
  1. 1798年,他加入了第二次反法同盟,但是他再次被打败,并且最终同意了在实质上解散神圣罗马帝国。

    In1798 , he joined the Second Coalition against France , but he was again defeated and eventually consented to the virtual dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire .

  2. 在成为一名指挥官之前,他是一位外交家。当之后不得不维持军事上的反法同盟时,指挥官的较色显然很有效。

    He was a diplomat before he became a commander , something that proved useful later when he had to keep together the coalition of armies ranged against France .

  3. 卡斯尔雷又从英国的长远利益出发,力促反法同盟与法国签订温和宽大的《巴黎和约》,并大力支持波旁王朝复辟。

    For the long term interest of britain , he urges the alliance countries to conclude the Paris Treaty that is mild and lenient to France and actively support Bourbon restoration .

  4. 西欧中世纪后期社会力量重组与新型君主国的建立它与欧洲的封建君主国们结成反法同盟,并成为这个同盟的组织者和领导者。

    Reconstruction of Social Organizations and Establishment of New Monarchy in the Late Mediaeval West Europe It entered into an Anti-France alliance with those feudal monarchy states and became its organizer and leader .