
  • 网络Pomeranian;Pomerania
  1. 三天前,Angela的政府联盟在德国梅克伦堡-西波美拉尼亚的国家选举中遭到了打击。

    Three days earlier Angela Merkel 's coalition government got a drubbing in state elections in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania .

  2. 德国总理安吉拉·默克尔缺席了她在联邦议院梅克伦堡到西波美拉尼亚选区的活动。

    ANGELA MERKEL , the German chancellor , owes her seat in the Bundestag to voters in her constituency in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania .

  3. 一只重10榜,名为Sammy的波美拉尼亚犬近日被卷入了一场价值50万美元的官司中。

    A 10lb , fluffy Pomeranian dog called Sammy is at the centre of a bitter $ 500000 lawsuit 。

  4. 这南希筑路狗艺术家独特的风格色彩的生活带来了本波美拉尼亚狗的艺术。

    This unique style of dog artist Nancy Boecker brings living color to this Pomeranian dog art .

  5. 一个惊人的人一块,这将使波美拉尼亚波姆艺术爱好者在你的生活美好的,独特的礼物。

    A stunning piece in person , this Pom art would make a wonderful , unique gift for the Pomeranian lover in your life .

  6. 这华丽的白色劳拉索特卡波美拉尼亚的艺术有一个神秘的,精神的感觉差不多,你可以感觉到她的智慧的眼睛。

    This gorgeous white Pomeranian art by Laura Sotka has a mystic , almost spiritual feeling , and you can sense the wisdom in her eyes .

  7. 2017年1月,德国天气持续恶劣,在梅克伦堡-西波美拉尼亚州北部,韦森贝格和米罗之间的火车线路上,一个雪人引起了恐慌。

    As inclement weather continued to bear down on Germany in January 2017 , a snowman caused panic on a train line between Wesenberg and Mirow in the northern state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania .

  8. 在2014年,一只来自加利福尼亚洛杉矶的波美拉尼亚狗创造了两项新的世界纪录:用后腿最快步行10米(6.56秒);用前爪最快步行5米(7.76秒)。

    In 2014 , a Pomeranian dog from Los Angeles , California achieved two new world records : the fastest 10m on hind legs ( 6.56 seconds ) and fastest 5m on front paws ( 7.76 seconds ) .