
  • 网络poltava;Battle of Poltava
  1. 在最近莫斯科举行的波尔塔瓦会议上,俄罗斯科学院的VladimirArtamonov告诉其他历史学家,波尔塔瓦战役使乌克兰免于瑞典入侵者的袭击。

    At a recent Poltava conference in Moscow , Vladimir Artamonov of the Russian Academy of Sciences told fellow historians the battle liberated Ukraine from Swedish invaders .

  2. 波尔塔瓦战役也结束了乌克兰从俄罗斯独立出来的野心。

    Poltava also ended Ukrainian s for independence from Russia .

  3. 马泽帕的头像被印在乌克兰10格里夫纳面值的纸币上。乌克兰即将在波尔塔瓦为他揭幕一座纪念碑。

    Mazepa 's portrait appears on Ukraine 's 10-hryvna currency note , and the country will soon a monument to him in Poltava .

  4. 马泽帕是乌克兰所谓的哥萨克人的酋长,或者说哥萨克军队领袖。在俄罗斯他被认为是叛徒,背叛了对彼得大帝忠诚的誓言。彼得大帝是在波尔塔瓦战役中获胜的指挥官。

    In Russia he is considered a traitor who betrayed an oath of allegiance to Czar Peter the Great , the commander at Poltava .

  5. Artamonov称,波尔塔瓦战役对乌克兰来说并不是灾难,而是马泽帕和他的同党的灾难,他们企图使“小俄罗斯”臣服于波兰。

    Artamanov says Poltava was not a tragedy for Ukraine , but rather a tragedy for Mazepa and his followers who sought to " Little Russia " to Poland .

  6. 波尔塔瓦战役是历经了21年的北方大战的一部分。在这次战役中,俄罗斯取代瑞典成为18世纪初期北欧的强国。

    Poltava is recognized as the pivotal battle in the Great Northern War , a 21-year struggle , in which Russia replaced Sweden as the great power of Northern Europe in the early 18th century .

  7. 那天,俄罗斯在乌克兰的波尔塔瓦击败了入侵的瑞典军队。与瑞典联盟的乌克兰军队也被击败。波尔塔瓦战役不仅仅是历史,而且是莫斯科和基辅之间持续不断的摩擦的根源。

    Russia that day defeated an invading Swedish army at Poltava in Ukraine , where Ukrainian forces allied with Sweden were also vanquish ed. The Battle of Poltava is not just history , but another source of ongoing friction between Moscow and Kyiv .