
nà cuì dǎnɡ
  • the Nazi Party
  1. 纳粹党的高员们也都到场了。

    And high officials of the Nazi party were all over .

  2. 纳粹党就是一个大型的德国三K党。

    The Nazi Party is an enormous German Ku Klux Klan .

  3. 我相信德国纳粹党人心目中的上帝一定也带着B字的臂章。

    I am quite sure the Nazis can 't conceive of God without a swastika arm-band .

  4. 你需要一个希特勒的纳粹党政治格局领袖服务大衣模型1939年,白外套的服务SS或一种模式的?

    Do you need a pattern for the NSDAP Political Leader Service Overcoat model of1939 , or a pattern for the White Service Jacket for a SS-F ü hrer ?

  5. 我们对于3K党、美国纳粹党以及其他组织就采取了措施。

    And we have done so on the KKK and the American Nazi Party and others .

  6. 利用可憎的意象,比如可能与3K党有关的意象,或是与美国纳粹党有关的。

    using hateful imagery that might be associated with the KKK or the American Nazi Party .

  7. 它也是一种奇怪的说法——那些参加纽伦堡党代会(NurembergRallies,1923至1938年期间纳粹党一年一度的集会——译者注)的人、“雅各宾专政”(ReignofTerror)时期那些在囚车旁欢呼的人,都根本毫无判断力。

    And a strange one - the crowds that attended the Nuremberg Rallies , or cheered the tumbrils of the Reign of Terror , were anything but wise .

  8. 因为光头纳粹党对他大叫的时候他表现得很愤怒吗

    Because he looked irritated when some skinhead yelled at it ?

  9. 纳粹党消灭了好多犹太小孩的生命。

    The Nazis snuffed out the life of many Jewish children .

  10. 你什么时候成为纳粹党成员的?

    When did you become a member of the Nazi party ?

  11. 随后,纳粹党所用的十字记号被十字架替代。

    Subsequently , the Swastika was replaced by the Cross .

  12. 我再也不是纳粹党的成员了!

    I was never a member of the Nazi party !

  13. 它的中央画有一个巨大的纳粹党的党徽。

    In its centre was painted a huge Nazi swastika .

  14. 你应该知道纳粹党会给德国带来灾难。

    You could see that national socialism was Ieading Germany to disaster .

  15. 最新的研究结果也指出,许多纳粹党人其实都留在了西班牙。

    New research suggests that many , indeed , stayed .

  16. 他在柏林的住宅曾遭纳粹党人洗劫。

    His house in Berlin was ransacked by the Nazis .

  17. 与论坛相关的活动包括一场记录纳粹党大会会场(Parteitagsgel渀搀攀)变化的展览。

    One of the forum-related events is an exhibit that traces the Parteitagsgel

  18. 所有德国人在1933年都加入纳粹党吗?

    Were all German nationals forced to become Nazi Party members in1933 ?

  19. 和纳粹党做生意发大财。

    Doing business with the Nazis during the holocaust .

  20. 纳粹党掠夺了数十万记的艺术品。

    The Nazis looted hundreds of thousands of artworks .

  21. 纳粹党和德意志第三帝国的正式徽章。

    The official emblem of the Nazi Party and the German Third Reich .

  22. (根据纳粹党的学说)具有日尔曼人血统的非犹太高加索人。

    ( according to Nazi doctrine ) a non-Jewish Caucasian person of Nordic descent .

  23. 戈林将军穿的是目前最显赫的纳粹党人穿的褐色便制服。

    He was in the plain brown uniform which most prominent Nazis now wear .

  24. 而其国民性又是导致纳粹党上台的重要因素。

    Its national nature was the important factor which led to reign of Nazi .

  25. 但是纳粹党给的条件太好。

    But the Nazis paid too well .

  26. 1919年的今天,“为德国工人和平自由委员会”成立,后来成为了纳粹党。

    1919-Free Committee for a German Workers'Peace founded , which would become the Nazi party .

  27. 是的,我确信我可以在反犹太人的纳粹党的宣传里找到相似的论调。

    Yeah , I definitely can see this in a Nazi propaganda against the Jews .

  28. 纳粹党人拿我们做实验。

    The Nazis were testing us .

  29. 由于他的帮助,纳粹党摆脱了受歧视的窘况。

    As a result of his help , the Nazi party got rid of its discrimination .

  30. 然而丘吉尔不惜代价战胜纳粹党,我指不惜任何代价。

    However , Churchill would defeat the Nazis at any cost , and we mean any .