
  • 网络Midway;The Battle of Midway
  1. 这种狂妄的幻想使他在中途岛战役中一无作为。

    This delusory vision kept him out of action at Midway .

  2. 中途岛战役开始于1942年6月3日。

    The Battle of Midway began on June 3 , 1942 .

  3. 1942年6月,日本人就已经在有决定意义的中途岛战役中失利。

    Already , in June 1942 , the Japanese had lost the decisive Battle of Midway .

  4. 转折点出现在1942年的6月太平洋中部的中途岛战役。

    The turning point came in June nineteen forty-two in the central Pacific in the great battle of Midway Island .

  5. 对军队来说,由长期的战争环境转入和平环境,这是个最大的不同。转折点出现在1942年的6月太平洋中部的中途岛战役。

    So far as our army is concerned , this change is most significant . The turning point came in June nineteen forty-two in the central Pacific in the great battle of Midway Island .

  6. 被公认为日美两国战事转捩点的中途岛战役只占了两页的篇幅,一些其他内容的细节却太多:一连串的将领、军队和战役如走马灯似地出现。

    The battle of Midway , arguably the defining naval engagement between Japan and America , gets two pages . At other times , there is too much detail : a succession of generals , armies and battles come and go .