
  • 网络Anti fascist alliance;Anti-Fascist League
  1. 抗战胜利的主要原因是建立了以国共合作为主要内容的抗日民族统一战线和得到了国际反法西斯同盟国的大力支援。

    The main reasons of the victory were the construction of united line with Kuomintang and CPC and efforts from the international anti-fascist allay .

  2. 法国败降以后,法西斯集团最终结成军事同盟,但国际反法西斯同盟也趋向形成;

    After the defeat and capitulation of France , Fascist states had formed aggressive military alliance , and the international anti Fascist alliance was also forming ;

  3. 所幸,苏德战争爆发后,遭受法西斯侵略的国家最终走到了一起,世界反法西斯同盟的建立,标志着世界历史翻开了新的篇章。

    Fortunately , when Soviet-German War broke out , those country invaded by Fascist finally came tighter . As the anti-fascist alliance was established , the world history opened a new chapter .

  4. 二战最终以反法西斯同盟的胜利而宣告结束,虽然最终战胜了法西斯集团,但是在战争中也暴露出了军种协作、卫生保障、战略原则、军事结构等各方面很多的问题。

    The war ended with the victory of anti-fascism allies . But there also emerged problems in the aspects of coordination between different forces , health security , strategy principle and military structure .

  5. 迪克在书中假设二战有了另外一种结局,反法西斯同盟被打败,全北美洲都被日本帝国和纳粹德国所征服,接下来这两大轴心国之间便开始冷战。

    Dick postulates an alternate ending to the Second World War , one which witnessed the defeat of the Allies , the conquest of the American continent by the Japanese Empire and Nazi Germany , and the subsequent Cold War fought between the two new Axis Powers .

  6. 反法西斯大同盟的主要领导人在第二次世界大战中后期所建立的雅尔塔体系,不仅具有大国强权政治的深深烙印,而且成为冷战爆发的地缘政治基础。

    The Yalta System , set up by the Big Three-Roosevelt , Churchill and stalin , was characteristic of power politics , and it laid a geopolitical foundation for the cold war .