal policy of " tempering justice with mercy " has become the basic criminal policy in the mainland .

  28. 自中国大陆实行改革开放政策以来,城乡发生了巨大的变化,各地经济有了突飞猛进的发展,乡村城镇化,各地工业园、科技园区如火如荼地建立起来了,并在不断的增加数量、扩大规模。

    Since China adopted the policy of reform and opening to the outside world , with the rapid development of local economies , rural urbanization , local industrial park , technology park built up in full swing , and continued to increase in the number of expansion .

  29. 随着国际和国内形势的发展变化,人民币将来的趋势如何,文中进行了详细的分析后指出,只要有利于祖国大陆整体发展就是政策最佳选择方向。

    With the development and change of international and domestic situations , how about the trend of RMB ? This is analyzed in detail in the paper , which proposes that the policy is the best choice as long as it is beneficial to the development of the whole mainland .

  30. 由于此一时期东亚大陆局势的变动,在朝鲜半岛的高丽政权,其对大陆政策亦陷入两难的抉择,面临着不断调整的局面。

    Because the political situation of the East Asia mainland fluctuates at this time , the political power of Korea in Korean peninsula , it also sinks into two difficult choices to the mainland policy and faces the adjustment continuously .